Inda-gro Induction...


Well-Known Member
The insulator is like a little rubber boot that goes on the little mercury amalgam. The 420s have more red spectrum phosphor and more intensity, both are at par but the intensity of the 420 over the 400 is noticeable.

**more intensity = bigger buds
Having seen spliffs wonderful garden I can say the 420 has a noticeable intensity advantage in that his buds are bigger. So my next one will be a 420, this observation was why I even subbed this thread. Thanks for the thread btw splifferous, buck, chaz.... This is solid tech, people need to see it kudos to you.


New Member
hey again everyone!

i'm happy to say that i have a fresh update for you all. unfortunately the ability to zoom or refocus the video is lacking from my phone, so the attempts at close-ups are not exactly successful. one of my friends has a phone that can do that sweet 1080HD and refocus and all that, so hopefully i can use that in the near future for the next update.

gotta agree with buck that these are epic lights, but no point in hating on the people that use LEDs... some people are getting good results from them, and if they are happy then that's all that matters. i just feel sorry for the people running LED that regret falling for the hype and aren't happy with the results.

anyways... it's time for the show!

this may be the last time we see the MP with her toes in the dirt. 4 days from now starts the harvest window on her and she is really looking and smelling ready for it. the AO and WF are looking at about a week and a half to go. the OL is just past half way and will probably see the CT coming down at about the same time...

i got a couple new 7gal pots waiting for the Blueberry and White Rhino to dry out enough for me to transplant them, and then they'll be getting their hustle on to bulk up for bloom. once i start harvesting and dont need/want all 3 of the 420s in the tent, i'll probably pull one out for veg, and then it'll just follow those next plants back in to bloom. man... that's another thing i love about these lamps, well... things... i can take the lamps from veg to bloom to veg again - wherever it's needed and it'll pimp out the plants there with no modifications; and also there's no ducting to worry about, no specialized wiring/outlets/controllers/flipboxes/etc... just go in and lower the hangers, take it down... move it. and i have a bad back. 15 lbs. is nothing... even if the wiring and ducting for an HID wasn't a limitation in this regard, you still wouldn't benefit from switching either one between bloom and veg based just off the want for more light in there. those have you limited by spectrum as well as installation and heat requirements...

i'm out for now y'all... much love!



Well-Known Member
Reps as usual to Spliff. From the looks of it this is destined to be a fine looking finish.

I think some of the LED grows like the Apache going on the PuffeNuff RIU thread have shown some promising returns. I would be interested in seeing how the areas of coverage pencil out with these favored panels against the 420's footprint, etc. etc....

Hey Buck. I got asked to share a pic of a side by side with a Pro-200-PAR vs 4 T5 VHO's. I pulled this off their Facebook page and there were some more images up there if you care to see them. Based on this pic there's no question who's off to a better start ?
Interesting pic you got there. Sad to say that I had to use my T-5 today to put over my cloner because I have no room under my 420. This is the first time Iv used anything but indagros since January when I got my first 420. Anyways three weeks ago when I cloned I had the cloner under indagro light and got roots in five days on most and all were rooted by day 7. We will see what happens this time around with the T-5. It's a 4 bulb 54w HO and bulbs are brand new


Well-Known Member
The problem with LED tech to date is... manufacturers sell fixtures that do not improve on spectral knowledge long known to work. Alas, noobs (myself included 2 years ago) bought into their interpretation of PAR. This led me to learn about lighting so I can make an INFORMED decision. Alas, many rely on others, who so far do not have their best interest at heart, AND charge outrageous prices. Better to own inda- grow or HO T5s with aquarium bulbs which simulate led spectrums

The vast majority of leds sold to this day do not achieve even the limited spectrums of hps; improving on them would ADD to those spectrums. NOT take away.

Somehow they sold/sell people that the 500-600 spectrum is 100% 'wasted'. LED DIYers are leading the way out of this 'darkness'/madness, and could well be the future once the price of neutral whites comes down and their efficiency goes up. They are already closing this gap.

From personal experience using HO T5s, BUT with aquarium bulbs, I am able to meet what you see Spliff doing, and he is a qualified grower, so no aspersions toward him.

My T5 covers 2 X 4 at half the price of a 420, BUT a 420 covers twice the area AND the bulb last 4-5 times longer at least. As a personal use grower the T5 provides all I need +++++. So, it's a matter of how much you need as opposed to you need india-grow in order to grow great medicine


Well-Known Member
Hey PetFlora...You raise some good points and LED panels have been making strides. Picking up the broader spectrums comes at a cost and bin coding is not reliable. For those reasons I stay with phosphors but do think the reputable LED mfg's will have a place at the table as the spectrums and intensities improve. The China direct crap will lure the uninformed with low price promises of immortal grow greatness. They will not have done the homework you have and they will be disappointed with the returns. In factoring even the most advanced LED panels however I think they will always be hard pressed to cover the 420's footprint with an even broad spectrum throughout that footprint at anywhere near the cost of a single 420. Perhaps you will prove me wrong but that has been my experience.

As to coverage this garden is coming along nicely. It's not my garden and I would have set the six 420's up a bit differently but the early results are certainly looking good. Room temps are hanging 78F with just ventilation. These pics show the first day on the flip. More to come....

Day 1 @ Flip_1.jpgDay 1 @ Flip_2.jpgDay 1 @ Flip_3.jpgDay 1 @ Flip_4.jpg
I would like to see sme pics of proof. T-5s work well in Veg but I don't believe you get the same results as Spliff even when it's 2/1. Iv seen many people try to flower with them and buds are fluffy,airy and of not the same quality of hps or indagro. When I first started posting here somebody said to me Pics or it didn't happen( think it was buck)Now I say that to you. Most people that use t-5 s to flower are hobby growers and that is ok. Btw what do you mean by spliff is a qualified grower,because you think so? That is not a shot at spliff I just think that was an odd comparison


Well-Known Member
I would like to see sme pics of proof. T-5s work well in Veg but I don't believe you get the same results as Spliff even when it's 2/1. Iv seen many people try to flower with them and buds are fluffy,airy and of not the same quality of hps or indagro. When I first started posting here somebody said to me Pics or it didn't happen( think it was buck)Now I say that to you. Most people that use t-5 s to flower are hobby growers and that is ok. Btw what do you mean by spliff is a qualified grower,because you think so? That is not a shot at spliff I just think that was an odd comparison
Yeh dude to this day i dont mean to be a rude bastard but yeh PICS OR IT DIDNT HAPPEN.. Its true we have had several guys CLAIM full spectrum t5's can keep up i call B.S! Prove it and i'll suck eggs!
When I first read PICS OR IT DIDNT HAPPEN I laughed my ass off. I don't blame you for trying to make sure people are legit or just talking shit. I wasn't meaning to be harsh in my last post but if results like Spliffs were achievable with t-5s everybody would be using them to flower and not HPS. There is a reason people put up with the heat and all the other downfalls of HPS


New Member
The problem with LED tech to date is... manufacturers sell fixtures that do not improve on spectral knowledge long known to work. Alas, noobs (myself included 2 years ago) bought into their interpretation of PAR. This led me to learn about lighting so I can make an INFORMED decision. Alas, many rely on others, who so far do not have their best interest at heart, AND charge outrageous prices. Better to own inda- grow or HO T5s with aquarium bulbs which simulate led spectrums

The vast majority of leds sold to this day do not achieve even the limited spectrums of hps; improving on them would ADD to those spectrums. NOT take away.

Somehow they sold/sell people that the 500-600 spectrum is 100% 'wasted'. LED DIYers are leading the way out of this 'darkness'/madness, and could well be the future once the price of neutral whites comes down and their efficiency goes up. They are already closing this gap.

From personal experience using HO T5s, BUT with aquarium bulbs, I am able to meet what you see Spliff doing, and he is a qualified grower, so no aspersions toward him.

My T5 covers 2 X 4 at half the price of a 420, BUT a 420 covers twice the area AND the bulb last 4-5 times longer at least. As a personal use grower the T5 provides all I need +++++. So, it's a matter of how much you need as opposed to you need india-grow in order to grow great medicine
I just hope you guys appreciate me psoting my F-UPs so you don't have to :weed:
and i'm not trying to be rude, or cast aspersions either, Pet, but i've seen the pics you posted in the thread that is linked from your sig (your post #361), and really...? i honestly don't see how you can even compare your results to mine; i can't believe you just went there. the pics you have up show your "f-ups" (how about a pic that shows that you can carry a plant to full term in full health?) and you compare that with my plants? it's honestly hard to not take that as an attempt to insult. also, i am a medical cannabis patient and personal use medical grower as you are. i thank you for the assessment that i am a "qualified" grower, but i am not totally sure with what you meant with it.

from where i sit, LEDs are for people that want to experiment on what light makes plants do what for purely an academic/educational understanding of plant physiology. the fact is that plants have evolved under the sun and it's full spectrum. the goal indoors is to try to get as much of that spectrum to the plants despite it being from an artificial light source. the thought that plants have somehow self limited themselves down to only needing what LEDs put out is downright asinine. and i hold the same opinion of t5s, etc that are of a select spectrum. if you want to grow "great medicine" use a full spectrum source. go research all of the photosynthetic pigments that plants have and use. then you will see for yourself why top shelf results cannot come from LED. on that topic, click this link and read up... it talks about the curious fact that the color magenta (that you get under a typical red/blue LED fixture) isn't a part of the spectrum. have you noticed that no rainbow has magenta in it? and so many people wonder why their plants show odd issues when grown under LED... i think that article puts us well on the way to understanding, as you put it, "the problem with LED tech".

from my personal experience, a SunBlaze 48 with new bulbs will put out half the light of a single Pro-200-PAR (both a smaller footprint as well as lower intensity), and that SunBlaze will be running at 432 watts. you seem to only be figuring buy-in price, because after that SB-48 has been used for a year, its cost you more in electricity and will be wanting a tithing of new bulbs ($120 @ 15/ea). all of a sudden it's not the cost effective option. aside from that, there is really no comparison between a 420 and a 4ft 8bulb t5 filled with anything. there is no way that the extra 12 watts on the SB-48 can translate to more PAR light than a 420, even at half the distance.

i understand that you are in your 60s and don't feel that the 10 year warranty that Inda-Gro offers is worth it to you. that's not really valid either, is it...? i'm sure that you have a grandchild that would like to inherit a grow light that doesn't suck?


Well-Known Member
Yoy guys are such assholes. Not you spliff. Buck you never show anything. So you are full of shit by your standards.

People put up.with hps because they are close minded. I have 2 friends that have seen proof first hand how much better par t5 does than hps. But they are still about hps. They hate on me tuff cause everyone likes mine more than theirs. They cant accept the fact that I produce more and better than them. Does that sound familiar......

Check theses threads. Plenty of pics from me pet and another 100 or so people using par t5 (aquarium bulbs). You keep forgetting we dont use standard bulbs, reef and freshwater bulbs are what we use. So do not again do not talk about comparison if you have not used those bulbs. Which you all seem to be doing. That proves nothing.

Personally with my bulb selection, I have out yielded my 1000 watt hid by grams per watt. I get about 0.5 gpw for the 1000 watt and 0.8 gpw for my 8 bulb t5 432 watt. with Par t5 I get bigger buds , more frosty, more dense than hps


From all your posts. It seems you dont read the whole thing. Just cherry pick what you want.

Im not knocking the inda gro. Just the nay saying hippicrites. Im still considering one. Im liking my apollo 8 led over the t5. Covers 2x4 pulls 276 watts. Penetrates very well. I paid $358 from cidly with shipping. Has a 3 year warranty. They cover shipping costs if has to be sent back.

Im debating on more led or indagro. My main concern is coverage and yield. if all you guys say indagro yields 25% less than a 1000 watt. I would opt to go with t5 or led for better yield. Under those 2 they get rediculously frosty and dense. More so than hps.

I have a few journal entries too you can see. Im practically pro at organic farming /gardening. So I rarely have mis haps. Been doing it since 1994.


Well-Known Member
Yoy guys are such assholes. Not you spliff. Buck you never show anything. So you are full of shit by your standards.

Check theses threads. Plenty of pics from me pet and another 100 or so people using par t5 (aquarium bulbs). You keep forgetting we dont use standard bulbs, reef and freshwater bulbs are what we use. So do not again do not talk about comparison if you have not used those bulbs. Which you all seem to be doing. That proves nothing.

Personally with my bulb selection, I have out yielded my 1000 watt hid by grams per watt. I get about 0.5 gpw for the 1000 watt and 0.8 gpw for my 8 bulb t5 432 watt. with Par t5 I get bigger buds , more frosty, more dense than hps


Im not knocking the inda gro. Just the nay saying hippicrites. Im still considering one. Im liking my apollo 8 led over the t5. Covers 2x4 pulls 276 watts. Penetrates very well. I paid $358 from cidly with shipping. Has a 3 year warranty. They cover shipping costs if has to be sent back.

Im debating on more led or indagro. My main concern is coverage and yield. if all you guys say indagro yields 25% less than a 1000 watt. I would opt to go with t5 or led for better yield. Under those 2 they get rediculously frosty and dense. More so than hps.

I have a few journal entries too you can see. Im practically pro at organic farming /gardening. So I rarely have mis haps. Been doing it since 1994.
Mate im not here for fuckin show and tell!! I dont have an indagro or a t5 im HPS.. Dude i dont wanna go through 476 pages of crud to find some fuckin pics PROVE IT HERE NOT ON ANOTHER FUCKIN THREAD.. How hard is it?


Well-Known Member
so you have no experience with either. so where do you get off posting everything you have said? You have no leg to stand on. You never used par t5 or reg t5 or led or inda gro. Thanks for proving my point... Another asshole who hates on what he/she doesn't know. Then makes excuses!!!

theres 3 threads and several journals even mine. But again you did not read the whole post.


New Member
hey there hyroot. i haven't forgotten that Pet and you and others are using aquarium bulbs, and i admit that i have no experience with aquarium bulbs; and as such i typically try to refrain from commenting on them in specific. however, i don't like the fact that their design is inefficient, leading to the loss of lumens over time and the need to replace the bulbs on way too short of an interval. i think that if they were to close the tubes like EFDL, well... i'll leave that to you to ponder. :smile:

i'll check out your threads later when i have more time. i'm sure that your plants look great, as i have seen plenty of grows journaled online that show good results with various alternatives (and more than a fair balance of crappy ones). i'm certainly not saying that Inda-Gro is the only way to go, i'm just showing how i am using them and the results i get.


Well-Known Member
The fact that the bulbs dont last is one draw back. I've had some last 8 months, 10 months, and its a been a year and some are still going strong. When I first got into par t5 I was under the impression that the bulbs last 2 years and do not degrade. I was lied to. But the only serious issues with those bulbs are the ones from uvlco. They had a bad batch of bulbs where the end caps were not holding. But im the only one that did not have those issues. Uvlco replaced every one for free. uvlco and zoo med and wave point have a 90 day warranty on bulbs. I dont know if other bulb companies do that though. Then the quantum badboy t5 that I use has a 3 year warranty. Their hid ballast have the same warranty.
the bulbs not lasting as long is what got me into led. At the right time too. When prices started dropping. I researched and talked to every led company before choosing cidly apollos..... The price drew me first. I had the misconception that chines lights are horrible too. Then I learned how many companies through out the world buy from cidly and rebrand them. the best t5 fixture you can get is wave point. They are based in california but made in china... All led's are made in the same city in china too.

Inda gros are chinese too. Just assembled in san diego. Darryl even says that in a video. phosphors are even mined in china too

Just like how people in this thread that have talked shit on the inda gro or even back handed complements. That bugs some people. The same goes for leders and t5ers... Im not saying one is better than the other either. Im just defending what I know first hand that works.

I keep going back and forth on more led or a 420. Im purchasing in the next couple weeks. I wish i could see some ones inda gro garden in person before I make up my mind. Cidly has 90 day return and inda grow has a 30 day return. So I guees if I don't like it after 29 days I could send it back. Decisions decisions. Like I said before its about coverage and yield. A 132 watts difference is not a big deal to me. 2 apollo 8 's 552 true watts. Each 120x3watt led. Custom spectrum to what I want. Covers a 4x4 maybe a 4x5 too. $358 each or if I bought 2 at the same time its $641. They have different shipping charges every month though.


Well-Known Member
I would like to see sme pics of proof. T-5s work well in Veg but I don't believe you get the same results as Spliff even when it's 2/1. Iv seen many people try to flower with them and buds are fluffy,airy and of not the same quality of hps or indagro. When I first started posting here somebody said to me Pics or it didn't happen( think it was buck)Now I say that to you. Most people that use t-5 s to flower are hobby growers and that is ok. Btw what do you mean by spliff is a qualified grower,because you think so? That is not a shot at spliff I just think that was an odd comparison

I recently completed a journal. Click on my signature. Lots of pics. You may want to go right to the last few pages to see how PHAT, tight, and big the buds were.


Well-Known Member
Splif,the farthest thing from my mind is arguing the value of your IndaGros.

What I was attempting to say to those following this thread is: you are probably getting as good results as can be expected. Meaning, I believe my HO T5 results (using aquarium bulbs) are a fair comparison, as they are vastly superior to basic horticulture T5s.
Even the fixture design and ballast have a lot do with what HO T5 can do. I have a Quantum Bad Boy

Yeah I got an infestation of aphids & spider mites; lost all my primary leaves! As everyone knows, that's a huge loss during budding. Probably the only thing that saved me was the hydro methods I use (plus no soil), which allowed me to feed multiple times a day, compensating for the loss of stored energy. In spite of that, buds were big, tight and yield was high.

Fine, we're both personal use growers. It's just that my needs are no where near yours, assuming you keep all that you grow to yourself

Summing it up, my point was although your Indagro results are vg, it is not necessary to spend ~ $800 per fixture to get similar quality medicine (not quantity).

Having long subscribed to several T5 threads (one is almost 500 pages), plus my own journal, I can tell you there are quite a few personal use growers content with what a properly lit 2 X 4 area yields
. And again, knowing which aquarium bulbs to use (and when) is critical

As to LEDs, the new whites (more efficient + more output) are game changers, but still need to come down in price. I wouldn't be at all surprised if covering the same area today, as an IndaGro, LEDs would cost twice as much. HOWEVER, again many don't require more than 2 ozs at a time, and can get along quite well with ~ 60-100 watt LED IF the spectral ratio simulates actual sun light. My first LED was/is only R/B because I was ignorant of spectrum needs, and wrongly thought the mfg knew what's what. Doh :wall: but I soon learned to supplement with white cfls. Today, LED panels are beginning to incorporate white leds, making them a viable choice for small users. And Asian companies like Cidily will custom make a light for the buyer at a fair price. Also there are a couple solderless DIY kits available (rapidled comes to mind)