I'm here to Help, or at least Try.


Well-Known Member
Just like the title reads...I'm here to help :mrgreen: I have grown soil for years, indoor and outdoor and done my share of experimenting. I'm not trying to toot my own horn, but I figured I couldn't just say I'll help if you don't know if I've even grown before....isn't that right? I might not prove much help to you hydro growers, I've just recently tried my hand at hydro...I'm no expert. Just to be clear...I'm not pretending to be the knower of all that is mj, what I know is from experience (and some reading too!) To be honest I'm just getting tired of having to look through all the new posts all the time...so why not just let some people ask what they'd like right here.

So...Anything I can help with?


Well-Known Member
I've grown some too but I always take the opportunity to pick an experienced growers brain. Have you ever had any experience with scrog?


Well-Known Member
I've grown some too but I always take the opportunity to pick an experienced growers brain. Have you ever had any experience with scrog?
Well this is what I was hoping for...a few more experienced people to join in. But to answer you're question No I haven't done SCROG, I have done LST that could have been a SCROG though :mrgreen: I just never thought the screen could do anything more for me than LST already did.


Well-Known Member
I'm about to scrog some feminized PPP. They are 6 inches tall.... at 12 inches I'll start training into my net. This will be my first scrog and I'm excited


Well-Known Member
I'm about to scrog some feminized PPP. They are 6 inches tall.... at 12 inches I'll start training into my net. This will be my first scrog and I'm excited
I figure I'll get around to trying it one of these days...Best of luck with yours! :mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
Cool Herbie.... You might be able to help with my soil... I've done a bit but haven't been mixing or composting.... I treat it like hydro... hahahaa inert medium with nutes?!>! For anyone needing Hydro help though.. I am def proficient in that area so I'll help too....



Well-Known Member
I treat it like hydro... hahahaa inert medium with nutes?!>!
You might be surprised to know that most soil growers are actually growing in soil-less medium, some probably don't even know it :mrgreen: Mixing compost into your soil is a great idea for outdoor grows espescially.


Well-Known Member
You might be surprised to know that most soil growers are actually growing in soil-less medium, some probably don't even know it :mrgreen: Mixing compost into your soil is a great idea for outdoor grows espescially.
Well I'm down to learn.. I have a space about the size of a vegetable garden that I dug 2 feet down, then put french drains in which run downhill to drain... all underground... Then dumped a truckload of gravel in the hole (Big easy draining gravel with a ph of around 7 (tested in before I bought it... with distilled water) now I need to lay in a good soil mix that'll last for 2 1/2 months of veg..So I just add water, then I just wanna top dress it once when it goes to flower.... think ya got the recipe?



Well-Known Member
Well I'm down to learn.. I have a space about the size of a vegetable garden that I dug 2 feet down, then put french drains in which run downhill to drain... all underground... Then dumped a truckload of gravel in the hole (Big easy draining gravel with a ph of around 7 (tested in before I bought it... with distilled water) now I need to lay in a good soil mix that'll last for 2 1/2 months of veg..So I just add water, then I just wanna top dress it once when it goes to flower.... think ya got the recipe?

Well I do have a recipe....but I can't help but wonder why you dont grow outdoor hydro? That's what I'm doing this year. Anyway here's the soil recipe...

Equal Parts - Soil, Manure, Compost, Perlite

There are lots of other things you can amend into it, but that's a good starting mix :mrgreen: If anything add more perlite I would think.


Well-Known Member
Well I do have a recipe....but I can't help but wonder why you dont grow outdoor hydro? That's what I'm doing this year. Anyway here's the soil recipe...

Equal Parts - Soil, Manure, Compost, Perlite

There are lots of other things you can amend into it, but that's a good starting mix :mrgreen: If anything add more perlite I would think.
What's your thought on outdoor hydro how so? without it being complex the space is pretty large....



Well-Known Member
What's your thought on outdoor hydro how so? without it being complex the space is pretty large....

Well I'm doing a hydro guerilla grow, with a run-to-waste drip system. If you have the advantage of having power you could grow some killer outdoor hydro! Just make a reservoir somewhere near the plants, run dripper lines to the individual plants, and just have a bubbler with an airstone in the rez to keep it fresh.


Well-Known Member
Well I'm doing a hydro guerilla grow, with a run-to-waste drip system. If you have the advantage of having power you could grow some killer outdoor hydro! Just make a reservoir somewhere near the plants, run dripper lines to the individual plants, and just have a bubbler with an airstone in the rez to keep it fresh.
That's kinda what I was thinking, but the problem is is that I can't get to the plants once they get big... It's walled in.. so I wouldn't know if an emitter got clogged or something..... I just wanna be able to hose 'em down.. And ammend the soil once.... clogged drippers would fuck me hard



Well-Known Member
That's kinda what I was thinking, but the problem is is that I can't get to the plants once they get big... It's walled in.. so I wouldn't know if an emitter got clogged or something..... I just wanna be able to hose 'em down.. And ammend the soil once.... clogged drippers would fuck me hard

I put screen at the open end to prevent anything from entering the rez. I can't think of how they'd get blocked otherwise. If you just wanna hose em down, then by all means soil away :mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
I put screen at the open end to prevent anything from entering the rez. I can't think of how they'd get blocked otherwise. If you just wanna hose em down, then by all means soil away :mrgreen:
I hear ya, thing is, Someone else not so savvy is gonna be there I'll only see it once a month.. SO if there's a glitch it means I gotta jump on a plane... Not down.. But thanks for the ideas..



Mr I Can Do That For Half
You say your doing outdoor hydro but describe a simple drip setup can you tell more how its a hydro grow as to be true hydro you would need timed floods or submersions of the roots that are not in a soil medium or the ground as that would be a saoil grow with drip emitting watering.Also what are the plants in buckets with hydroton or soiless mix and how do you recirculate the nutrient solution back up hil to the garden and monitor your daily ph and ppm amounts if its guerilla without making a daily trip risking the grow? Just curious as I have seen one person do a true outdoor hydro but the work definatly wasnt work it.Thanks


Active Member
This question is by no means as complex but I am on my first grow. I have germinated seeds in a paper towel and there are small white roots coming out of them 1/4" on most but one is 1/2". Does this mean they're done and ready to plant? or do I need to wait longer? Can I kill them if I wait to long ? Its only been 1 day and they've sprouted already



Well-Known Member
You say your doing outdoor hydro but describe a simple drip setup can you tell more how its a hydro grow as to be true hydro you would need timed floods or submersions of the roots that are not in a soil medium or the ground as that would be a saoil grow with drip emitting watering.Also what are the plants in buckets with hydroton or soiless mix and how do you recirculate the nutrient solution back up hil to the garden and monitor your daily ph and ppm amounts if its guerilla without making a daily trip risking the grow? Just curious as I have seen one person do a true outdoor hydro but the work definatly wasnt work it.Thanks
That's what I was feeling.. And then I was thinking of doing 3ft slabs of rockwool leaving the packaging and just punching drain holes in the bottom and dripping drain to waste.. but then I was thinking they will topple.. so fuck all this tubes and toppling slabs of rockwool... Dirt.
