I Reall want her !


Well-Known Member
It's been 3 years almost 4 now that i LOVE this girl ! But where i come from smokers dont have the best reputations .

So she thinks i ''used'' to smoke , is what i told..

Now we talk once and a while , she now i love her .. but she wont go out with me probably cause of my ''past'' reputation .

What should i do , anyone living the same thing ?

Let me start with what you're doing wrong. You're not with the girl, but you love her.... Life isn't a chick flick and that's not going to win her over at all, to be honest, it probably comes off as sad and pathetic.
You're lying to her. That's not going to win her trust OR her respect, which means you can never really have a meaningful relationship.

Long story short, she knows your interested, for the last 3 years, and won't let you take it any further. You've been friend zoned. You are probably a very dear friend to her, and there is no way she is going to risk that with a relationship. can't really blame her either.
I hate to say this, but there is basically no way you are going to end up with her. Just move on. There is plenty of girls that will want to be with you.

You say you love her, but I doubt it. You're probably young, and haven't been in many relationships. Get out and get a real girlfriend. A girl who wants to be with you. After you have a few real girlfriends you'll appreciate what I'm saying.

Lastly, even though it's a long shot, I'll give you some advice for bagging this girl.
Go out, get another girlfriend (Or even make one up.) and start giving most of your attention to her, when you do hang out with the girl you're posting about, just gush about your new girl. Constantly tell her how awesome she is, and how happy you are with her. Just keep this up and she's going to go crazy wondering why you are all of a sudden over her. When you can tell that she is thoroughly bothered mention how glad you are that you never ended up with her. And thank her profusely for shooting you down so you could end up with the beautiful ray of sun that is now shining on your otherwise desolate life (Seriously, play that shit up BIG TIME) And she could end up trying to get you to like her. And this is exactly where you want her. I know it sounds mean, but trust me, girls eat that shit up. DO NOT then jump to be in a reationship with her. Make her jump through some of the hoops you've been jumping through for 3 years. It will start off with her selfishly trying prove to her self that she is good enough to get you any time she wants.

Make her think she CAN'T. that will drive her wild and human nature will make her want what she can't have. What ever you do DON'T play back into her game.

I know it sounds evil, and deceitful, but that's how it works.

This is really a roll of the dice though. It may work, but keep in mind, you've been going down the wrong road for 3 - 4 years, you have alot of backtracking to do.