I think I F-up big time.


Active Member
OK I'm a newbie. This is third grow. First went well. Second must have had a male, or herme got seeds. So a week or so into bloom I thought I had a male and pulled it from the cabinet, no white hairs. Put it in the living room next to a window. I was going to cut up and trash. Now bam its got hairs.:wall: Do males get hairs too? And how much have I messed it up removing it from the cabinet and messing up the light cycle . Can I put it back and she will just take longer? It's been out for three days.


Well-Known Member
need a pic! but if shes got hairs and shes been out for three days, throwing her back into the dark might be a wiser idea than keping her in the light. hopefully, she hasent fucked up too bad. i think it takes awhile of light schedule messups before she goes hermie.


New Member
if it has mostly balls with some hairs...its male dominant and is prolly not worth growin unless u want to pollinate something....if its mostly hairs with a few balls its female dominant and will still produce bud, juss seedy


Active Member
could be a hermie those are always fun I have on in my living room window :D well eather way pics help alot.


Well-Known Member
looks good put in back in you room right before the lights go off, it should be ok just watch it to make sure it doesn't hermie on you.