If you want to live forever...


Well-Known Member
A man went to his doctor.

Man: Doc, if I give up drinking, could I maybe live to be 100?

Doc: Maybe, depending on how much you drink now.

Man: And doc, if I give up smoking, would that help me live longer?

Doc: Yes, I'd say so.

Man: And doc, what if I give up chasing women all hours of the night? Would that help?

Doc: Well, let's see. You wanna give up drinking, smoking, and chasing women? In that case, just why the hell would you want to live to be 100?


New Member
A man went to his doctor.

Man: Doc, if I give up drinking, could I maybe live to be 100?

Doc: Maybe, depending on how much you drink now.

Man: And doc, if I give up smoking, would that help me live longer?

Doc: Yes, I'd say so.

Man: And doc, what if I give up chasing women all hours of the night? Would that help?

Doc: Well, let's see. You wanna give up drinking, smoking, and chasing women? In that case, just why the hell would you want to live to be 100?


New Member
If you want to live forever do smth, that will make you famous. And the world will remember you long after your death.
Coz we live so long as someone remember us :)