I need some Help From a EXperts so plz help me out


Well-Known Member
ec is electrical conductivity, its jsut a variation of ppm , like measuring in ml and cups u know lol metric and imperial , just a different form

hoyl fuck 1.2 ec fromthe tap lol, try putting an airstone in a bucket of water over night see if this goes down .... if not u might have to buy water .... or the RO u wer talking about

u shouldnt mist it doesnt do much and if u foliar feed them u may have to clean ur plants from salt buildup ul see a salty residue on the leaves

i would just wait for clones and do the ebb and flo , much easier lol soils a bitch ... sorry all u soil growers out there... jsut not a fan .... ocne u go hydro u dont go back lol sorry.

light can be a few inches from them , feel if its warm on ur hand a few unches under it its too close for the babies

put it on 18/6

yeah wait till its dry like an inch or 2 and water them pretty good but have good drainage ... maybe put a plate under ur buckets...

also to explain why u shouldnt spray em ..... the water willl bead on ur leaves creating light prisms and will burn ur plant .... ahahah

and when u feed them with those nutes and super thrive use ur nutes at half strength and use super thrive what it sais on the bottle ok hope this helps!!! :P


Well-Known Member
veg stage should be around 200 to start , next week id put it to 400, next week 600 , next week 700 then flower , and put at 700 .... flower alwase startt 700 ... if ur above 700 for veg .. go back down to 700 for flower lol but liston towhat you plant is telling you... do some researchon faq on plant problems and when you see the symptoms you cAN tell what it needs and what you must do ... it takes time to learn everything and im sure ur going to change systems many more times till you find the one thats perfect for you but good choice by joining riu and WELCOME ahahahaha lots of info and useful peopel on here haha