I smoked and drank when to the takeaway then had TEMPORARY BLINDNESS! help, scared :S


Active Member
Basically, I didn't really smoke that much weed, like 5 bongs and a few Js. I drank 4 cans and 4 shots...

I was pretty fucked. Awesome green.

But then I went to the takeaway and I suddenly felt really faint, got a massive headrush and my eyesight started going out of focus then it just went totally blurry white for like 30 secs. I was absolutely shitting myself... Then I had a fucking panic attack because I thought I was going to die. :shock:

My eyesight started coming back just as my pizza was ready. Thank god. :hump:

But yeah I think I need to check this out with my GP... I think I might have had a stroke. :'(

Anyone else experienced anything similar?


Well-Known Member
If that shit continues to happen I would def get checked out. Did you experience numbness in ur arms?
Are you effing serious? Five bongs, a few J's and 8 drinks?! Man, sorry for laughing but I'm not sure this is a case for a GP! Like the bumper sticker says, 'Take it Easy'. ;)


Well-Known Member
iv had something kinda similar, random but, i was having a shit, you know one of the ones that jus take ages to come out and your straining your ass off, i got up and almost fell flat on my ass, i had to sit back down instantly. Iv never been so close to faining ever. was horrible :\
you might have had a sudden rush of blood away from your head...when blood leaves your head at a higher rate it can cause temporary blindness, headache, nausea, and because of the alcohol in your blood your blood became thinner and it was more easy for you to have this sudden rush.


Active Member
good to know Im not the only one to have that...

I thought I was fuckin dying :?
Its experiences like that that make me think twice about taking the herb.
Then I think: Fuck it, its too good. :L


Active Member
iv had something kinda similar, random but, i was having a shit, you know one of the ones that jus take ages to come out and your straining your ass off, i got up and almost fell flat on my ass, i had to sit back down instantly. Iv never been so close to faining ever. was horrible :\

Lovely... lol


Active Member
If that shit continues to happen I would def get checked out. Did you experience numbness in ur arms?
Its happened once before under weedless circumstances... at 2am... I put it down to tiredness.

nah shit went blurry, i got the shakes, felt hot, went blind, "HOLY SHIT I THINK IM BLIND, OMG OMG OMG OMG"


Well-Known Member
how about not doing drugs like it's a competition? Nobody is handing out trophies don'tcha know?