If You Give A Cop A Hotdog....


Well-Known Member
so me and my soberly friend were on our way home from band practice...i of corse was antisober aka baked outa my face...and we were talking about how everytime i am high with him in the car there is always a ton of cops on the way home or whereever...we stoped at an intersection and what do we see...a cop...so then we started developing senarios of what would happen if we had actualy gotten pulled over....i (in my state of mind) decided that the best way to deal with a cop is to and i qoute myself "dude..just give him a hotdog and he will go away"...in which he just gave me a dumbfounded look and exlamed "WHAT!?"...
so this is what happend...i was thinking 2 thoughts at once and they somehow joined...i was thinking about how i wanted hot dogs...and also the whole how to get a cop outta your hair.....
:leaf:its jsut one of thos things where as soon as you say something you realize it....:leaf:


Well-Known Member
Or better yet just get em high like cheech and chong and they will ask for the hotdog themselves!


Active Member
Give a cop a hotdog and you feed him for a day.

Teach a cop how to process meat byproducts and you feed him for a lifetime.