Inda-Grow + Aquamist SoG + Vert ScroG


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Oh, I forgot this picture... I found it while cleaning for the next cycle, and started singing "I'm a survivor" by Destiny's Child.

Don't judge me. :(



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Cleaning everything else, blah blah blah...

MycoGrow arrived today, set up my tea!

5ml/Gal MycoGrow, Soluble
6ml/Gal Organicare, Seaplex
38g/Gal Progress Earth Organics, Earth Compound
4ml/Gal Progress Earth Organics, Earth Tonic
12/ml/Gal Grandma's Molasses (unsulphured)

This is it 10 minutes later (after I wrote the post).

I probably said it before, but to have it in one place:

This is a combination of the tea listed here ( and the tea used at my local hydro shop, which I ended up using during my journey through the valley of shadows. The Earth Compound is essentially a replacement for the earthworm castings mentioned by Heisenberg, partly because I could not source the castings, and partly because I preferred getting just the good stuff without the fluff, as I don't have very much room for storage... and... aeroponics. MycoGrow is used in exactly the same way, as is the molasses. The Seaplex and Earth compound are just extra food sources making food more plentiful and diverse, allowing the tea to live longer, and remain diverse.

I'm making three gallons, one per aero res in a couple days when the clones hit, and a quarter gallon each a few days later. The last half gallon will be split between the SLH (which I'll update on soon). I'm not sure if I want to keep it as a perpetual tea or not at the moment, if I do, I'll update on how I go about adding back things.

EDIT: Thoughts on adding B-1 to the tea? Just a random thought, since it's sitting here... I'll look into it later, I have no idea why I'm still awake. -_-



Active Member
Well shit, looks like one of the lights broke. I had them on while I was cleaning to make sure I got everything, left for an hour to eat, came back, only one is on. I sent Inda-Gro an email, and I'm going to try to call them tomorrow... Looks like one side will be getting the 400W till the one which went out is replaced. This will probably delay the Super Lemon Haze by a week or so, but that's not going to be too big a problem.

Grind grind grind... almos 5 and I'm still getting ready for today, what the fuck.

EDIT: Called, they said it's probably the power supply/transformer/thing and I could send it back, they would fix/replace it. Nice that I don't have to send back the entire light! And I wouldn't read this into the lights reliability; you still hear people complaining about the iPhone, but they're generally people who don't own one. At least it came up between cycles, not during things, yeah?

EDIT2: Oh, and it looks like I might have it back by Friday, if not, almost certainly by Saturday, so that's awesome.

EDIT3: No reason for a new post, finished cleaning everything, getting it set up again, the tables are about a foot lower than they were given the height issues I almost ran into last time, and the fact that I'm doing sativas. Rearranged the air stones so now there are two four foot flexible stones weaving across each res... it's not going to provide the same churning effect as smaller stones, but it's the same amount of air, and I opted for a more spread out mix... as I said, surface agitation is where most gas exchange happens, and water can only exchange so much at once, spreading it out will give more water contact with the bubbles, etc, etc... Moved the 400W light, will move it back when the driver for my other 420W light is returned. I took a couple terrible pictures, but I can't find my phone, and I'm going to sleep.

Tomorrow I have to transplant everything, which should take about ten hours, so don't expect a post, probably the day after, or if I take a break. I'm assuming ten hours, because ten minutes seems like a fair average for removing dirt and stuff per plant. Probably a bit longer when I start, maybe faster after the first ten or so.


Active Member
No one is this exhausted. No one.

Got everything moved over, took a bit less time that I thought, but I got a much later start than I wanted. I ended up removing... Idunno, 50% of the root mass? Maybe a little more, trying to remove the dirt with the roots all long and tangled ended up breaking them enough that I felt I would be better off simply cutting the length in half. That way I would end up with a short thick tuft rather than long and stringy... After cutting them, almost no roots came off in removing the dirt, which also came off much more readily.

I quickly washed the dirt down to the roots (without cleaning them), then placed them all in R/O + B-1 (3ml/quart, instructions on the bottle backed up by heads at the hydro shop), and then took each, chopped the roots, washed the remaining dirt, and placed them in another container with the same mixture. After all were done, starting with the first ones done, I moved them all into the aero. At the moment there are a couple slightly limp tops, but I'm sure that's to be expected...

I'm going to go mop really fast, then take a bath, and then check on them again (so like an hour) to see if they've gotten a bit better.

Nutrient solution at the moment is just 20 Gal R/O, 1 Gal tea, 45ml B-1, and Cal/Mag... I don't have the energy to mix dry nutrients right now, and given the trauma they just went through... probably best to wait till tomorrow anyway. Plus, that'll give the bennies a chance to get situated and work on any roots too damaged to survive... and any remaining organic material left from the soil.

Sorry, no pictures, phone's dead... so tomorrow will either be ruination and tears with no explanation, or awesome out of nowhere.

Driver for 420W lamp is coming in tomorrow, too.

EDIT: ALl but two tips have completely righted themselves, of the two, one is almost there... I'll check on things again tomorrow, with pictures and what not.


Active Member
Oh hello transplant shock!

Looks like ~12 were late in letting me know they weren't happy. Giving each of them a 15-20 minute soak in R/O + 3ml B-1, then I'm going to hit them all with a foliar spray of the same - I have no idea how I forgot to do that yesterday, poo-buckets!

I'll update this post a little later.

EDIT: That was fast... I have six sitting in solution, and I can visually see them perking up, like... looking at them for a few minutes, I could see the plants erecting themselves, not just noticing a difference later on. Clearly, that doesn't mean a whole lot... but it makes me feel good. :3

Changed my mind, gonna do a 30 minute soak... the bottle says 15, however I'd rather give them a little extra juice given how things were looking. I think I also need to check my spray heads, I'm not sure all the plants are getting as much water as they would like (another possible reason for the wilt).

After all that, I think I'm going to water them all with the reservoir solution for the top, just to make sure everything is nice and moist. Hydroton this time, so it shouldn't be a problem... Sure to Grow is some BS in aero, though it looks to be VERY nice in DWC. I checked the roots on the Super Lemon Haze while re-screening them yesterday, and it was massive and healthy, the tops of those rounds are still fresh and white.

EDIT: Here are a couple pictures:
The table on the left (in relation to each other) is all Acapulco Gold, the table on the right is the same in the left half (as viewed in the picture), the next row is Chocolope, the last is Tangerine Dream expect the center two are Pineapple Chunk.

I'm a little apprehensive about the Chunk, as they are Indica, and won't grow as tall as the others, but the penetrating power of these lights seems very good, and on the end like they are, they should get light from the vertical ScroG once that goes up.

EDIT: Ah, yes, a clogged spray nozzle seems to be one of the issues... >.>
EDIT: Advantage Aquamist! Cleaning the head took like 3 seconds... literally. I've never had to unclog anything else, but the head came right off, the interior space is large, simple, and easy to see into... etc, etc. :3

EDIT: Reason 5439873920 to not work in the garden while tired - I washed all my hydroton, but it set out over night and dried before I used it. Dry hydroton wicks moisture away from the plant, as the spray is not enough to thoroughly wet it immediately... This is backed up by the fact that on some of the wilted plants, the lowest leaves are a little crispy - most notably where the clog happened.

You live, you learn, and then you make new mistakes! :D

EDIT: Everything's on point again, it was just a dehydration issue it looks like.


Active Member
The reason to really spend time in your garden, beyond the simple checks:

Soaked the wilted plants in B-1, they all stood up in 15-30 minutes, replaced them, watered everything from the top (with the solution in the reservoir) to ensure the hydroton was moist, and wouldn't wick moisture from the plants, everything was on point, B-1 foliar to be sure, and things look fantastic.

Also, here's a picture of the SLH, as I said, I put it through the screen incorrectly, and that effected growth pattern - most notably on the plant to the left. I put the screens back on before, but today I got everything woven through (some branches wouldn't bend the ways I wanted them to before). The few yellowed leaves are due to nutrient deficiency, which is due to my neglecting them while saving the others. They've been given fresh nutrients, along with some tea, etc...

The jury is still out on my last cycle, but frankly, I'm guessing it was only around 10oz visually. It finished drying on the rack, and was put in bags... checking on it again tomorrow, but probably still won't be quite done. Regardless of weight, the information and experience the last cycle drove me to discover was worth it. I mean, I walked in to find a bunch of wilted plants today, didn't freak out, handled my shit, and now things are good. That probably wouldn't have happened before the last cycle.


Active Member
Only one a little wilted today, but it's in a corner, hit it with the B-1 and it's already back. I may try moving it to a moister area, and place a plant which is doing better there if it happens to be a dry spot. I'll go figure things out and then update this post. I was thinking about adding nutrients today, but I need to check root growth and what not.

EDIT: I can see the plants sucking nutrients out of their leaves to regrow roots, so I'm almost certainly adding nutrients today, probably 600PPM. I haven't had too much time back in there (other things coming up), but I didn't see any new roots poking out. I noticed a little yellowing on a couple tops as well... so... nutrients and another shot of tea.

EDIT: Brought things up to about 640PPM (from 230), the pH is a little bit high (.15) but trying to correct that... I'm sure I'll over correct, and have to go back, etc, etc... I need to top off the reservoirs tomorrow morning anyway, so I figured I would get to it then, but I'm going to top feed them by hand again before bed.

Still no new roots poking through the cups, but everything seems to be doing well, save one plant which didn't look too hot before transplanting it anyway... The main stem essentially had 6 internodes, but the only thing coming from them were fan leaves - maybe a HINT of side growth, but nothing more. If I loose it, zero fucks will be given, a transplant success rate of over 99% is fine by me.

EDIT: Oh, right, I didn't add the tea... because... it was like... black - it still had that same sweet and alive smell, but... just in case, I didn't want to add it. I think adding the MycoGrow during the brew was a mistake, next time it'll just get mixed in right before use (and only then because it floats a bit, so mixing it in the reservoir would be difficult. I'm also just going to brew an extra bit to throw away in case the end gets super dark and crap again.


Active Member
Getting the pH on point tonight, probably going to use nutrients to lower it rather than pH down, the plants look hungry, despite little to no noticeable root growth. I probably should have gone with clones that were not in dirt, as they would have rooted through by now, but here we are; an extra week isn't going to kill me, and I like how on top of things this experience is keeping me. That said, there does appear to be new foliar growth, so that's good, even on that one wonky plant.

I'm still a little apprehensive about how tall these might get, first time flowering sativas, and though I gave them an extra foot of room, some of these are already ~15" tall.


Well, the yield was 11oz on the button, which is pretty weak, but given the issues, etc, etc... we've been over this. The buds are a little fluffy, but far more resinated than I experienced with HPS, or even the 400W induction light without the extra red phosphor. The taste is much better than the last round (same strain, different supplier), it's earthy, and sits well within the savory side of things - which I don't normally like, but this... DAMN! I'm really only going to look upon these things as a result of the lights/phenotype, because frankly, everything else was utter bullshit.


Active Member
pH (do you capitalize that at the start of a sentence?) adjusted, I'm going to see if I have time for a top feeding later, one plant was slightly wilt today, but only it's fan leaves, none of the branching was wilted (came back right away after a B-1 spray and quick top feed). I've turned off my dehumidifier, and set my fans on low, that should help I think... I kind of feel like I'm almost dealing with new clones, haha. Definitely notable foliar growth, things are looking amazing from the top... I should probably start a new tea... I'm going to get an aquarium heater for it this time.

Also, I lowered the lights about a foot? Maybe a little bit more, they're still ~3ft above the plants. I'll lower them another foot tomorrow, I'm sure lack of light is contributing to slow growth, but I don't want to dump everything on them at once... you know?

EDIT: I kind of want to swap some of the Acapulco Gold around to get the taller plants to the edges/away from the shorter plants, but... I'm also sort of worried about cross contamination between reservoirs, which I probably made happen last time. :/

EDIT: The problem plant, for those who are curious, is the plant in the bottom left of the right side system, and the wonky plant is top left in the right side.



Active Member
Roots! Not too sure how many plants, I saw them last night while ping and doing a top feed. I'll take a closer look today, though no plants are wilting without the top feed now, so I'll probably stop that soon to drive the roots down into the reservoir. I started a new brew of tea, though without the MycoGrow this time; as I said, I'll mix it in right before adding the tea. After reading more about teas, I've decided to raise my room temp a little. The plants were ~75°F during lights on, presumably 64°F with the lights out (24 hour cycle, but that's what the A/C was set to), with res temps of 71°F.

I just set it to 72°F (after raising it to 68°F for 12 hours only raised air temp to 76°F), gonna check on it in an hour. Things had only changed this much after an hour yesterday, so that should be long enough; though, if it looks fine I'll check on it a few more times today. Additionally, everywhere else is much less consistent in temp, but 64°F is too cold to brew the tea, so this will save electricity, and I won't have to buy an aquarium heater.

There is new growth on everything, though not everything is growing as well as the rest just yet. Old fan leaves are being sucked dry at a noticeable rate (went though and removed the ones which had started to dry out last night), which to me indicates root growth even if it isn't visible yet.

> Anyone ever notice that hydro roots are WAY fatter than roots in dirt?

Today I need to check the pH again, top feed again, and try to get some pictures for you guys. I also need to put some thought into how much I should trim them... I've never done sativa before, let alone a SoG, which you don't see many journals about. I'll probably just do the bottom 1/3 and call it quits, but these have a lot of side branching, and generally people use clones with no side branching to start with.

I'm going to put up a screen when they are a little taller, so things will be more stable, as my plants always seem to fall into one another later into flower. I'm waiting as I'm still not sure how tall these will get, and I'd like it ~2/3 of the way up.

EDIT: Oh, lowered the lights again, I'll add the height later.

BACK: So, setting the A/C to 72° raised the garden to 82° and raised the res to 74°. I've decided that 82° is a bit warmer than I would like, so I set it back to 68°, and I'll try it at 70° later.

Here are some pictures of the leaves I was talking about:


I'll probably make a thread in the plant problems section to double check, but I'm not worried at the moment. The picture of the whole plant is Tangerine Dream.

Here are dem rootz:


Nothing impressive for a week, but given the transplant, I'm tight.

Here's some new growth and over all pictures:


The first is all of them, and you can see how low the lights are now. The second is just to show that the Chocolope isn't coming on quite as fast as the rest (second row from the right). The third is a closeup of a Chocolope top (the slowest individual); and, the last is an Acapulco Gold.

So, I guess I'll just be fine tuning the A/C and then doing another top feed. The tea isn't foamy yet, unlike last time, however as I said, I didn't add the MycoGrow, which was the last thing I added last time, and made things explode. I'd still rather not add it, as it seemed to settle on the inoculate and begin to grow there... or at least something did. Not cool.

> Interesting: The reservoir instantly smelled fantastic when I let the temps creep up to 82°F air and 74° water.

EDIT: Yeah, needs lower temps, these girls want way more food than their roots can currently give, I need to start foliar feeding, like tomorrow. Things want to explode, but they're still waiting for the starting gun. I'll draw some extra nutrient solution tomorrow and mix it 1:4 with R/O for a foliar tomorrow.... maybe not quite that ratio, research to be done.


Active Member
Many more roots, dense side branching has started on some of the existing roots, the switch to 12/12 shouldn't be far off. (Probably going to run somewhere between 6-9a on, and likewise 6-9p off.)

I probably need to take some clones for my next cycle with the vertical ScroG, but I'm not quite sure which strain. I'll probably take like, two of each and then choose once they are all rooted? Probably going to go with the Tangerine Dream though, as I wanted to go 100% that strain, or at least 32/32, rather than just six.

I want to get a flood table and use the veg tent for mothers, and you know... actually use the clone tent, but given the fail of my last two harvests, and an unnecessary gap that was almost long enough to fit a cycle into, that's not really an option at the moment.


Active Member
Tea turned out much better without the MycoGrow involved in the brewing, however the inoculant seems to expand... so I'll keep it in some nylons next time around. There were tiny baby snail shells in it too.~ :D

Anyway, redid the reservoirs on the SLH, they're looking good, will move to flower as soon as the others are ready. Added two cups of tea and 3g of MycoGrow Soluble.

As for the SoG, added a bit more than a gallon of tea to each, and ended up with some extra nutrient solution (everything that accumulated in the waste bucket, so Cal/Mag and about 20g Maxibloom), which I added as the pH needed to come down, and the PPM needed to come up a bit. Hopefully that works out, I need to check the PPM and pH again in a little bit.

EDIT: Given what I'm seeing here, it looks like I might have been better off placing the plugs are the bottom of the cups, rather than giving them a little hydroton as a base? Those which had roots nearer the exterior of the cup are exploding, others are still not, as though they are going through the clones phase again, as there's no wilt or anything. Oh well, another top feed, might do a foliar feed as well - get at those plants which have yet to produce much visible root mass? Probably just take nutrient solution from the res, dilute 1:8, spray? Maybe up it a bit as the days go by, been reading some foliar feeding stuff, thinking about employing it to get things going.

EDIT: This tea is making for the most beautiful roots I've ever seen. Holy balls.


Active Member
It's not sediment from the clay pebbles is it?
It didn't feel gritty, and it's a bit too dark, however it didn't feel slimy either... I think if it's just something on them, it's most likely some extra dirt I neglected/was unable to clean off, or the inoculant from the tea...

EDIT: I think I'm going to add some nitrogen to the reservoirs today, that could very likely be an issue, taking another look at the big picture. Yellowing to regrow roots is fine, but some of lost leaves without showing any noticeable root growth - probably add a bit of B-1 as well?

EDIT: 30ml FloraGrow to each reservoir, gonna go in and check the PPM and pH in 30 minutes once it's all mixed in and everything.

EDIT: Three seconds later, totally nitrogen deff; I hate that I overlooked this as usage of stored nutrients. FML

EDIT: Added~ 250PPM FloraGrow, gonna have to pH it all in a bit, then top feed and probably foliar feed. So much for Sunday~ I ain't even mad. This is like... 1/2tsp/Gal? The Maxibloom should already have some nitrogen in it.

EDIT: I honestly feel like I can see color returning already, probably all in my head, but I'm going to stay in and check every few hours, I should take some pictures the next time so I have a better reference than - OMG HOW DID I MISS THIS AM I RETARDED!?


Active Member
Well... having everything vanish kind of sucks... here are some updated pictures, height looks like it might actually be in issue this time around as well... lame. :/



Active Member
Built a vortex brewer for my compost tea for $45 even in parts from Home Depot (excluding air pump):


5 gallon water jug with NO handle (a handle will make it worthless, $10 if you can't find one for free - I could not).
3x 1.5" schedule 40 PVC T connectors.
2x 90° schedule 40 PVC elbows.
2x 45° schedule 40 PVC elbows
10ft 1.5" schedule 40 PVC.
1.5-2" rubber adaptor with clamps.
10" circular irrigation valve cover (The base, you could build a base, but this is PERFECT, and only $10 - the lid makes a good lid for the bottom of the jug as well. They had them in black and tan, the tan one did not fit immediately and would have required modification.).

I only used about 6ft of PVC, but they only had 1.5" schedule 40 in 10ft sections - $5, no big deal.

Anyway, cut out the button of the jug as pictured (used my BHO torch to heat a knife, shit's tough), and then locate where the seams cross on the sides of the bottom, use them as centers to make sure the holes you drill for return are even (used a hole saw). Then take the rubber adaptor, fit the 2" side to the mouth of the jug. Cut a short piece of PVC and put it into the side of one of the T connections, then put the exposed PVC into the 1.5" end of the rubber adaptor - there should be NO space between the T and adaptor.

Next, run the pipe out to the sides - the valve box has two holes in the side already which are perfect. Add the 90° elbows, pipe up to the next two T connections. Add a bit of PVC on top to keep things from splashing, and a couple very short pieces to the side, which run back into the jug as return lines. I cut off half of one connection on both 45° elbows in order to keep them closer to the walls of the jug - stick 'em on, about 30° down worked best for me.

I am having the tea spin counter-clockwise as I am in the Northern hemisphere to take advantage of the Coriolis effect (direction water spins going down a drain). This is pretty much pointless, I could have easily gone the other way, observed directional draining is nearly always caused by movement/design/etc... but I am using a pump which should be too small (definitely not).

I am using the General Hydroponics Dual Diaphragm pump, two valves closed, and two running down each upright to a small air stone. Most designs suggest 100 l/min and use FOUR uprights (involves custom making a splitter from the mouth of the jug, but four connections allows it to stand on it's own), however the valve cover/box/thing works PERFECTLY, and I was uneasy about making my own connector, as things need to be much more exact in order to prevent that custom connector from bearing the weight. I chose this pump, despite costing the same as more powerful commercial pumps, because it is more silent than an Active Aqua dual outlet pump, and noise is a concern. This pump only delivers 24 l/min, but the vortex extends all the way down to the mouth of the bottle from the bottom, so it's doing it's thang.

The only issue I ran into was sealing the return lines to the jug, and no, they don't make grommets that big (or I couldn't find them, at four stores), so I used some 1" grommets and cut them, and they cover all the the bottom and sides... the top will never be in peril of leaking, so perfect! I skipped aquarium sealant because I wanted everything to come apart if/when I wanted - everything is press fit, no sealants, no leaks...

I decided not to use a bag for the Earth Compound, I'll just filter it when I need it, and put the dregs back into the jug, topping off and adding more food, keep it perpetual...

Sorry this isn't more detailed and has only two pictures, whenever I log into RIU I get pissed off that the majority of this cycle is missing - from now on, copies of every post are going into Evernote.

PS. The picture from the side is before it was finished, the uprights were 1cm too long, jigsaw battery died, too tired to finish, blah... irrelevant.

EDIT: I know, Bud Light, but this Platinum shit is legit. 6% (most light beer is pretty much literally watered down, fewer calories, but less alcohol as well... so it's a wash as you end up drinking more) and only $7 a lunch box, and while it doesn't taste amazing like Young's Double Chocolate Stout (what the fuck you know about delicious?), there is nothing bad about the flavor. And seriously, blue glass bottles? Pimpin'.

Interestingly, Guinness has fewer calories than Bud Light! If you care (I don't), it's not about light vs dark, etc, etc... Don't be a stupid college girl (not sexist, just true), know your shit.

EDIT2: Make the T section coming out of the mouth, and the T sections used for return lines after cutting up the jug, but before anything else; it will make measuring much easier. Always err on the side of too long, because you can always recut it shorter, you can't cut things longer... but the four extra feet will give you a net.


Active Member
Alrighty, so some things have happened... missed a potassium deff on the vert, and it moved fucking FAST, so that's looking very yellow. I have yet to remove dead leaves, so it's looking it's worst. I decided to super crop the colas on the T Dream and the SLH in order to keep the canopy even. I rehung the vertical light horizontal, as the light didn't change too much for the vert, and added a crap load to the outer bits of the SoG, esp. the super cropper tops.

Still having some die off (probably low light) at the bottoms, and I see a couple curled leaves on one of the Chocolopes. Wish I had put the screen about 3" lower, but don't want to move it now. Ho hum. Getting my clone tent set up, vortex brewer is rocking, though I need a different lid I think... or maybe no lid. Gonna get a couple mothers in a nigga rigged DWC in-between the next verts, lalala.

Oh, and fungus gnats, awesome.

>Still mad about missing posts.



Active Member
I'm probably going to start doing most of my journaling on Evernote, having so much randomly vanish from here was such bullshit, I've lost the motivation to keep up with it. I'll try to keep pictures and what not coming, but shit.

Had to pull three plants, lack of light was almost certainly going to kill them, one had already died, the tea is kicking rocks though, even the dead plant had fresh smelling roots. Keeping the tea perpetual, it seems better that way, I'll have to use more of it I think, but using more of it can only make it extra difficult for disease and what not to thrive, right?