Im at the end of week six, Does this look normal ???

Strain? seems like a hybrid based on the leaves so i would say -onset to your flowering time your probably 4 1/2 weeks in and swelling won't occur til week 6 or 7 for most hybrids on the indica side of the scope. Patience, could be a 10 or 11 weeker brah!

The Weedster

Active Member
Dont really know what strain it is but I got it from bagseed.... It looks good but just didnt know why the hairs were already turning color on me... Shes about 5 foot tall, including the pot that is.... The plant itself is about 4 foot tall...


Well-Known Member
seems like insufficent lighting,what are you using for lighting? looks healthy otherwise.Add more lighting to that baby, or you'll end up spending alot of time just to harvest a 1/4 oz.adding 2 42 wat cfls a half inch away from that cola on both sides and you should see it swell up nicely in 3 or 4 more weeks.


Well-Known Member
wow must be the strain im using 400 watts of cfl just starting week 7 and my main colas are triple the size of that.


Well-Known Member
Just need to know if it is a rather bit small for the age... Also my hairs are turning reddish looking already... I would think it is a bit premature....
just let it go a little longer than normal, you will probably have new calyxes and pistils forming well into week 9-10 so dont worry it will swell like a balloon

The Weedster

Active Member
Appreciate the info... First time growing this stuff.... Ive read up on the best way to grow it and Ive got everything down pretty good... I guess only time will tell... Today marks the day I start week 7 with her... Just added Bloom Boost for the first time to see what happens from there....


Active Member
I have 2 blue widows in the 4th week of flower and the bud growth is like yours. Be patient, that's all you can do. My plants have small buds BUT, when the growth stopped, the trich production kicked into gear. I have small buds covered in trichs now, and still 4 weeks minimum to go! They say the buds put on 25% of their weight in the last 2 weeks, and my autoflower plant proved that to me.


How close are your lights? She looks a bit thin. But then again you don't know the strain. I would fcus on lighting. Try and get the rest of the plant in a pic.:cuss:

The Weedster

Active Member
I wish I would have had the latest pictures of it to show you but my girlfriend smoked it up before I could get the chance to take the finishing pictures.. lol


Well-Known Member
Looks like it might have gotten stretchy during veg. The node spacing is kinda long. Could be the strain. Who knows. Hard to say when it comes to bagseed. I used to ghetto grow bagseeds under T12 fluoros back in the day and they always had long node spacing no matter what. The other person is right about it taking longer. Just by looking at it, that plant looks like a sativa dominant so expect at LEAST 10 weeks. Of course the only real way to tell is to look at the trichs and take it down when it's gonna fix your head the way you want it to.

Good luck.