Increasing Brix using synthetics


Well-Known Member
Can this be done? From what I know about brix levels are is basically upping the mineral content of the soil. Higher calcium and phosphorus inputs along with foliar feeding.
However it seems to me you start with promix and create a soil basically. Is it possible to use a mineral base nutrient along with these minerals and biostimulants to achieve a higher brix level?


Well-Known Member
I’m aware of the ewc snd mineral content that’s added but could you enlighten me a little more about brix
for instance;
you could have the best balance of nutrients, organic or bottled, and a shitty light source. With that combo your Brix would be all over the map and difficult to control while the plant grows to the light, no care about the awesome nutrients, brix, c02 or soil, only that shitty light source.

but again, synthetic nutrients are successfully used often while monitoring healthy Brix in plants, (and so are organic fertilizers).


Well-Known Member
Gotcha, thanks for the insight. Environmental factors are in my favor. I just want to combine a readily available base instead of a heavily amended soil this time around.