Ignorance Is bliss? Or the truth?


New Member
Im hoping some people can give me their take on this.

Around 1-2 years ago I looked a lot of things up and learned things, really mind blowing/crazy things. I learned and felt things that most people wont in their entire lives. I had a lot of experiences during this time that are supernatural or there is no rational explanation for them.

The topics included aliens, dimensions, religion, different realities, holographic universe, the spirit/soul realm, DMT realm, psychedelic trips and where they take you, government conspiracy, all types of conspiracies, underground bases, ghosts, time travel, space, illuminati, meditation, atlantis etc you know everything like that. I was amazed because many of the things I learned not only added up but were very true. I was very interested in this and drawn to this, but I noticed my life and mental health really go downhill.

I believe I opened my third eye and this new world was very cold. I could see through everything and enjoy nothing, I was alone in this world, but even when I was alone I was never truly alone. The average person sees a commercial and doesnt think about it much, I saw the same commercial and saw past it how it was advertising and subliminal messages, I saw who the money was going to and how they were tricking us and keeping us dumb, etc. I found it impossible to go back and do the same simple things I used to, I saw past all of them. I started getting scared, paranoid.

Anyways I stopped going on that stuff months ago, and it seems like little by little Im starting to improve and go back to my old self. Im not as paranoid anymore, I can enjoy things again. So Im just really confused. I thought the truth was good and we were supposed to search for it, but when I did I found it but it wasnt exactly all good. Its real hard trying to go about your life normally when you know what I did. Now its like Im Neo in the matrix, when I know Im in the matrix, but trying to go about life normally because the truth is too hard to take and this is more enjoyable. IDK what to do, but there has to be some people out there who can relate.
Im hoping some people can give me their take on this.

Around 1-2 years ago I looked a lot of things up and learned things, really mind blowing/crazy things. I learned and felt things that most people wont in their entire lives. I had a lot of experiences during this time that are supernatural or there is no rational explanation for them.

The topics included aliens, dimensions, religion, different realities, holographic universe, the spirit/soul realm, DMT realm, psychedelic trips and where they take you, government conspiracy, all types of conspiracies, underground bases, ghosts, time travel, space, illuminati, meditation, atlantis etc you know everything like that. I was amazed because many of the things I learned not only added up but were very true. I was very interested in this and drawn to this, but I noticed my life and mental health really go downhill.

I believe I opened my third eye and this new world was very cold. I could see through everything and enjoy nothing, I was alone in this world, but even when I was alone I was never truly alone. The average person sees a commercial and doesnt think about it much, I saw the same commercial and saw past it how it was advertising and subliminal messages, I saw who the money was going to and how they were tricking us and keeping us dumb, etc. I found it impossible to go back and do the same simple things I used to, I saw past all of them. I started getting scared, paranoid.

Anyways I stopped going on that stuff months ago, and it seems like little by little Im starting to improve and go back to my old self. Im not as paranoid anymore, I can enjoy things again. So Im just really confused. I thought the truth was good and we were supposed to search for it, but when I did I found it but it wasnt exactly all good. Its real hard trying to go about your life normally when you know what I did. Now its like Im Neo in the matrix, when I know Im in the matrix, but trying to go about life normally because the truth is too hard to take and this is more enjoyable. IDK what to do, but there has to be some people out there who can relate.

I can relate to you in pretty much everything you said and what I learned is when you have all this knowledge you're mind gets overwhelmed, the truth hurts,


Well-Known Member
Have you ever heard the famous line..."You Can't Handle The Truth!" ? This phrase is very revealing if you look close.


Active Member
I can somewhat relate. I know there are ghosts and other dimensions (I've seen them). I know that the God Christians and Catholics rant and rave about is just an idea to keep order. The church was created to build order in the world, you know, and they've taken many ideals from Paganism and made them their own. Many people don't know this, which irks me, but that's another topic all together. Heh.

Anyway, I'm Pagan, and I can tell you that we all have the ability to see the truth. But, as someone already mentioned, sometimes you really don't want to know everything, or you shouldn't know everything. I, personally, don't want to know everything. Oh, I would love to know for certain where we humans come from, how the earth was made, and all that jazz, but do I really? The more I think about it, the more I'd rather stick to dealing with ghosts/entities and the dimensions they come from. I don't think my mind could handle the entire truth. That's something I'll save for when my spirit moves on to the next plane of existence. After all, that's when we're truly supposed to learn everything. It's why we have past-lives...

My suggestion would be to train your third eye slowly. Don't try and see everything all at once. Start with the spirit world and work your way up. You'll be less likely to feel as though your mental health is failing. Also, remember that most of the world still doesn't believe in the supernatural and everything else you mentioned. People who are brainwashed by normal society will look at we who are open to the truth as though we belong in a nuthouse.

There is a big change coming, and once it comes, the world and those brainwashed by mainstream religions will have a major wake-up call. 2012 is just around the corner, after all...


Well-Known Member
I just watched a documentary last night called other worlds. It'd about a guy who is interested in shaman and the rites rituals ceremonies plants and all that jazz. Is is warned by the elders just like some of you have said. He ends up being schizophrenic and goes back and gets healed from the very same shaman. Crazy visions and the spiritual death with shaman leaders or spirit guides very cool doc. I've seen a few of these types and it seem very hard for science to do a proper job because most researchers end up being involved personally spiritually etc.

Again it's called Other Worlds I watch alot off this site. sprword.com


Active Member
I just watched a documentary last night called other worlds. It'd about a guy who is interested in shaman and the rites rituals ceremonies plants and all that jazz. Is is warned by the elders just like some of you have said. He ends up being schizophrenic and goes back and gets healed from the very same shaman. Crazy visions and the spiritual death with shaman leaders or spirit guides very cool doc. I've seen a few of these types and it seem very hard for science to do a proper job because most researchers end up being involved personally spiritually etc.

Again it's called Other Worlds I watch alot off this site. sprword.com
I love those types of documentaries. They make people think. I also like Ghost Adventures on the Travel Channel and Ghost Hunters on Syfy. LOL. And yes, I have to agree that it is very hard to prove that the supernatural exists because of the researchers getting personally and spiritually involved. Really, what needs to happen is they need to get a complete skeptic or someone who is impartial to do the research. This way, if something strange happens, people will know it wasn't something in the researcher's head or whatever. Does that make sense? LOL.

On another note, I personally see and feel (mostly feel) things when I'm high. I can get vibes and whatnot when I'm sober, but MJ relaxes me to the point where I end up (not all of the time, mind you) seeing and feeling things even more. That's why a lot of shamans will use peyote, mushrooms, marijuana, etc. because it opens their minds up more, allowing them to do their jobs.

Now, some people might think I'm just schizo or something, but I can assure you all I'm not. It's not like I hear voices or see hallucinations every day of the week. Things will just come to me at times. Like an epiphany, of sorts. And I can usually tell if a person will help or harm me upon first meeting them. Vibes. Heh.


Well-Known Member
have you ever happened to reed the custodians or the convulated universe by delorious cannon or behold a pale horse by william cooper or the cosmic code (cant remember author dont feel like going upstairs) best books ive ever read


I really wish i could relate to what you guys are saying. I am now very interested and feel really inspired. bongsmilie


Well-Known Member
I wouldn't worry about aliens, or 2012, or the illumianti or gov't conspiracies...it's just a bunch of bs.


Active Member
I get the "other relm" and "truth" but when you find out the truth you sould then be able to 'control' or 'train' your mind to believe whatever you want to believe...

so the bad things I've put out of my mind and just take pride in knowing that the gov, and conspiracies won't control me and neither will the fear of them being out there..

I am on the "nothing matters" life plan and I'm a bubble and you're a bubble and maybe one day our bubbles will bump but they will most likely never merge...

that most likely didn't make any sense...

Green Cross

Well-Known Member
I get the "other relm" and "truth" but when you find out the truth you sould then be able to 'control' or 'train' your mind to believe whatever you want to believe...

so the bad things I've put out of my mind and just take pride in knowing that the gov, and conspiracies won't control me and neither will the fear of them being out there..

I am on the "nothing matters" life plan and I'm a bubble and you're a bubble and maybe one day our bubbles will bump but they will most likely never merge...

that most likely didn't make any sense...
worrying about your life won't add one more minute to it.


Well-Known Member
Before I was on medication I was going through something similar. Felt as though I had all kinds of spiritual knowledge and insight but felt as though I was in hell. All those thoughts went away after a duration of being on psych meds.

Operation 420

Well-Known Member
The people at the top "know". So don't think of yourself as crazy. Fdd posted this youtube vid in another thread and this thread reminded me of it.



Well-Known Member
I totally understand what has happened to you, because it happened to me too. It was a strange and all encompassing enlightenment, in which I went from feeling nothing to feeling ecstatically blissful (seriously... ecstasy without drugs). The downside is that I went a little "crazy". For a couple of weeks, I couldn't tell the difference between dreaming and reality at times.

I researched all the paranormal and conspiracy stuff about 5 years ago... it scared me so I stopped. Then one day about 6 months ago it all suddenly made sense. I woke up in a mechanical world, full of rotting machines, a decaying ecosystem and robotic, unfeeling people. At the same time, I had visions and I KNEW that the world is going to be made new again somehow.

My conclusion was that this world sucks and there is no turning it around. It is going down in flames, but soon it will be renewed. I'm not going to feel guilty about all the world's problems anymore, because they're not my fault.

They say "You want the truth, you can't handle the truth"... right... could you imagine if everyone in the whole world woke up with these revelations? I think that the visions in the "Revelation of St John" are a result of a wake-up call similar to what is being discussed here. The world isn't ready for the truth, but the children of today will understand better than our parents. Oh yeah and when you try and explain the truth, it is about as easy to understand as the book of Revelation. The main truth is this-- the only thing that matters at the end of the day is love... it is the only thing any of us can be sure of, yet it is something hardly anyone has.

I think that the spirit of truth is descending and those who are ready and spiritually aware are waking up. We are living in very strange days.


have you ever happened to reed the custodians or the convulated universe by delorious cannon or behold a pale horse by william cooper or the cosmic code (cant remember author dont feel like going upstairs) best books ive ever read
william cooper is trying to save americans, if not the whole human population. read behold a pale horse. take your own opinions from it. read all his sources dont skip them, that is very important, research his sources see how some of them died and see where they are now, your world will turn upside down.


Well-Known Member
Be very careful before believing anything your "third eye" shows you. The mind is a powerful thing and it can also deceive. I am open to the idea of the mind doing much more than we think it is capable of but you must ensure you don't have any medical conditions which could be fooling you. You may actually be seeing the things you explain but most likely not. See a doctor and make sure that there isn't something seriosly wrong, cos if there is it could develop to a stage where your going to take actions that will affect more than just yourself.