Indica or Cency ?

Please explain the differance between indica and cencemillia. Are the plants different in size? Grow cycles? Is one better than the other? Are they easy to tell the difference?


Well-Known Member
you mean indica and sativa? an indica is more of a lazy "couchlock" high whereas a sativa is uplifting and energetic.


Well-Known Member
Indicas usualy produce bigger buds and sativas tend to grow lanky with small buds, I like to smoke a sativa but I'd rather grow an indica ( for ease of control).


New Member
You got your terms wrong the types are Indica (shorter bushier plants with thick dense buds) Sativa (Taller and takes longer to flower) and Ruderalis (auto-flowering).
Sinsemilla means without seeds and that is self explanatory.

I don't want to be rude but do yourself and RIU a favor. If you are planning a grow read and study the stickies and other posts on this forum first. Then you will gain more than enough knowledge to plan and start growing. Good Luck!


Well-Known Member
You got your terms wrong the strains are Indica (shorter bushier plants with thick dense buds) Sativa (Taller and takes longer to flower) and Ruderalis (auto-flowering).
Sinsemilla means without seeds and that is self explanatory.

I don't want to be rude but do yourself and RIU a favor. If you are planning a grow read and study the stickies and other posts on this forum first. Then you will gain more than enough knowledge to plan and start growing. Good Luck!
This is good info, even though the search feature here sux give it a go before asking something so basic.


Well-Known Member
Sorry for waisting your time, and thanx for the clarification.
wasn't a waste of my time in my mind brother, you have been pointed in the right direction, search the forum, its been discussed. and feel free to ask anything really, people will help no matter how basic the info is.


bud bootlegger
Sorry for waisting your time, and thanx for the clarification.
wasn't a waste of my time in my mind brother, you have been pointed in the right direction, search the forum, its been discussed. and feel free to ask anything really, people will help no matter how basic the info is.
yah m8, never think that a question of any sort is a waste of our time, that's what a lot of us are here to do, help out the newb's that maybe don't know all that we know, yet, yet being key imo...
like someone has already said, there's tons of info on this site, but sometimes the sites search function doesn't do the best of jobs... this is where google comes in handy... just ask it a question and after it simply put / roll it up, and it will direct you back to the site with an answer to your question more often than not...
and again, if you have any questions, don't be afraid to ask.. the only dumb question is the one that was never asked... :)
Thanx for your support, it is true the search fuction is a little vague. Or maybe it's just me. I look something up about plant strains and end up checking out jins new scrog. So much info to digest. The reason I ask is because I started 7 seeds. I have 1 adult 20 days into flower and I have noo idea what it might be. 6 were males and the dogs had to be put down. RIP. Is there a picture vault that I can access to compare?


New Member
Never a waste of time to help someone out. That is the main purpose of this forum. I suggest that you take some time an research the stickies on this site. Tons of great info. Then when you have specific questions about your grow, post a thread. Most will be happy to help and you will not get hassled by the trolls who will give you a hard time for not doing your own research. Good Luck my friend and +rep for taking the leap into farming!


New Member
Thanx for your support, it is true the search fuction is a little vague. Or maybe it's just me. I look something up about plant strains and end up checking out jins new scrog. So much info to digest. The reason I ask is because I started 7 seeds. I have 1 adult 20 days into flower and I have noo idea what it might be. 6 were males and the dogs had to be put down. RIP. Is there a picture vault that I can access to compare?
If you are looking to find the strain your plant is, you are not likely too find it on this or any other website. IMHO only God and/or Mother nature can tell a strain just by looking at a picture of a plant or a bud. If you post a pic I am sure we can tell you what type it is but not the strain or genetics.
It's my first grow and experimental so I don't screw up the good clones I just got. I figured if I learned on the unknown it would give me a basic knowledge on how they should look and what they might do under certain conditions. I'm just happy I had one to flower out at this point.


New Member
Beautiful girls! Apparently you have done some research! Great job. I would say she is an indica. Her leafs are more rounded than narrow that is a very good indicator of indica. I hope you like a good 'couch lock' stone cause if it is harvested and dried correctly that is what you'll get! Rock-a-bye baby! LOL!


New Member
If you don't mind I am gonna save the pic of the whole plant and use it too show newbies what they can grow by researching and doing it the right way!
Thank you soo much for your feedback. I am very (lets say) observant of my experiment. I have recieved some VERY good clones from a close friend and I would consider it an insult to let anything but good things happen to them.


Well-Known Member
Indicas are usually shorter with broader leaves, where as sativas have longer leaves and are taller and usually have more space between the branches. Most strains now are a little of both, different strains have different amounts, like 50/50, or 40/60, or 90/10. Sativas usually take longer to flower. I prefer to smoke sativa, it makes you less stoned, and more high---or at least that is how I think about it...where as indica makes you kinda calm and what not
Fox Farm Ocean Forest.
900 ppm
5.8 ph (I use drops so its close to the color on the bottle)
FloraNova + a little Floralicious + = Veg
FloraNova Bloom + a little Floralicious + = Flower (not sure how long to go yet gona start @ 57 days.)


Well-Known Member
Fox Farm Ocean Forest.
900 ppm
5.8 ph (I use drops so its close to the color on the bottle)
FloraNova + a little Floralicious + = Veg
FloraNova Bloom + a little Floralicious + = Flower (not sure how long to go yet gona start @ 57 days.)
5.8 PH is a bit low for a soil grow but dosent seem to be affecting you so im not suggesting changing it but i believe 6.8-7.0 is the "ideal" soil PH. like i said your plants look fine so i wouldnt change anything just throwing that out there :)

+ rep to you for some nice looking plants