I think I found an answer to Vomiting and Stomach Pain....if you suffer, read this!!!


Active Member
This is a bit long, but take the time to read it. I would love to help others if i can.

I am a white, 42 year old man that has had a love affair with grass for most my entire life. (just for your information)

I have been battling these symptoms for ten (10) years. I have been diagnosed with everything from gastroenteritis to malfunctioning Stomach sphincter to Psycho Semitic (which basically means it was in my head??? Doctors are douches sometimes) and finally Hyperparathyroidism. I even had two parathyroid glands removed.

I also spent an entire month at the Mayo Clinic getting worked up by panels of doctors. That is actually where I first heard about Marijuana having some negative effects on some smokers. Of course I thought that Doctor was clearly disturbed and had no business being a doctor.

I have been smoking marijuana since I was twelve years old and I love it. I hardly drink and simply found it hard to believe that something that has been used for thousands of years without anyone seemingly ever reporting these type of symptoms could suddenly exist. Why the hell was I so lucky to spend the years I have, wasting away in a bathroom puking and feeling pretty horrible. The E.R's started to think I was just a junkie trying to get drugs (like I want to spend a thousand dollars on a needle in my arm and a completely chemical sense of lethargy when I could spend a fiftieth of that to smoke a bowl)

The humiliation of having an emergency room doctor questioning my motives instead of helping me with my pain was surprisingly hurtful and frustrating. These episodes became nearly an every day thing for me. They would start in the morning (usually during a bowel movement). I would be sitting on the toilet and my stomach would cramp up, my mouth would run with saliva and eventually I would start throwing up. I would run to the bathroom about 10 to 20 times a day and retch about 20 times per bathroom visit. If there was nothing to throw up I would simply dry heave air and different colors of foam.....it was gross.

Needless to say I lost a lot of weight from all that exercise so I started looking sick as well. I am normally 190lbs (at the time this all started I was 206) and by the time I had my Parathyroid surgery I weighed 130lbs and looked like pictures of Holocaust survivors. I seriously thought I was dying and had actually come to peace with that thought. I accepted I was dying. Needless to say that type of thinking was a source of profound strength, because I didn't want to die.

After the surgery I got better. I hadn't realized until just recently that I was not smoking grass during that time as I didn't have the money to spare. A few months went by and I started smoking again and the attacks returned. I still refused to believe that grass could have any hurtful effects on me. How could it? It was being legalized medically around the country and had been used to stop nausea for patients for years. It just didn't add up.

For the past 5 years I have only been able to afford "Regs" or "Zona" and hadn't had any problems. Of course I would also not be smoking every day and could go weeks between bags of grass so I had no troubles at all during that whole time.

A month ago I was given a couple ounces of "Chronic" as a gift and of course have enjoyed it daily. Then suddenly I found myself starting to fight off the runny saliva and nausea from before as it started getting worse. Two weekends in a row I was in the ER and this past Tuesday I had to be admitted to the hospital because of my incredible discomfort and vomiting. I was just released yesterday (7-10-2014)

By the way, the only drug that stopped it right away was "Dilauden" it hits hard but helps like nothing (even morphine) has ever. Of course its a narcotic and they don't want to just be giving that away and it is one of the drugs that junkies try to get from the E.R. with made up symptoms and generous amounts of acting. (Thanks for ruining it for we who actually suffer by the way...ya jerks).

During my time in the hospital I remembered that doctor at the Mayo Clinic. I was able to do a little research on it and found that now it actually had a name and more studies had been done since last I thought of it. Of course if you ever want to find the truth, you have to be open to it. If you feel everything is a conspiracy and that "The Man" is simply trying to keep grass illegal you will be hard pressed to find out what the hell is causing you such pain and discomfort. And you will be the instrument of your own continued suffering.

I myself was of the mindset that the medical establishment would say anything to keep grass illegal so they could continue to push synthetic drugs and promote pharmaceutical companies, not to mention I didn't agree how W.R. Hearst destroyed the marijuana industry as a favor to himself and his friends interests (those being oil, pharmaceuticals, Synthetics, and a lot of other uses) The point being, I had to struggle in order to be objective about what was happening to me. I had to take what I knew out of the equation. Otherwise any well thought idea would simply be written of by the years of self-indoctrination I had been through. Lets face it, when it comes to the rights of smokers and how they have been criminalized and wrongfully stereotyped over the years, we can be as hardcore as "right-to-lifers" or the "tea party".

I want grass to be legal. I want to smoke it and I do not want anyone to stop it if they don't want to. I am seriously all for it. I am only speaking about this getting sick thing and what I have finally found out.

I have paid close attention to what has been happening to me along with what I ate and what and how much I smoked grass over the years and I have the following observations to offer as they may help other smokers. The only thing that changed was the frequency I smoked and what kind of grass I was smoking.
1) It was only when I was regularly smoking what is called "Chronic" marijuana that these episodes would begin.
2) If I stopped smoking I stopped having episodes
3) If I had never been objective about it, it would simply continue (ten years is enough of a sacrifice to make).

Note.....What I believe?
I believe that grass has gotten much more potent over the years and that is the simple reason why this has never really been an issue in the past. I believe that "Chronic" which is normally a "hydroponic" crop is not the same plant. It is not grown from the soil, so as natural as it is, it is as close to being synthetic as it can be and still be grown. I am sure there are growers that grow it in soil too, but these are normally from clones of the "hydroponic" plants. For some reason these plants cause some of us to react. Not everyone does and I am very happy to hear that as it smells and tastes so good...lol

I am just throwing this out there as a fellow partaker and lover of the weed. If this could help even one person then I would really feel great. I know the effect this has had on me and I can't say how much i wish I had this information to read years ago. I have incurred nearly $200K in medical bills just because of these episodes and will never get out from under it.

If you don't want to stop smoking just change it up and smoke more regs. See what happens. Try to stop and see what happens. Maybe THC tablets are for you (or me), maybe hash or some other form. Just do yourself and your family a favor because believe me, when you are suffering like that and there is no answer, then your loved ones suffer too.

I really hope this helps. I would love to hear it if it does.


I love grass and don't need to hear from any idiots that don't know what they are talking about. If you don't get sick then just be glad, enjoy my jealousy and leave we who suffer alone. The last thing we want is to ruin anything for anyone else. That would be stupid after fighting for smokers rights for the past 30 years. So if you have any insults or need to feel I am trying to hurt Marijuana status then please go screw yourself....and your mother....lol You are only revealing how much of a non-feeling dumb-ass you really are and in that case you should just go get hooked on bath salts or meth.....we do not need you.


Well-Known Member
2 human grade products to check out

PetFlora (soil-based probiotic) and

Zenobite (organic clay)

I take PF daily and use Z whenever I have a cold or g intestinal issues