i need help! from michigan!

does anyone have any recommendations for growing outside in michigan right now? how about tents or tarps for rain? also defending against pests? ps this is my first grow! my previous post has pics of the plants currently


Well-Known Member
There is plenty of information here, You posted in the right spot.. On the top right you can see the search bar, just enter in those same keywords. I believe Michigan even has their own outdoor grow thread for this year.. Post in there and Im sure they will be better suited to help you for your local environment. As for the general growing stuff, There is more information here than you have time to take in, So start reading and utilize that search bar to narrow down your focus. Good luck, welcome, and enjoy the season!
There is plenty of information here, You posted in the right spot.. On the top right you can see the search bar, just enter in those same keywords. I believe Michigan even has their own outdoor grow thread for this year.. Post in there and Im sure they will be better suited to help you for your local environment. As for the general growing stuff, There is more information here than you have time to take in, So start reading and utilize that search bar to narrow down your focus. Good luck, welcome, and enjoy the season!
thank you!!