Illinois/Wisconsin area growers


Mr I Can Do That For Half
lol well you can go to pretty much any and they all go to the same database but have different web page titles. lol.Dont join the site though its not worth it I just pu the signs up as they pay $2 a sign and I do 500 a weekend for extra cash 3 times a month shrooms in my area for some time.Its windchill -18 right now and snow is comin lol


Well-Known Member
i hate Chicago the lake here makes it too fucking cold and windy, sweet eclipse tonight thought
i have to get up at like 530 everyday for college and the morning is like a dark freezing hell
Plus my building manger is a lazy fucker and don't maintain the boiler like right now its my radiator is cold as ice

i been to hawaii right around the time of the earthquakes volcanoes are like the sickest shit i ever seen i like how it rains every some where keeps it cool not insane heat
its like the perfect place to be a bum don't understand what these bum do in chitown


Well-Known Member
haha! so funny, why go out to SF when you two fags came to Chicago??

okay jokes are done you got your gay joke in, I got my gay bash in, it's =.


Well-Known Member
I never called you gay GEEZUZ...I was referring to SF cuz theres a lot o' hippies there. But those games are gay since you brought it up...hahahahahhaha.


Well-Known Member
....i been to hawaii right around the time of the earthquakes volcanoes are like the sickest shit i ever seen i like how it rains every some where keeps it cool not insane heat
its like the perfect place to be a bum don't understand what these bum do in chitown
I've said that since I was about 12. If I was a bum, there would be no other place to live than Hawaii. Lavish bum lifestyle.


Well-Known Member
I've said that since I was about 12. If I was a bum, there would be no other place to live than Hawaii. Lavish bum lifestyle.
yea i noticed most of them just do street preforming for a little bit of money
to buy booze or some nugs

hey anyone from chi town every go to smoke dreams at the Wilson stop on the red line if you tell them you local they will give you like a 10% off


Well-Known Member
yea i noticed most of them just do street preforming for a little bit of money
to buy booze or some nugs
Well Ive never lived on a big island ie, the Island of Hawaii or one as fast paced as Oahu.
The bums on Kauai did no performances, they would sell stuff that they made. They would live off the land and the amenities at the beach, like the showers and fresh water.
Then they just pop up a tent at one of the thousands of campsites, and have to buy the 8 dollar a month permit.


Well-Known Member
have you been to that huge fucking flea market at the aloha stadium got my first pair of brass knuckles there

yea i bought a neat little cross with a rose in it i think he weaved the cross and the it out of some short of husk

oooo and i love luaus that pig is fucking Great don't know if i like poy though

is there tons of cop everywhere in hawaii it seem like if you stood on one corner u'd see a cop every 5 -10 min
and alot of tweak being sold there i told


Well-Known Member
have you been to that huge fucking flea market at the aloha stadium got my first pair of brass knuckles there

yea i bought a neat little cross with a rose in it i think he weaved the cross and the it out of some short of husk

oooo and i love luaus that pig is fucking Great don't know if i like poy though

is there tons of cop everywhere in hawaii it seem like if you stood on one corner u'd see a cop every 5 -10 min
and alot of tweak being sold there i told
Nope havent been to the big flea market.

Whats cool about the cops in Hawaii though, is they leave the blue part of their lights on their cars as soon as it starts getting dark. So you always kinda have a warning well in advance.


Well-Known Member
i hate Chicago the lake here makes it too fucking cold and windy, sweet eclipse tonight thought
i have to get up at like 530 everyday for college and the morning is like a dark freezing hell
Plus my building manger is a lazy fucker and don't maintain the boiler like right now its my radiator is cold as ice

i been to hawaii right around the time of the earthquakes volcanoes are like the sickest shit i ever seen i like how it rains every some where keeps it cool not insane heat
its like the perfect place to be a bum don't understand what these bum do in chitown

You can't even lie though, when it warms up... There is no better city then chicago. Easily top 10 on earth i'd say.


Mr I Can Do That For Half
How can you be from Chicago or live here and not like it? Its the best city on earth no matter what time of year hands down.. we dont have that damn heat to deal with and as far as culture no places has as many mixed up and the food no place even comes close..Da Bears,Da Sox,Da Bulls, Da coach...Go down to Stoney Island and get ya good catfish from Bjs or well not anymore you could stop at Maxwell street and gte the best brat in town..Now if Daley would stop towing cars,trying for the gay ass olympics and raising taxes it'd be gravy..A good night out smoked out stop at the Subterranean or the Vic and see a good freestyle battle and then out for night at any blues club cant be beat.I dont like when the cops rob you and drop you off deep deep on the south side almost out of city limits but what cha gonna do bout it cry lol..Weed feast '08 grant park whos gonna be there...E-town mental city will be reppin


Well-Known Member
ive lived in other places and Chicago is not what i want The best reason i hate Chicago no real beach there that is the best reason i rather live in the south no winter. you enjoi this shitty weather and how it looks when the snow is all fucking nasty yea i love ruining shoes i smoking outside when its 10 outside why wait for summer ????? ive lived in Florida most of life visited hawaii and been up and down the east coast and i can't honslty see what makes chicago great, its ok but not great

oyea can't wait for hempfest

yea the summer is nice and cool


Well-Known Member
I can take the snow, I hate the motherfuckin' wind chill!!!
i hate the damn snow & the be lowzero temps i live just west of you its been damn cold this winter its -8 today the high temp is supose to get up to 17 its a heat wave in the 30's this week end. time for shorts. no blizzards this year:roll: