I support the Tea Agenda:Public Roads, the Military, and government Agencies...

Does anyone else feel that we should not have to pay for public roads? I mean it is an infringement upon our freedom to steal our tax dollars and use them for roads. I also don't think we should have any standing military. Why not go back to the militia system as the Founding Fathers intended? The Teabaggers are right. We can just get our guns and show up when there is a war. And if we need air planes and fighter jets, well we will be able to buy them and then we can have Billy Bob bring his F-14 jet to the mustering in the town square and we can figure our plan of attack. Imagine all the government tax dollars we would save. Not to mention when someone came to take our guns, it would be much harder.

I also want to get rid of traditional useless agencies liek the IRS, FDA, EPA, DEA, FBI, and others. Why even have them when private companies can regulate themselves or do it better for cheaper? Or we don't even need them such as the FDA and EPA. Who likes clean drinking water anyways or safe meat? When enough people die from them the free market will take care of the problem and fear of lawsuits. Imagine privatized FBI ran by Wackenhut security or the Pinkerton detective agency. And even on local levels, we can have the citizens militia patrol the streets and disband the fire departments.

Once all of that useless government waste is gone, our debt will be gone. What do you guys think? :lol:


Well-Known Member
Can we get rid of the Post Office too. They deliver too many bills....also I want the government to stop paying for street lights. We can all just start using flashlights. Saving money for our government is awesome.


Well-Known Member
Awww, isn't that cute.

Greenmaester used "teabagger" again. LOLZ

You're so edgy and original. It's almost like it's several years ago when people were actually using that term. But you keep going girl, maybe you can single-handedly jumpstart it back into prevalence.

And London, the government doesn't PAY for street lights, we do. The gob'ment is just a middle man that takes a cut from the transaction, so they can fund their own existence. And as every good liberal knows, without the government, everyone would be walking around in the dark. ONLY the government is clever enough to put streetlights on streets and they do it for the low, low price of only 5-10 times what it should actually cost. Thats a bargain!!


Well-Known Member
Personally, I like Obama and Congress's plan better:

Government Grid Lock!

Your tax dollars are not spent as high, as we have fallen off the cliff remember?
Everybody except those employed by the Government should be happy with the Grid Lock...
I am...
Ask anyone....
Do you want more laws or less laws?
Simple question... less laws = government grid lock...
The law makers can not come to a conclusion...
That is always music to my ears....


Well-Known Member
The OP must be enamored of the vast government we are all enjoying sooo much....bigger is certainly better, right???

The Lipton squad most certainly is dumb and woefully mistaken in their silly notions.....
Holy macaroni.

Rak on Tur'

Active Member
I'm all for throwing the DEA and FBI in the trash, we don't need redundant government agencies. Add homeland security and TSA to the list as well.
Even if I was gay, what's the big deal? I am comfortable with my sexuality and don't feel threatened by gays. That is why I don't feel the need to make fun of people using the word gay as an insult as I outgrew it after the sixth grade.

Either way, I would like to bring the word Teabagger back as that was their label and I don't care what the mainstream ( lame-stream) media says. Either way I ask why should we pay for public roads or the military? Isn't that socialist?

Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member
Even if I was gay, what's the big deal? I am comfortable with my sexuality and don't feel threatened by gays. That is why I don't feel the need to make fun of people using the word gay as an insult as I outgrew it after the sixth grade.

Either way, I would like to bring the word Teabagger back as that was their label and I don't care what the mainstream ( lame-stream) media says. Either way I ask why should we pay for public roads or the military? Isn't that socialist?
just like most dim witted lefties you fail to recognize the distinction between SOCIETY (cooperation for mutual advantage and security) and SOCIALISM (subservience to the state for the benefit of the Party, apparatchiks and the Dear Leader)

the two words sound similar, and marx ripped of the word Socialism from people who actually wanted to improve society back in the early 20th century, in a deliberate ploy to make his plans seem less crazy.

somebody who believes in Society weighs the costs of a social program against the expected benefits, and if the program turns out to be unsatisfactory he will trash it for something better

somebody who believes in Socialism wants every program possible, with an ever-expanding role for the government in our lives, and once a program is created IT MUST NEVER DIE.

Society's goal is to advance society forward, so everybody gets more of what they want, and has less of the things they do not want example: more slow roasted ham/less being eaten by lions (this is how you can tell which societies are on the right track, and which are not)

Socialism's goal is to reduce human society to the purity of an ant colony with the Master Marxist on top as Der Fuhrer, The Dear Leader, El Presidente For Life, etc... Socialism is not new (despite the claims of marx) it is in fact simply a re-branding of monarchy with different titles and a more convoluted explanation of why one guy gets a dacha on the black sea and the other guy gets a hovel in the shadow of chernobyl reactor #3

your personal inability to recognize that our society is going the WRONG WAY and your insistence of putting labels which you think are clever or demeaning on the opposition marks you out as a simpleton. a jingoist, a bandwagon rider, etc etc etc.

desert dude

Well-Known Member
Even if I was gay, what's the big deal? I am comfortable with my sexuality and don't feel threatened by gays. That is why I don't feel the need to make fun of people using the word gay as an insult as I outgrew it after the sixth grade.

Either way, I would like to bring the word Teabagger back as that was their label and I don't care what the mainstream ( lame-stream) media says. Either way I ask why should we pay for public roads or the military? Isn't that socialist?
Props for using "teabagger" in a complete sentence.
just like most dim witted lefties you fail to recognize the distinction between SOCIETY (cooperation for mutual advantage and security) and SOCIALISM (subservience to the state for the benefit of the Party, apparatchiks and the Dear Leader)

the two words sound similar, and marx ripped of the word Socialism from people who actually wanted to improve society back in the early 20th century, in a deliberate ploy to make his plans seem less crazy.

somebody who believes in Society weighs the costs of a social program against the expected benefits, and if the program turns out to be unsatisfactory he will trash it for something better

somebody who believes in Socialism wants every program possible, with an ever-expanding role for the government in our lives, and once a program is created IT MUST NEVER DIE.

Society's goal is to advance society forward, so everybody gets more of what they want, and has less of the things they do not want example: more slow roasted ham/less being eaten by lions (this is how you can tell which societies are on the right track, and which are not)

Socialism's goal is to reduce human society to the purity of an ant colony with the Master Marxist on top as Der Fuhrer, The Dear Leader, El Presidente For Life, etc... Socialism is not new (despite the claims of marx) it is in fact simply a re-branding of monarchy with different titles and a more convoluted explanation of why one guy gets a dacha on the black sea and the other guy gets a hovel in the shadow of chernobyl reactor #3

your personal inability to recognize that our society is going the WRONG WAY and your insistence of putting labels which you think are clever or demeaning on the opposition marks you out as a simpleton. a jingoist, a bandwagon rider, etc etc etc.
So what is society and what is socialism? And why are public roads society and not socialism? Why are police and fire departments not socialism and part of society? Why isn't healthcare a service that is for society and not socialist while clean water and food is for society and is not socialist?


Well-Known Member
OP doesn't realize roads are payed for through fuel taxes. Its those damned dirty drivers that are paying for the roads.

So eliminating roads will do nothing to eliminate taxes or government spending.

The US Constitution Specifically calls for a Navy and an Army. Militias are considered part of the Federal force first. How do you think they get national guard units over to Iraq/Afghanistan authorized?

Useless agencies? It isn't the agencies that are useless, its the people running them. The FBI creates most of the terrorists, the CIA brings in most of the drugs, .......

Dr Kynes

Well-Known Member
So what is society and what is socialism? And why are public roads society and not socialism? Why are police and fire departments not socialism and part of society? Why isn't healthcare a service that is for society and not socialist while clean water and food is for society and is not socialist?
if i thjought you would actually listen i would esxplain how society, archaic "socialism" (note the little S) and Marxist "Socialism" differ, but you have no real interest in the facts, you wish to once again make the specious claim that marxism is responsible for everything good in the world, and "teabaggers" are just too dumb to recognize your genius.

see if you can match the organizational style with the method of interaction:
A: archaic socialism1: transactions are entered into voluntarily as part of a mutually advantageous arrangement
B: Marxist Socialism2:non-optional conventions which benefit everyone while not harming anyone too greatly
C: society3: transactions are completed at gunpoint for the benefit of the Party Apparatchiks and the privileged few

answers: No peeking!

A: 2 B: 3 C: 1