I Wonder...


Active Member
This may sound stupid but what if dealers put nicotine in their marijuana to make people come back. Possible?


Well-Known Member
not possible, weed doesnt need nicotine to make people come back to it. it sells it self fine.


Well-Known Member
i would know that my bud is giving me a nicotine buzz and il be like fuckit im jsut gonna buy a pack of marlboro 27's instead
weed doesnt need nicotine to make people continue to buy it, its perfect just the way it is (unless its schwag, then forget about it)


Well-Known Member
fuck that shit. though I've heard of people mixing menthol tobacco in their joints/blunts to help them inhale deeper.


Active Member
nicotine is a highly dangerous chemical in liquid form, one drop could potentially kill you, so i dont think dealers would go through the trouble to attain and use nicotine for their weed. They should just find some chronic to sell and they'll have regular repeat customers.