i lost my bowl....


Well-Known Member
I feel your pain man. I had a quarter sittin on my coffee table in a box. I told my friend I barely had any weed (He's a fuckin mooch.) and he kept talkin about how I didn't have any (Except one bowl) So this asshole just hangs around for like, 2 hours, gettin on my nerves. So I finally let him hit my bowl and as soon as I took the bong out of his hand this asshole projectile vomits on my floor. Fuckin gross. I ran to the bathroom, got a towel and told him to clean it up, and as soon as the bowl is gone dude tells me he has to leave. (What a coincedence) After he left I realized my fuckin quarter was gone. That was a couple days ago and it still hasn't resurfaced.


Well-Known Member
lol, your only option now is to systematically go through every single room every single spot/nook/cranny till u find it or wait for luck to return it to you.
last time i did i found $20 and a 1/2 oz i didnt even remember i had. sometimes losing things can be quite beneficial in the long run i guess.


Well-Known Member
i never understood the good cop bad cop thing... i think if both were bad it would get a lot further... i couple good right hands from a couple different people while you stuck strapped to a chair will most of the time get you whatever information your looking for... plus they freak out more when they realize they dont have the safety of the "good cop"... but if i have to choose ill be the good cop.. i think its easier for the good cop to go bad than the bad cop to go good.. bongsmilie
It works like this, the bad cop treats you like shit and degrades you so you feel sub human, and then in contrast the good cop seems like a nice guy who you'd want to tell all your secrets to. Ex.

Good: How are you doing man, need some water?
You: Yeah, thanks
(good cop leaves)
Bad: Alright you slimey little shit, if you don;t fucking tell me everything you know im gonna pull your fucking fingernails out one by one,
(grabs pliers)
(good cop enters)
Good: Hey let's just calm down a bit
(bad cop takes water, pisses in it and throws it on YOU)
you: *cough cough*
Bad:fuck you
(slaps you and leaves)
Good: Okay man, I'm sorry about him, he always has a stick up his ass, know what I mean? Hey I'm sure we can work out some deal if you just tell us what happened.
you: fine, I decapitated all 7 hookers abd they're in my freezer.
Good: See? That wasn't so hard was it?

And thats a rundown of good cop bad cop.
Good luck finding your bowl, slik.


Well-Known Member
any luck slik? have you kinda given up and figure you'll find it eventually or are u still shaking your head saying "what the fuck did i do with that goddamn thing!!!! ARGGGGGG." like i would be doing?

grow space

Well-Known Member
I feel your pain man. I had a quarter sittin on my coffee table in a box. I told my friend I barely had any weed (He's a fuckin mooch.) and he kept talkin about how I didn't have any (Except one bowl) So this asshole just hangs around for like, 2 hours, gettin on my nerves. So I finally let him hit my bowl and as soon as I took the bong out of his hand this asshole projectile vomits on my floor. Fuckin gross. I ran to the bathroom, got a towel and told him to clean it up, and as soon as the bowl is gone dude tells me he has to leave. (What a coincedence) After he left I realized my fuckin quarter was gone. That was a couple days ago and it still hasn't resurfaced.
That my man, just suck heavy-how can u be so weak, and throw up after a good bong:spew: hit:confused::hump:?!


It works like this, the bad cop treats you like shit and degrades you so you feel sub human, and then in contrast the good cop seems like a nice guy who you'd want to tell all your secrets to. Ex.

Good: How are you doing man, need some water?
You: Yeah, thanks
(good cop leaves)
Bad: Alright you slimey little shit, if you don;t fucking tell me everything you know im gonna pull your fucking fingernails out one by one,
(grabs pliers)
(good cop enters)
Good: Hey let's just calm down a bit
(bad cop takes water, pisses in it and throws it on YOU)
you: *cough cough*
Bad:fuck you
(slaps you and leaves)
Good: Okay man, I'm sorry about him, he always has a stick up his ass, know what I mean? Hey I'm sure we can work out some deal if you just tell us what happened.
you: fine, I decapitated all 7 hookers abd they're in my freezer.
Good: See? That wasn't so hard was it?

And thats a rundown of good cop bad cop.
Good luck finding your bowl, slik.

LMAO!!! I lol'd sooo hard when i read that!!!


Well-Known Member
any luck slik? have you kinda given up and figure you'll find it eventually or are u still shaking your head saying "what the fuck did i do with that goddamn thing!!!! ARGGGGGG." like i would be doing?
no luck. and im pretty much waiting for luck while occasionally shaking my head saying, 'what the fuck did i doo with that goddamn thing!'


Active Member
i have lost 500 dollars on 2 occasions in my condo. i know its not a bowl..... but it was my money to pay my mortgage with. ripped the entire place upside down many times. gotta love those stoner moments u put something somewhere for safe keepings so u dont lose it. then when u go to get it u cant remember where u put it. still to this day i have not found the G. one of these days one of these days. i know its gotta be here somewhere i dont really have people over to my place for obvious reasons


Well-Known Member
I'll always have something sitting out in an un-obvious place and say to myself "Oh, I'll never find it if I leave it there." Then I move it to a more obvious place and won't find it for another week. I'll just keep going back to the original place and saying "now fuck, where did I move it to?"


Well-Known Member
I feel your pain man. I had a quarter sittin on my coffee table in a box. I told my friend I barely had any weed (He's a fuckin mooch.) and he kept talkin about how I didn't have any (Except one bowl) So this asshole just hangs around for like, 2 hours, gettin on my nerves. So I finally let him hit my bowl and as soon as I took the bong out of his hand this asshole projectile vomits on my floor. Fuckin gross. I ran to the bathroom, got a towel and told him to clean it up, and as soon as the bowl is gone dude tells me he has to leave. (What a coincedence) After he left I realized my fuckin quarter was gone. That was a couple days ago and it still hasn't resurfaced.
thats rough. that wanker stole ur 1/4!???


Active Member
I feel your pain man. I had a quarter sittin on my coffee table in a box. I told my friend I barely had any weed (He's a fuckin mooch.) and he kept talkin about how I didn't have any (Except one bowl) So this asshole just hangs around for like, 2 hours, gettin on my nerves. So I finally let him hit my bowl and as soon as I took the bong out of his hand this asshole projectile vomits on my floor. Fuckin gross. I ran to the bathroom, got a towel and told him to clean it up, and as soon as the bowl is gone dude tells me he has to leave. (What a coincedence) After he left I realized my fuckin quarter was gone. That was a couple days ago and it still hasn't resurfaced.
I'd tell him to fuck himself and forget he ever knew me. What a douche.


Well-Known Member
Ive seen it before..

Dude took a hit and *cough cough* :spew:

Thank god he didnt get the bowl..it was nasty as hell
i blew hamburger helper after a buddy squeezed a 3-litre bottle bong while i was hitting it. forced so much smoke into my lungs i was afraid to blow it out. but when i did...:spew:


New Member
i lost my pipe which was a gift, then found it a month later, whoohoo i was relieved.. not i cant find my metal postal scale anywhere n that pisses me off cuz ive had that over 15 years already.. i know how u feel


Well-Known Member
I found it!!!!!!!

thanks to all who supported and shared lost goods stories.

i will post pist of the twin pieces soon!


Well-Known Member
Perhaps you missing bowl is a sign saying DONT FUCKING SMOKE UP BEFORE DRIVING YOUR CHILD TO SCHOOL. I like weed as much as the next guy, but seriously dude either learn some responsibility!

EDIT: sorry to come off like an ass but this is the kind of behavior that will keep pot ilegal... Lets say someone had cut you off and you hit them, thankfully no-one was hurt but you all go and get checked out. Even though you werent incapacitated they find thc in your blood work. Now theres charges filed, it makes the news and your fender bender that you didnt even cause is the top story on drug enforcement. Realy man shit like that happens. (yeah yeah counter arguement: traces stay in your system for a long time... but lets say you would have had an extra half second of reaction time if you hadent just toked)