Idea For 1 Bucket Under Current System (Photoshop BluePrint PICS!!)

Hi Rollitup so last night i was so bored and stoned and looking at hydro systems on the internet such as Under Current System and every signal Under Current System I seen has a ton of buckets so me being broad/stoned and the graphic designer I am I opened up photoshop and decided to make my own 1 bucket Under Current System not to say that this will even work since the water travels up but it was worth a shot its not like I'm ganna make it ever unless u guys all think its kick ass lol so any one got any insight on this.

P.S. The pic below is alittle fuzzy cuz after i was done making it i realized that it was on a really small canvas so i had to blow it up alittle with made it fuzzy.

so ya another forum i posted on put this witch i never knew cuz i have never done hydro:

Moving the water does nothing here. The reason you move it in a multiple bucket system is to keep the EC and pH the same.

They make single bucket setups at CCH2O, basically a bucket with an airstone is all that's required.
yep :) The whole point of an UC system is to make it less work to maintain
multiple plants, while simultaneously giving each plant it's own netpot, and
eliminating root competition.

With only one bucket, all it needs is air, and nutrients.


You're basically just adding a res. You wouldn't need a return pump though, you would need to pump it up to the bucket and and then have some sort of adjustable flow valve on the return because gravity would just siphon it all out into the res underneath it before the pump could fill it. This is the reason UC buckets and res all need to be fairly level.