I Think I'm Growing Ducttape. CFL, Rubbermaid & Bagseed


Well-Known Member
whats up RIU! This is my second go at a grow. My first grow went perfect up until i was nice to a friend and nursed his raggedy ass plant back to health and got spidermites in the process. :finger: So now ive got myself a whole new scheme and I plan a rubbermaid grow with a handful of "mids-highs" bagseed. The stuff we get is pretty straight as far as a long lasting high goes, and i personally believe that it is the growers' responsibility to make a good plant. Not JUST genetics.(no diss to any geneticists, im just broke.:blsmoke:) With that said, I've got fifteen party cups in a dual rubbermaid cab built BLUE_ADEPT style(there, i cited it... Off Ma Nutz!) I'll be vegging for two weeks, then switching into flower as I am using SeeMoreBuds' schedule. I know I will loose half of the cups to sexing, so i assume ill end up with between 5-7 females. I guess i will have to sog or scrog but i'm not sure because this is my first go at a serious grow, this isnt a grow to feed a habit. I am a grower trying to satiate an addiction. I LOVE growing& I WILL do this as a profession in some way or another:clap::clap::clap:. anyway... ill keep it short, or long its my thread. but ill wrap up this post so youze can see pictures and hear me complain cuz im new to perpetual grows...


Well-Known Member
So ive got a dual cab rubbermaid setup, wrapped up in emergency blankets and obviously you can see why i think im growing ducttape. that shits everywhere. the pix have 6 lights, but i pulled out the middle two warmer bulbs due to heat issues, which I'm still having.. seriously, hot as shit. I grabbed a 8 inch desk fan with a clippy-thingy and threw it in there. im still running about 83F (28-29C) on a good day and its starting to piss me off. Im on day four since seeds cracked, and tomorrow, ill remove all cups that dont have a sensible sprout for space and management issues. Two passive intakes on the sides of the bottom box, and a hole in the top for active outtake(?) that ill put a fan in once i raise the lights. this is the first set of pix as i was making sure the setup process could be seen for all you DIY'ers out there. next post finished cab.


Well-Known Member
ok, lots o pix!:blsmoke: this is days one through four seedwise. water is simple brita filtered water. I will start using fox farm nutes next calendar week. this is the light setup, minus the two beige colored ones. and im using a lidocaine needle base for watering while theyre still babies. usually two doses @12 ml per dose. more pix yet again next time.


Well-Known Member
i dont understand hydro, thats why i didnt do it. plus im not one to mix water and electricity. im not that good at math. as far as price went, the containers were $8@ wal mart. the emergency blknts were $3, then add in party cups, one bag of crappy ass miracle grow soil (because there arent any hydro shops around here for me to loiter around. i might transplant into foxfarm by flower) and a fan that i havent taken a pic of yet. kinda hopin i get more replies.... and uh hey guy, look int the 101 already answered q's in the newbie thread. anything i missed?


Well-Known Member
nobody? i wanted this to turn into a journal. ill still be posting pix. kinda bummed nobody has no questions or advice...


Active Member
nobody? i wanted this to turn into a journal. ill still be posting pix. kinda bummed nobody has no questions or advice...
get use to it bro lol i've been replying to my own thread not really much feed back o'well i'll use my thread as a photo gallery so when i harvest i'll have pictures of the process haha..


Well I'm not one to give any advice, since I've pretty much just been a lurker on the forums, but I guess I could give a little feedback on your setup. If your still having the heat issues, you could possibly add an intake fan along with an exhaust fan. I'm sure with the small enclosure that you've got you could use two pc fans, and that would help with the cooling as well as the air circulation. But you probably already thought of this, but just figured I'd try and help out. If you haven't added a second fan maybe put the intake fan toward the bottom of the enclosure and the exhaust fan at the top since heat rises.


Well-Known Member
crap on a stick. i was hoping i wasn't gonna have to do any more ventilation work, the space is tight and i get frustrated easily. but oh well, i guess i need a computer fan. no comp shop close, so either wal-mart or radio shack. spoot! anyway, heres the book im using and the most recent pix. i added another light bar and im down to 10 plants till flower phase, which is another 10 days. hoping i loose no more than 5 to sexing, then its cloning and lst!


Active Member
The only advice I can give is I've heard emergency blankets create alot of heat!? Seedlings are looking good!! Keep it up!!


Well-Known Member
yeah man its lookin pretty good! If you want even more space you could always stack two rubbermaids on top of eachother. as for heat i agree with smokey, the blankets could be the cause.


Well-Known Member
im gonna pull the emergency blankets out and make a diy reflector outta them. like the light they reflect, not so keen on the heat. glad you guys stopped in. thanks! stay tuned, more comin!


Well-Known Member
so i pulled out the mylar around the sides, and instead fashioned a diy ballast outta a cereal box and the mylar. ill post a pic of it later. lights just went out and im hungry as hell. post tomorrow with new temps and pix of the new reflectors.


Well-Known Member
how to build a $6 cfl reflector!:blsmoke: items necessary:emergency blankets, cereal box, stencil adhesive, Jay-Z's the Black Album.(pic 5)
1: cut top and bottom lids off of box.(pic 3)
2: cut box up middle longways to make two pieces(pic 1)
3:use stencil adhesive to coat entire surface of inside box(pics 2&4)
4:lay box on flat surface sticky side up and lay on section of emergency blanket.
5: Cut out holes for light fixture, AFTER mylar is already on. (found that out the hard way, 3 guesses why...:eyesmoke:)
there ya go! now rep me for my genius!:bigjoint::bigjoint::bigjoint:(pic 6)


Well-Known Member
these are the two most recent photos i took today. the solo shot has been a big grower since germination. fastest germ time, longest taproot, first to break soil, biggest babie!!! (1 euro sez it's a boy, lolz:lol:) other than that, im on day 10. about 6 more days till flower, im trying to make this a quick grow then start another for a perpetual.... herp derp, comment!


Active Member
Looks good, I feel like I'm overdoing my plants. I have 282 watts for 2 plants 0_o seems you have way less for more plants 0_o


Well-Known Member
while that does seem a bit heavy, im probably not utilizing the light i have fully, but due to temperature and monetary concerns, i shall be keeping my lights as they are. ive seen a plant yield over an ounce with only three cfl bulbs from start to finish, so im not too worried.ive started using ph'ed water(6.5-6.8: baking soda and apple cider vinegar) on the cups, as well as pouring a little bit into the tray underneath then for them to suck up after i leave, kinda making them work for their supper. i also periodically knock them back and forth with my index finger to create a little "natural resistance" to strengthen up their main stalks and make them resilient.