Idea's on how to travel FTL.


Well-Known Member
I am high as fuck and I am having some WICKED ideas in regards to FTL (Faster Then Light) travel and how aliens have possibly accomplished this feat.

Say your race has discovered how to create limitless energy from some source. For simplicity sake lets say this source is some sort of crystal or metal or some kind of Fusion/Fission power. Lets also say that said race has also found the secret behind creating anti-gravity. (I believe these are huge possibility's if your race has done away with the monetary system (the money system) and focused all its time and energy towards creating a better, technology oriented society *See the last segment in Zeitgeist Addendum*).

Step one would be to create an enclosed ship that had both gravity inside the ship and anti-gravity outside the ship.

So the thought behind this is if you can create limitless amount of energy then you would direct that energy towards the device that is creating anti gravity and you could repel yourself in the opposite direction of travel you wanted to go. And because you have unlimited energy you could accelerate forever. But because we are creating gravity we would eventually tear a hole in space/time. A worm hole. You are no longer traveling over space, you are now traveling through space. Imagine the Earth. Instead of taking a Plane from point A to point B you travel through the earth instead. Much quicker and shorter trip. Another thing is that inside the ship the same amount of gravity is always being applied. Everything inside the ship is the same as it would be on Earth. I believe if this was the case and possible the people inside the ship would not be affected by what is going around outside them. Gravity is what crushes things inside Black Holes because they get so heavy. These crushed objects are not creating anti gravity. Your ship is. Thus it is keeping the crushing effects of gravity away from your ship so you survive your trips intact!

I think this whole idea and process is entirely possible. I believe Aliens have this technology and that Aliens have visited us and I believe they do experiment on humans. We are an experiment. The grandest of all experiments. I believe they are using us as possible uber great great grandchildren of there species to see how they possibly evolved the way they did. Same as how we study monkeys and primates to see what/how we evolved from them. They are using us as their studies instead of using fossils and whatnot.

Or maybe Im just bat shit crazy lol.


Well-Known Member
haha, first of all.... I'll have an ounce of whatever you're smoking :D

secondly... you've obviously given this a lot of thought. That sounds somewhat plausible. But i ponder if the Human race will survive long enough to accomplish such feats.

You never know, the chimps might beat us to it!



Well-Known Member
idk man, i do believe we are not the only life forms in the universe, how could we be? but travel thru space. we have already accomplished this, rockets, space ships to distant planets. they have gravity inside the ships that u can turn on and off with a switch, but the anti gravity, thats something a little different. you would need ALOT of energy to produce something like that, and our race just isnt capable of such parts that we would mount onto a car or ship or boat or w/e. they do have hover crafts. and pretty much work off of alot of wind being pushed towards the ground, the anti gravity would have to have something to do with energy and friction. enough friction to apply between the ground and the ship.


Well-Known Member
All we need to do is get rid of the monetary system and work towards helping one another.

We could have built this world so differently, not personally of course, but as a race.

The human race is crap, one of the dumbest, surely?

We destroy our environment, harming not just ourselves but pretty much everything else.

Money makes the world go round!!!!!!:fire:


Well-Known Member
Or friction created through two opposing spinning objects. Think the top and bottom of a UFO that are spinning at incredible speeds opposite one another.

So apparently man has created energy out of spinning motion. I bet Electro Magnets under the skin of the ship, causing the skin to rotate then create energy to power the ship. You could come up with some way to store this energy because the faster it spins the more energy it creates and I bet at no period would you use all the energy its producing to power your ship.


Well-Known Member
Apparently aliens are time travellers, with really advanced time travelling machines.

Well, that's what I've heard.....


Well-Known Member
look maulder! the speed of light is 186,300 miles per second and can only be maintained in a complete vaccume , there goes your gravity/anti gravity theory, because in space only the "ship" and not whats inside would be in the vaccume, whats inside would just be a liquid splat on the back wall when it first took off, because its not actually in a vaccume,.... furthermore if it were possible to accelerate an organic form to the speed of light, upon reaching the 186300 mps mark all of the protons and electrons that make it up would be converted to plasma energy or liquid light,... in other words it would become light itself,... and to re constitute your cells, ie heart, liver, kidneys, brain after this conversion is not possible


Well-Known Member
You really think we have done enough research into this topic to honestly say its flat out not possible? As far as I am aware he was one individual. Very, very smart guys. However no one can dictate to me that something is flat out not possible. Someone somehow will find a way to break/bend the rules.


Well-Known Member
look maulder! the speed of light is 186,300 miles per second and can only be maintained in a complete vaccume , there goes your gravity/anti gravity theory, because in space only the "ship" and not whats inside would be in the vaccume, whats inside would just be a liquid splat on the back wall when it first took off, because its not actually in a vaccume,.... furthermore if it were possible to accelerate an organic form to the speed of light, upon reaching the 186300 mps mark all of the protons and electrons that make it up would be converted to plasma energy or liquid light,... in other words it would become light itself,... and to re constitute your cells, ie heart, liver, kidneys, brain after this conversion is not possible
I see someone didn't pay attention to physics class. We can't create stuff that goes faster than the speed of light in a vacuum. We create things that travel faster than the speed of light in other media all the time. The blue Cherenkov Radiation glow in fission reactors is caused by particles exceeding the speed of light in water, and creating a light shockwave analogous to the sound shockwave that supersonic aircraft produce.


Well-Known Member
I regret to inform you that I do not have any idea on how time travel would work. I simply don't know enough about the topic. However I am incredibly interested in any idea's anyone wants to set forth.


Well-Known Member
Monetary System is a system of forced slavery. I am working to line someone else's pockets so why the hell should they care about me if someone will ALWAYS beable to replace me? Its a flawed system.


Well-Known Member
Monetary System is a system of forced slavery. I am working to line someone else's pockets so why the hell should they care about me if someone will ALWAYS beable to replace me? Its a flawed system.

So if we abolish the monetary system, and now governments all over the world are supporting there populations providing them with jobs, homes, cars, and food what does that make you then? Incapable of providing for yourself, and in complete dependence on the Government. You're no longer a free-standing individual. You're nothing more than property of the state.


Well-Known Member
I don't know what the answer is. That is not for one individual to answer. It takes all people from everywhere to help answer the question. All I know is that the monetary system is wrong and needs to be abolished.


Well-Known Member
I don't know what the answer is. That is not for one individual to answer. It takes all people from everywhere to help answer the question. All I know is that the monetary system is wrong and needs to be abolished.
Capitalistic Revolution!


Well-Known Member
I see someone didn't pay attention to physics class. We can't create stuff that goes faster than the speed of light in a vacuum. We create things that travel faster than the speed of light in other media all the time. The blue Cherenkov Radiation glow in fission reactors is caused by particles exceeding the speed of light in water, and creating a light shockwave analogous to the sound shockwave that supersonic aircraft produce.
no youre not paying attention,.. hes talking about a person going faster than the speed of light and so am i,.. he refered to it being in some sort of ship,.. i just refered to a person ie organic material,..
he said to put a person, in a ship and have the ship travel through the vaccume of space and maintain a non vaccume component inside the ship
we're not talking about some particals or what have you,.. we're talking about a person ie organic material,.. and i dont think anybody in your phisics class, if you ever went to one, can show that organic material has ever been accelerated to the speed of light, much less done so and been recovered intact!