I won the attitude pyramid seeds promo!!!!


Well-Known Member
yeh thats what i thought they were gonna send. it would make sence for a seedbank to send seeds as a prize. not papers and tobacco flavoring.

oh have you tried that tobacco flavoring? i tried something similiar, it actually wasnt that bad. i put it ontop of my bowls though when i would smoke reg's.

lol yeah but its free so im grateful for what i got, the clear papers were cool.

I did try the flavoring and it was ok but it was lemon-lime and i never really liked that flavor, if it was watermelon itd be a different story ;) haha not bad tho i guess

Michael Sparks

Active Member
wait! you sent them this pic and won shit!? lolz i haven't seen this pic in awhile looks like some cats have been thrown in since then lol nicee