i think its female ??? (pics)


Yeh id say its abit too early to tell give it a week and post some more photos, looks good and healthy tho keep me posted on your grow.


Well-Known Member
Well it's too early to tell really. But then again the last 2 pictures you posted are really blurry, but they are the right angles where you're going to see the pre-flowers. Give it a week or two and then post some new pics. Take a look at the pics I attached and if you got some pre-flowers maybe you can identify them easier.



Well-Known Member
still real early...but from my experience it looks like the very early signs of a girl..but u never know cause its not develped or shown preflowers yet.. if ur were to take a cutting off of it..it can be small less than 4in..and put it in a cup of water in the dark ..itll show sex w/ in the week


Active Member
yeah I think you are seeing the stipules and confusing them with pistils.
Both male and female plants have stipules


Well-Known Member
nope...im not confusing anything stop guessing how i come up with my conclusion..did i say i wuz lookn at pistals ..thats jsut my guess and thats wut the op wanted..so he can post the results in awhile , and i might be right or wrong.. but im leaning on right son

males stetch at this point in veg..and appear to have longer node spacing..so they can get high above the female canopy to release there nut over ur crop.. and as i said previously u can remove a lower branch ie a cutting and put it in a glass of water..run it in ur room but pull in2 darkness for 12 hrs daily, and it will show sex w/out rooting fairly quick..hope this helps.