If your only choice for seed delivery is your personal address, do you do it?

Bluntus McSmokey

Active Member
Hello all,

I've searched quite a few forums on this site, and while I have found plenty of advice on ordering seeds (and THANK YOU for that), I haven't found the answer to what seems to be a simple question.

At my residence, I still get mail for the previous resident. Sometimes I get mail for non-existing residents. So I'm pretty sure I could make up a name at this residence, and have mail sent to that name (obviously, I would test that first).

What I can't do, is have the seeds sent to a friend, or a safe house, as is often suggested on here. Just not available to me.

Also, I see the PO Box suggestion quite a bit, but when I went to get a PO Box, I first off had to have two forms of personal identification, including my personal address. Secondly, you can't add anyone else to your PO box without their identification, so it seems like there is no real benefit to the PO box that I can see.

So, have any of you in non-medical States in the US had seeds sent directly to your residence, even if under a different name? Or would you just not try this at all?

I have searched for threads on this subject, and read pages and pages, so if I missed the one that answers this question, please forgive me.



Well-Known Member
seriously dude, dont worry about it too much. They will make it almost every time, and if they dont which barely happens u just get a fuking letter in the mail. It's never happened to me and ive ordered of nirvana like a thousand times. if you are really worried than make a fake name, I rekon that would work.


i ordered mine to my old address....forgot that we had all mail forwarded to the new one... ooops. no worries though, like has been said before, if they do get taken, you just get a letter in the mail


Well-Known Member
worst off you get a letter. anit no thing there was just a post on them and thats all they got if its in a fake name then no worries

Triple Beam

Active Member
I am presently going through the same dilemma. I've already had two orders seized by customs. Getting a little costly. I live in the US and decided to stick closer to home, so I contacted two Canadian Banks and passed on my frustrations to them. They were very helpful and have given me some advice on how to get some beans. I've got two orders on the way this week. We'll see how it works out. Keep in mind what you're doing, as there are always risks. My advice is to do the same thing. Contact a couple of banks of your choosing, ask for help, and if they want your business they will help you out. After all, this is what they do every day so they should know better than anyone else about how to do it.
Triple Beam

Walter Bellhaven

Active Member
Both times I've ordered seeds, I used not only my home address, but also my credit card. The first order (from the UK) got seized, and I got a letter from customs saying "bad citizen," and that was that. The second time I ordered from Amsterdam and the seeds got here, that was about 2 months ago, and my door hasn't been busted down by the DEA yet, and I don't expect it to.


Well-Known Member
The packaging is stealthy and ive never had a prob.
been ordering online using my own address for 4 years no problems no cops. Gl with the grow:twisted:


Well-Known Member
I ordered seeds a couple of years ago to my home address and paid with a credit card as well. But I just had them addressed to current resident. The next batch of seeds I had sent, I ordered with a credit card again, but used a different address than my own. Both times the seeds got here.
I wouldn't worry too much. As long as you're not growing 100's of plants, the feds don't want you. They just did a bunch of raids in norther california on med gardens, and the patients that were not selling to the shops but had like 30 plants just got their stuff confiscated. Granted this was in a med state, but still, to not charge people at all for having a grow with 30-50 plants is fairly nice of them. It sucks the big growers got busted, but they were abusing the liberal plant numbers allowed in that area. When you are growing hundreds or thousands of plants, thats when they have a problem. Not when you have 10 seeds shipped to your house.
Order up, stay safe, and remember, don't tell, don't sell, and don't smell!


Active Member
Just go to Vancouver BC and buy em (over 25 seed stores I know of). Then put them in a container of bird seed or some shit, and go back to the states (Im assuming that is your home).


Well-Known Member
I wouldn't worry about it, as everyone seems to be saying. I have ordered approx. 50 times from Amsterdam, using my cc and name and address. Out of the 50 times I have ordered customs seized 1 package, and even then they only sent a letter and I just had to bite the loss. 99% of the time it isn't a problem.

Bluntus McSmokey

Active Member
I appreciate the replies. I've given it a shot, and am crossing my fingers. I really do get a lot of mail here for various past residents, so I'm hoping that helps.

I'm on the bottom end of the US, so the "sneak it back from Canada" thing would be quite a long and costly trip.

On a side note, when I went to Amsterdam and came back this year, I didn't bring anything back, and I'm kicking myself for that decision. Customs was so lax I could have brought back every seed imaginable.....


Active Member
I wouldn't worry about it, as everyone seems to be saying. I have ordered approx. 50 times from Amsterdam, using my cc and name and address. Out of the 50 times I have ordered customs seized 1 package, and even then they only sent a letter and I just had to bite the loss. 99% of the time it isn't a problem.
Technically 98% of the time it isn't a problem if you're going on your ratios :blsmoke::peace:


New Member
Ive never had a problem,,, But my seed bank is in the USA

Really, don't Bogart that info. You're probably in a med state and have a med card or something.

I'm paranoid about ordering too. I've been reading the thread by that guy from IN that had seeds confiscated and then the cops showed up at his door.

Bluntus McSmokey

Active Member


Well-Known Member
Hemp seeds are legal in the united states. If cops somehow show up at your door, you have the right to slam it in their fucking faces.

I ordered from Seedboutique, it came in a padded envelope with several sealed compartments inside eachother. I recommend them.