I suffer from chronic cluster headache's does any one else???????


Active Member
well CK i am glad that audio and light sprectrum do not effect my clusters or me when i have one, i know some migraine sufferer's that have to be in a dark quite room, so they dont feel the nausea it can create, i dont get the nausea with clusters, just pain that is undescribable

FYI i have had a shadow for the last hour.....its starting to annoy me as it's not doing anything, its just there (im sure you will understand)

The Cryptkeeper

Well-Known Member
The pain for me is like get struck in the head, predominantly the right hemisphere, with a pickaxe. Not the most pleasant aspect of my life. X^D Yet an intricate aspect. The aura caused me a good deal of psychological distress when I was young. A good bit of, shall we say, paranoid delusions. But as I got older, and was introduced to our beloved psychotropics, they helped me work these things out and as if by divine intervention, the cessation of Migraines. I do love Tryptamines. :D


Active Member
The pain for me is like get struck in the head, predominantly the right hemisphere, with a pickaxe. Not the most pleasant aspect of my life. X^D Yet an intricate aspect. The aura caused me a good deal of psychological distress when I was young. A good bit of, shall we say, paranoid delusions. But as I got older, and was introduced to our beloved psychotropics, they helped me work these things out and as if by divine intervention, the cessation of Migraines. I do love Tryptamines. :D
so you would be very familiar with Alexander Shulgin and his wife Anne...i have copies of pihkal and tihkal. two bibles for any psychonaught