I think I just killed my Plants


Active Member
They are about 2 weeks old, so I decided to transplant them to 2 gallon containers.

They were in red beer pong cups before. I cut a line up the cups and did the transplant horrible. As the soil broke as I try to remove the plant from the cuts, I can tell that the roots are being rip off.

Are these plants pretty much done for?

I also have watering question. In the Beer Pong cups I watered the plants every 2-3 days with 1/2cup of water. That was enough to soak up the entire cup and a lot drained out.

In the 2 gallon container how am I suppose to water? Keep watering until water drains out? or continue with 1/2cup water?


Well-Known Member
water till you have 10% runoff or just til water is running out freely from the drain holes

if your under an hid rais it up real high for 2 days so the plant can recover from the transplant or put it under cfl's

it should servive might slow growth until the roots are repaird


Well-Known Member
Put them back in the smaller cups. If the soil is falling out, they were not ready for transplant. Wait until your roots grow to the bottom of the cup them up the sides. When do you transplant to the bigger pot, you will need to water less often at first until the roots grow even more. Good luck.


Active Member
Put them back in the smaller cups. If the soil is falling out, they were not ready for transplant. Wait until your roots grow to the bottom of the cup them up the sides. When do you transplant to the bigger pot, you will need to water less often at first until the roots grow even more. Good luck.
Someone just told me in the Newbie forum to transplant at two weeks or the roots would be stun.

So what should I do now? Keep them in the bigger pots or transplant them again?


Well-Known Member
Someone just told me in the Newbie forum to transplant at two weeks or the roots would be stun.

So what should I do now? Keep them in the bigger pots or transplant them again?
keep them in the bigger pots

ya keep movin em around and you will kill them

i never transplant just grow em in the pot they are gonna live in