I would like to apply for the position of co-Lord assisting the Lord Nevaeh


Well-Known Member
you think me and brother critical are just joking around ...well you'd be right but we've only learnt that from your writtings Lord......

we really serious George you just need to be more Lordy to strenghen our belief in you :)

ok buddy ;)
I admit that I am not the best Lord.

I am not looking for followers in real life, because I don't want to be a cult leader.

I am just Me. I have problems like everyone else.

I need to eat, sleep, poop, pee, etc.. I am 100% human.

I can't do anything supernatural; but who can do something supernarural?

I can't perform miracles, like many people would expect from Christ.

I am just looking to help people, animals, and the world in general.

I believe that I am a wonderful person, but I can only do things that people can do. For example, I can't walk on water, turn water into wine, bring the dead back to life, feed many people with just a couple fish and some bread, I can't heal people, etc..

I am not Jesus.

But, I am willing to bet My Life that even Jesus couldn't perform miracles or do anything supernatural. That is all myths.

No, I am not the best Lord.

I didn't even answer your questions on time, you got upset with Me. I am sorry.

But, I still believe that I am the Christ. Even though I am just an average person in most respects.

I have witnesses My evidence, and I have tried to share My evidence to the world. I believe that My evidence is cogent.

Forgive Me for being Myself: I am not a perfect person.




Well-Known Member
ok brother hurtical i see whats happing here.......WERE BEING POSSESED BY THE DEVIL (not me i add )
I was possessed the other night after a week long meth binge and a psychosis where I was convinced that this slut was a drug lord, I was getting a 'coded' warning and the car I just bought was stolen. then I had a sleep and the devil went away


Well-Known Member
hey mate he said I prob get a community order for criminal damage. which is nothing really. start saving buddy come and fly to aus :)
So, what does that mean?

Do you need to do community service? or what?

Anyways, I am glad that you are not going to prison, that would suck bad.

To be veridical, I don't believe I will be able to visit you until I move to My house in Maine, and get a few grows completed.

That might take a couple of years, I will be like 31 or 32 years old by then, a real old goat, lol.

It just gives us that much more time to plan for the trip. And maybe, if you want, you can visit Me in My house in Maine, and do some squirrel hunting, fishing, dirtbike riding, mountain climbing, drinking at the bars, etc..

I wish I could move back to My house right now, and grow some herb, but I wouldn't be able to pay the bills right now.

I plan on moving to My house when My brother gets off of probation, because he can't leave the state on his probation. I will be able to pay the bills if I am splitting all the bills in half, plus I plan on saving up a few thousand dollars too.

Just try and stay out of trouble, because I want to visit you when I have the money.

Its all good, brother.
