i'm in love with "the charmed ones"


Well-Known Member
On a thoroughly unrelated note, does anyone know if Alyssa Milano is married? I seem to recall pictures of her dressed in an Indian Sari (and making it work... wow) that may or may not have been wedding pictures. I did a quite search on Google, but nothing mentioning a hubby.

It would certainly help this snowball sleep better at night if my chance in hell of going home with that goddess was still (in theory) there.



New Member
This is so funny cuz I was the same way when Buffy was on that time in the morning. I would watch her everyday before work. Both of the hour long episodes. I think I ended up seeing every episode 3 times a piece. You gotta love the charmed one's. I was watching the Long Island Lolita story today with Alyssa Molano playing Amee Fisher. I would so have hit that too if I was Joey Buttfuccio.

Bamm Bamm

Well-Known Member
Yeah I was all up on that show for the two hours before Angel.. When I stopped going to work in October or whenever it was I was able to watch all five seasons or so in my time off on tv then on to charmed I love those charmed ladies..

But dude Charisma Carpenter from Angel was fucking hot!!!