Ima noob, my plant looks wonky...

Dr. Vapenstein

Active Member
Hey guys, can anyone figure out whats going on with my plant? I'm a noob, but i have been doing a bunch of reading in RIU, heres what I have going.

The seed was germed in rockwool, and transplanted into soil when the seed case came up. I stripped off as much rockwool as possible without exposing the root before transfer. Now its sitting in a plastic cup filled with a mix of supersoil potting soil, black gold worm castings, and perlite. I water about every three days depending on when it dries. Its under one 23w 5500k cfl right now about 6-7 inches away, 24 hours a day. I would say this guy is about 4 days since popping out, but I dont remember exactly...:joint:

oh, and the water is tap water that has been conditioned with a chemical I have for my freshwater aquarium that nuetralizes chlorine and brings pH to 7.0, my water jug has also been sitting in the window sill for several days. I just bought a 28w 6700k bulb today, so that will be above the little one soon, but I'm wiring a new fixture for it.

Thanks for any help you guys can provide, I'm sure it will all prove very usefull :weed:


Dr. Vapenstein

Active Member
yeah I'm building a box for it that will house 4 cfls in a pretty small space. it should be done in less than a week, I am going to put a better bulb on it tonight tho. Im just worried about the first two leaves though, they are kinda brown and never fully uncurled. The two new leaves are also a little light at the edges and they look almost a little shrivled/thin at the tips, is that okay?


Well-Known Member
those aren't true leaves...they are going to die any way...the first true leaves look like they are coming in fine


Well-Known Member
LOL....freaking out after only 4 days. Jeeze what are you going to do when you have a real problem?


Active Member
lol your fine more light just dont get it stretch in an early age provide nitrogen for vegging state, but to much can cause skinny long branches and too little can cause your leaves to shrivel.

white boy smurf

New Member
There is REAL problems... Try moving your light a bit closer like 2-3 inches away from plant max... cfls dont get too hott and they can be used extremely close. Your going to need more light when flowering comes around and even now if you want a decent sized plant you will need more light, but at this early age you dont need so much. The PH of your water needs to be brought down a lil fo sure 7.0 is too high. Also make sure you are giving it enough water. That is a little cup (hopefully there is holes in bottom) and it should dry out somewhat often. Other than that just run with it and make it a learning experience. Best of luck to ya!


Well-Known Member
keep reading....but stay positve & stay on track..
This is one of those things where it takes just a little patience...

Dr. Vapenstein

Active Member
haha thanks for the guidance guys. This isn't so much a freakout as a checkin, I recently tried germing a blueberry seed that looked just like this about 3 days before it shrivled up and died so i just wanted to make sure I'm on the right track. Like I said, I'm building a box right now that should have about 120 watts of 5500-6700k lights. I was just keeping the lamp that high above it because it looked like it was maybe it had too much for this early stage in its life, but I'll move it down to 2-3 inches ;) also, I do have holes in the bottom, and I am trying to keep the plant small because I have a small space to grow it in that is probably going to require lst anyway later on. how big of an issue is the 7.0 water pH? I have some pH down but I dont want to use it yet because I just ran out of pH test strips. again, thanks guys!