im going to lose a 5 foot plant if its not fixed this week!!! someone help!!!

too hot. you obviously live somewhere dry and hot. this isn't really a problem unless you are gone throughout the day. i had this problem all season i would water in the morning and they would be wilted by sunset. if its not the heat then it may well be the clay if so grab a pitch fork and go to town dont be affraid of hitting roots its actually good for them if not taken too far. once your soil is broken up the job is not over clay is low in nutrients and pretty much sucks so i would recommend a liquid feeder that is low in nitrogen. make sure you dont feed it any more than once every 8 days good luck

Burger Boss

Well-Known Member
BTW, I would get out of that clay entirely. Loews has those 18 gal, rope handled, plastic tubs on the cheap.
Filled with a good medium, the sky's the limit for some real healthy girls...........BB


Active Member
yea never had a problem with the heat but of course its hot and dry!! its california in the summer! best place to grow outdoor btw :) with no rain and sun all day long


Depends on the variety. Some varieties, like Afghan and Hindu Kush are very heat tolerant. Plants are especially sensitive to heat once they exit the veg state. Flowering plants like shade and moderate temperatures.


Active Member
eh well my other 4 ladies are loving the heat and sun with 3 of them flowering and another just starting too while another should be done in about 2-3 weeks but i dug out that dead plant and checked the soil to find it to be moist but not containing the water so it wasnt drowning...just bad PH and bad use of nutes since i was using nutes every other watering but watering every other day because its been so now using nutes every third watering....still learning


Well-Known Member
when it comes to heat its strain dependant. i know mine that were under shade cloth grew much better than those in the sun. they stayed darker and never got any wrinkles on their leaves like the others. but i say unless u know for sure a certain strain is heat tolerant, assume its not and give it some shade if u live in a hot and dry place. i like to throw bark over my soil to help as well. but im tellin u ganga the roots are everything. my uncle grows monsters with no ferts during veg just plain water and he doesnt ph anything. but what he does do is rototill and ammend. he rototills two or three times before he plants and he goes down deep as possible. he also digs huge holes and fills em up wit promix sunshine and the natural soil. i like to not worry about the nutes so much.


Well-Known Member
hey ganga grower! this wont be much help i dont assume, seeing as yours died already?? but the EXACT same thing happened to two of my plants earlier on this season. beautiful plants too :( it was right after i gave them rose food (whoops)(im a new grower) lmao. but i assumed it was salt buildup. they were on a bed with other plants. although i lost two plants, the other two seemed fine, but were starting too droop a bit as well. i got them out of that bed and into some new soil (blackearth, for the time being) and they made a great recovery. the other two on the other hand, they had what looked like root rot, and stem rot when i pulled them up. exact same thing though. i think you may have had salt buildup. maybe from tap water? i know my tap water contains HIGH amounts of sodium.


Well-Known Member
honestly for outdoor u dont have to worry about the PH being off balance its just no necessary i water with tap and my shit is flourishing. i would put those girls in the ground if i was use they will love it. its been hot in cali where i am from so maybe water it a little more they will like that.


Active Member
yea well better safe than sorry to jsut go get a $15 ph kit but yea could have been salt build up and nute lockout or a combination of many things....whatever my shit next year is gonna be bomb after all this learning i did this time around


Well-Known Member
Digging up soil like that is a waste of time IMO. Next time just get large pots and you dont have to worry about drainage etc. Smart pots are super cheap and are in all kinds of sizes.


Active Member
yea thats another thought i had to just put them in like 20 gallons pots and elevate them a few inches off the ground so they could drain out


Well-Known Member
u aint gonna yield shit in 20 gal pots but go ahead and listen to dlively. next year just rototill the natural soil and ammend it. if ur gonna do pots u need at least 100 gal and if ur gonna do it that big its gonna cost a good penny for soil. i just rototill and add promix sunshine, thats it. and the natural dirt where im at is clay also. just add some perlite or gravel for drainage. ur gonna have the same problem next year if u use pots, rootbound... i know u dont think that was ur problem but trust me it wasnt ur ph.

Bud Stankalot

Active Member
u aint gonna yield shit in 20 gal pots but go ahead and listen to dlively. next year just rototill the natural soil and ammend it. if ur gonna do pots u need at least 100 gal and if ur gonna do it that big its gonna cost a good penny for soil. i just rototill and add promix sunshine, thats it. and the natural dirt where im at is clay also. just add some perlite or gravel for drainage. ur gonna have the same problem next year if u use pots, rootbound... i know u dont think that was ur problem but trust me it wasnt ur ph.
. You think you can't get yield from a 20 gallon pot? Try over an lb from an 18 gallon pot. Sure, you could get more but that's pretty decent. Plus he dug his shit up and it wasn't rootbound. His plant was tall but not that bushy. My plant is rootbound like a motherfucker and it's healthy and producing buds. Plants don't die from being rootbound. I'd rather use a 32 gallon trash can then rototilling six inches into the ground. I gurantee better results with that method.


I would take as much sun as I could get.. the more sun the better. I know plants don't like +90 degree temps for the most part but the biggest and best plants I have had lots and lots of direct sun.

Burger Boss

Well-Known Member
]u aint gonna yield shit in 20 gal pots[/B] but go ahead and listen to dlively. next year just rototill the natural soil and ammend it. if ur gonna do pots u need at least 100 gal and if ur gonna do it that big its gonna cost a good penny for soil. i just rototill and add promix sunshine, thats it. and the natural dirt where im at is clay also. just add some perlite or gravel for drainage. ur gonna have the same problem next year if u use pots, rootbound... i know u dont think that was ur problem but trust me it wasnt ur ph.
I don't know where you're getting your grow information, BUT I know for a fact that I can grow 14/18 footer's in 10 gallon totes, because I have done so, And, with amazing yields!
I LST now, so they don't achieve those great heights, but the vegetative mass would be equivalent to a 14/18 foot plant. I figure around 2 feet per gallon of container capacity. However, if one was trying for "Redwoods", then the ground is the only way to go.
Good luck & good grow.......BB bongsmilie


Active Member
yea dude however said "your not gonna yeild shit" and it was root bound?? you are fucking retarted! NO it wasnt root bound (i checked the soil) and umm i could easily get 1-1.5 pounds.... a pot that size is massive