If my girl is stunted. Will the clones be stunted too?

clones stunted?

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Budda growing pot

Active Member
So lowes was out of perlite and i tried to make do with organic dirt with only vermiculite added. The dirt was sitting outside during the fall and of course it was wrought with fungus gnats. I think the gnats combined with no perlite has stunted my plants. and its too late to try and add soil spacers (already almost ruined the plants with the first transplant.)

This is my first grow (with just bagseed) and i'm not worried about how much i get. If i get a couple of bowls im happy

bout. 2 weeks ago i threw them on 12/12 just to get some christmas bud. (i have to leave for xmas for 2 weeks anyway) not really expecting more than an eigth but hey, its my first grow. I now know so much more about watering and growing that i'm confident my next grow will get me a much better yield.

I was thinking about taking a clone and setting it up on a drip feed while i'm away.
Anyone have any experience with clones from stunted plants??


Active Member
i don't think the clone will carry the stunting of the mother plant, unless the soil the clone is in ALSO has the nasty gnats in (also check leaves of your clone). After the clone has developed roots without the gnat infestion i'm sure it will grow normally


Active Member
The clone wont be stunted same as the mother as long as you use the right soil. If you use same as the mother, then the results will be near identical.


Well-Known Member
the only problem you might have is the cutting will have the same stress..but with care it should be ok


Active Member
the only problem you might have is the cutting will have the same stress..but with care it should be ok
While the cut is certainly important...if you plant in the same medium you can expect the same results...

Since you are in the cloning stage...I would take a few clones, test them all in 16oz cups (preferably see-thru so you can track the roots)...download the free software they have here for notes (available for download here.... https://www.rollitup.org/general-marijuana-growing/345468-free-grow-software-130.html#post6586843 ) and take notes...Ill bet you want a little more N (nitrogen) in the soil and possibly some regular dirt (for the "foilage" ...i.e. bark, leaves..etc)