I'm amazed


I'm amazed the kid who stole someones seedling actually came here looking for advice, I'm amazed everyone entertained him for hours responding to his nonsense, most of all I'm amazed he knows how to operate a computer.


Well-Known Member
you'll get that a lot around here..

it seems the more douchier the post the more hits it gets.. like when the troll comes on, everyone (well not everyone.. but a good group) entertain his bullshit and it feeds him.. just like the little asshole thief that stole a plant and is asking for help.. whats more, he isnt the first by any means, and wont be the last.. we would all do good to leave those types of threads alone and let them die out.. but nope.. as humans we have to keep going on and on about it.. oh well... what can ya do...

Illegal Smile

They offer entertainment and those interested accept it.


Well-Known Member
lol well i dont care what anyone says but i myself am a theif to i steal from stores from school ipods zunes psps stuff like that ive never stolen a plant thogh and my only rule is that i never steal from family and ive never had anything stolen from me cus im not stupid..when i have something thats worth money i dont leave it around so someone could steal it..


Well-Known Member
you gotta steal to survive were i live..and you come around my neighborhood saying stuff like a bunch of people say around here about theifs nothing good is going to happen to you haha


Active Member
I'm amazed anyone made a thread about his thread. Especially considering the idealogy behind it.

Also get off your high horses. Pretending to be of the role model for moral ethics on a marijuana forum is hypocritical at best.


Well-Known Member
jackers need to be put in there place.. plane and simple.. its horrible, I hear stories of jackers, but I never had to deal with them.. I dont give people a reason to want to get hurt, life is short and bullets are cheap.. protect your family and becareful who you let in your life


Well-Known Member
I guess that is the world these days esp. America, that why we all stare at car accidents, or care about Lindsay or Brittany, all that shit should just go away.
Ha speak for yourself, I could care less about Lindsay or Brittany.:mrgreen:


Active Member
I'm amazed the kid who stole someones seedling actually came here looking for advice, I'm amazed everyone entertained him for hours responding to his nonsense, most of all I'm amazed he knows how to operate a computer.
Am amazed you cared enough to make a new thread and continue feeding the troll.