Idle Chit Chat


Well-Known Member
I just watched an interview with Michio Kaku and it left me awestruck with some of the information and ideas he was discussing.

With technology and time we may have the ability to download your conscience, basically put "you" on a disk which could be accessed in the future, giving one a sense of immortality.
Today we have the ability to upload memories into mice and hope to use this technique in helping Alzheimer patients recall memories, Stephen Hawking has a chip implanted that allows him to send a radio wave from his brain to his chair and computer, so the ability to download memory isn't much of a stretch.
We've proven that a human can be born outside of the womb, the world's first test tube baby celebrated his 35th birthday btw and if you marry those two aspects?

That's what I'm chewing on right now, the ability to grow a human joined with the technological prowess to download one's entire life experiences.


Well-Known Member
your talking cyberaztion

yes it is possible and not all that complex if u understand the simple idea that the human body is a bio engine with it on electrical current .............this all started several years ago

blind ppl getting sight back
deaf ppl hearing with out external aids
ppl locked in their body controlling a computer mouse

hell they even have that one game with the air ball u controll with your brain waves to make it tho a maze 6th grade i figured out how to induce ppl to sleep for medical ops there by reduceing the number of deaths from chemical reactions to the knock out drugs .............and alls that is a a electrical pattern over laid on the brain (person comes in and sleeps with little things hook in hair they sleep the pattern is copied durning the op a overlay helmet can be used ot a set of patches on the skin and then feed back the same pattern from the sleep just strong then the natural brain and it should in theory cuase the person to sleep )

and by the way it has been done (man implanted a chip in his arm and used it normally the computer copied it then he hooked his arm up to the computer gave himself a shot to stop the singals from his brain to the arm and then had the computer replay actions that were recorded) ........after that result was reported i have not been able to get any other info on the man .....this was 8 years ago


Well-Known Member
really interesting shit man, watched a pretty long vid just now on michio kaku. really cool stuff


Well-Known Member
Lol, that guy definitely has some far out ideas. I like his enthusiasm. Getting closer and closer to the horrors of Neuromancer every day!


Well-Known Member
I'm thinking blank human templates with the ability to download complete consciousness, once you've been downloaded or better yet transferred to a digital state the effects of space/time will be completely different allowing our data to travel at the speed of light.
If that is a possibility, then what's to stop us from sending just our data across the universe into a "blank" and starting over.

Yes I know...smoke another one ;)


Well-Known Member
What are other implications? I can see LEO using this in court. Scary stuff.
My point exactly, give this information to a Stephen King, Dean Koontz or Bradbury and see where their minds go. Think on it for awhile and see where your mind takes you :shock:


Well-Known Member
I'm horrified. I don't want anyone seeing the things I think. My mouth is too big sometimes as it is. I saw minority report.


Well-Known Member
We're going to become the borg.

Resistance is futile.
I'm horrified. I don't want anyone seeing the things I think. My mouth is too big sometimes as it is. I saw minority report.
Sure that's the glass is half empty and it's a side of the debate one must agree is going to be looked at seriously but when the glass is viewed as half full, what kind of things come to mind?


Well-Known Member
well there is a subject they did not cover

the tech could be Bio tech (reprogramed cells to function as computer chips) .........the human brain is still the most power computer on this planet...and if u know about it we only use a total of 2 to 6% of its power

image a shot u get and the 2 halves of your mind work together allowing u to increase the amount u use
at this point Females have the best chance of this since the midbrain connections is 30% bigger then Males ( this is one of those markers they do test on later for transsexual ppl it really is a girl brain trapped in male body )