Impaired to drive STONED???


Well-Known Member
The test will be a saliva swab. I don't drive anyway.

I have a limo
I sit in the back
I lock the doors
in case I'm attacked

But, you guys are in trouble. Sex crazed Stoners bouncing around from lane to lane foaming at the mouth.
just don't vote against. That outcome would be worst


Well-Known Member
You don't have to be stoned to be negligent. There is no evidence at all that being stoned from meds as I am all day, impairs me one bit.

Sounds like what a drunk who just left the bar says 10 mins before he kills a family on their way home from the water park.


Well-Known Member
I like it fine the way it is. I don't want a bunch of mouth foamers roaming the freeways here, like in CO.


Well-Known Member
i was driving home from longmont yesterday, down the 287. doing about 62 in a 55 when i notice some asshole riding 3 inches from my bumper. there's plenty of traffic ahead of me and a red light about a quarter mile ahead.

dude makes some unhinged psycho pass nearly clipping a car in the right lane to get ahead of me, then starts slamming on the brakes down to 30 or so (i was prepared, i could see it coming and had already slowed).

about 10 seconds later i get into the left turn lane at the stop light and we are sitting right next to each other.

so of course i leaned over, gave him a big smile and a wave, and asked him if it was worth it while the cars around him are honking and flipping him off. he just rolled up his window. i waved goodbye as i got the green arrow to make a left.

road rage FAIL by that guy.


Well-Known Member
Good story. He was probably stoned out on marijuana...grrrrrr.....
Some would use a Glock.


Well-Known Member
It would be nice if they actually evaluated impairment before reaching for some sort of drug test...

Probably dreaming though...


Well-Known Member
It would be nice if they actually evaluated impairment before reaching for some sort of drug test...

Probably dreaming though...
you mean through roadside sobriety tests, aka an officer's favorite way to collect evidence which they can interpret in any way they wish?

any lawyer will advise you to refuse a roadside sobriety test. offer what implied consent dictates you must and that's it.


Well-Known Member
might sound cray but I can drive very well high. Now drinking I would fuck up. so I don't drink and drive

You think you can drive well high, but that's only because you are high. You are putting innocent peoples lives at risk. Stop being selfish before you kill someones baby.


Well-Known Member
I drive better / safer high. Lightweights though would have issues. A one size fits all limit seems a weak sauce solution to a non problem. If you can pass a roadside then it shouldn't be an issue what's in your blood.


Well-Known Member
i used to drive very well on cannabis, now i drive way too slow. so i don't.

i leave 2+ hours between my last hit and the wheel. the only time i have to do that is when i'm golfing, i don't smoke during the day otherwise.


Well-Known Member
What's a nanogram in joints? Is one enough. Is three too many?

I bet Germany has never done any impairment testing either.
Based on the example cases I read one joint days before it is enough to be forced to take the bloodtest, which you pay upfront. I found one case of someone who supposedly got the money back... And nothing about impairment testing indeed, just takes some red eyes and a yellow license plate. It's essentially extortion. Example:

