i think i might know what's wrong but help is needed....


Well-Known Member
These r pics of my great white shark I'm finding some spots and yellowing on my leaves i think i found out what the problem is but ill take all the help possible...


Well-Known Member
Ok... I'm in my veg period the temps are steady @ 82 I'm trying to lower that... I'm using floranova nutes liquid karma. And I'm feeding till i see some runoff and i don't know the pot size sorry... Their normal size flower pots if that helps any


Well-Known Member
if your giving it over 1/4 the recommended drop it to 1/4 nuet flush it and id get me some bone and blood meal


need m0re nutes if ur in veg it seems 0r it c0uld b a min0r diffiency 0r even a lil h0t sp0t if u mist ur plants 0r get water 0n them when the lights are 0n it will act as a magnifier and burn ur plants that is y its best t0 mist ur plants right bef0re u turn the lights 0ff and have a fan bl0wing 0n them at all times..

dnt be afraid t0 like and rep+


im0 he asked f0r advice and thats wat was given n00ne made a big deal saying they l00k shitty 0r anything just giving friendly advice and im0 a castastr0phy can happen very fast if things arent taking care 0ff s0 thumbs up f0r asking...just watch it carefully and h0pefully d0esnt turn int0 anything seri0us


Well-Known Member
i thought cal/mag problems didnt really start happening til 12/12 thats when i seen the first sight of mine going on like week4 anyways you take a tbsp or 2 of each and sprinkle on the soil b4 water and the bone and blood meal gives the plant P and N


Well-Known Member
I do mist when the lights r on... Well i guess ill have to stop that and won't more nutes burn it?
need m0re nutes if ur in veg it seems 0r it c0uld b a min0r diffiency 0r even a lil h0t sp0t if u mist ur plants 0r get water 0n them when the lights are 0n it will act as a magnifier and burn ur plants that is y its best t0 mist ur plants right bef0re u turn the lights 0ff and have a fan bl0wing 0n them at all times..

dnt be afraid t0 like and rep+


Well-Known Member
Ok thanks for the info bro ill grab some of that while I'm getting the cal/mag
i thought cal/mag problems didnt really start happening til 12/12 thats when i seen the first sight of mine going on like week4 anyways you take a tbsp or 2 of each and sprinkle on the soil b4 water and the bone and blood meal gives the plant P and N


misting while my lights was on did nothing to them but made em happier
well i f0und that s0me wh0 use cfl and have the lights very cl0se t0 them if u mist t0 much the water will burn int0 ur leaves making little burn marks that c0uld make it seem like nute deff


I do mist when the lights r on... Well i guess ill have to stop that and won't more nutes burn it?

n0 it depends 0n h0w much nutes u have in it already plants that dnt have en0ugh nutes will wilt and leaves will start t0 turn yell0w it c0uld be a fact0r 0f many things p0ssibly a mag/cal defficency being that it d0esnt appear t0 be t0 seri0us just keep a eye 0n it and if u need m0re inf0 were all here at RIU t0 help n0t criticize..