If George W could run again in 2012...


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Well-Known Member
Why don't the niminate HW Bush for a second term? He would win, he would have a much better shot than Romney.


New Member
Think you all know my answer, I wouldn't vote for either of these two as they are very much the same. If I was a coward who voted for lesser of two evils I would vote for Obama I guees because he did the least damage but then again Obama really just continued all the Bush stuff so I really can't differentiate the two, especially on the important issues such as civil liberties and foreign policy they are both guilty of almost the exact same things on these topics. So if I had to pick between the two its a tough call, both had some scotus appointees that made decisions I highly disagree with but I think probably bush apointees had some of the most damaging decisions.

but alas I am not a coward or a moron and don't compromise my beliefs by voting on the lesser of two evils, they don't scare me, and I will continue to always vote third party or independent until the day that I die.


Well-Known Member
Can you shut the fuck up and stop repeating yourself? its getting really fucking old, you don't have a point, that has nothing to do with the president.
right back atcha

Fucking sick of the same old "if I was a coward lesser of two evils","they are the same" and "always third party".

Same old tired ass BS. I wasn't directing myself toward you so relax, don't get the panties in a wad.

They aren't the same, one of them opposed Iraq from the start and stopped renewing status of forces agreements. Troops came home when Dubya said they would and Obama couldn't bring them home sooner. Same in A-Stan. Romney is a carbon copy of Dubya. He wants to expand military spending and there is every indication he will invade Iran looking for WMDs and maybe this is where FOR ONCE IN YOUR GOD DAMN LIFE YOU STFU AND LISTEN TO A VETERAN. Peace.

I like you though.


Well-Known Member
right back atcha

Fucking sick of the same old "if I was a coward lesser of two evils","they are the same" and "always third party".

Same old tired ass BS. I wasn't directing myself toward you so relax, don't get the panties in a wad.

They aren't the same, one of them opposed Iraq from the start and stopped renewing status of forces agreements. Troops came home when Dubya said they would and Obama couldn't bring them home sooner. Same in A-Stan. Romney is a carbon copy of Dubya. He wants to expand military spending and there is every indication he will invade Iran looking for WMDs and maybe this is where FOR ONCE IN YOUR GOD DAMN LIFE YOU STFU AND LISTEN TO A VETERAN. Peace.

I like you though.
imo, respectively of course as I do respect you, they are essentially the same. Candidates with policies who favor the upper class and dismiss the lower class. The middle class has been forgotten for most of my life. Campaign promises and hot air say the opposite, but in today's world, believing anything any candidate says is a huge mistake. They can talk and talk, talk for days. Action is what counts. Obama said he'd end the war and bring the troops home, didn't do it. He said he'd close Gtmo, didn't do it. Less issues with MMJ, LIED, increased DEA budget and led to a higher number of dispensaries in CA to be closed. Dude is a fucking liar, plain and simple. I could care less if the house and senate are to blame. Fucking guy shouldn't have promised such shit during his campaign if he knew he couldn't follow through, he is a goddamn liar. As cool and collected as he presents himself, that shit is meaningless to me. His actions are what are important. You are the president of the goddamn USA, you fucking follow through with what you promised or you can get fucked for all I care. Don't promise shit you can't finish.

At this point, I've given up all hope for the future of this country. Nobody and nothing can bring us back from the crisis we're in. They can all promise shit, but none of it matters. The downfall is inevitable, a lot of us will probably suffer because of it. How will you feel about the president when you can't feed your family? How will you feel when the cold starts creeping in? Will you still support the guy running on campaign lies and promises? Get your fucking head right and realize none of those fucks in Washington give one goddamn about you, your family, your job, or your life. You are on your fucking own, weather you believe it or not. If not, good fuckin' luck, buddy! You're going to need it!


Well-Known Member
Read about the shoe throwing incident regarding SOFA in Dec 2008, after Obama made the campaign promise to withdraw in 16 months.


Well-Known Member
And with an increase in DEA funds it is a huge surprise that any dispensaries are operating when it is against federal law to sell weed. Oh wait, it is because of the Holder memo. They could be shut down by the feds in less than a week.