I Was Wondering How To Create A Reliable Mother Plant.


As the title suggests, I was hoping to know how to create a reliable mother plant. I currently have femenized seeds, but I know that there is a risk for hemaphrodites.
I know that mother plants have to be in the veg stage, so I thought that the best way to get a reliable mother would be to flower the femenized seeds, then choose the best plant that exhibited the most desirable phenos, and that was def not a hermy. Then, revert the plant back into veg, wait 2 weeks, and take clones from there. I think this is the most logical way, but if not someone tell me a better way. I am just too paranoid to pick a vegging plant and hope its not a hermy, without knowing first.



Well-Known Member
Hermies are usually the result of stress (light especially) SO if anything you would want to choose a plant at the end of the VEG cycle that looked the best and put it as a mother.

Or you could take clones from all at the end of the veg cycle and then put all the clones into vegging, then when you are done flowering the orginals you can choose the best and have the clone of that one become your mother (and then go ahead and flower the rest or keep two/3 mothers if you wish)

I would probably do the second method.
OK, that makes sense. Could re-vegging potentially cause the plant to become a herm? That does seem like quite a lot of stress to put on a flowering plant.


Well-Known Member
Yep, take labelled clones before flowering, then when you pick your favourite plant after harvest, you will already have a copy. This way, you won't have to reveg anything.