I just saw the most fucked up thing...

Pipe Dream

Well-Known Member
scary shit meh
if aliens do exist, and they do come here sometime, i dont think they would be all that friendly to us

were a pretty violent race
in all honestly if there is aliens visting us they aren't very friendly either. We only try to find other inhabitable planets out of necessity and if they could come here our technology would be no match for them.


Well-Known Member
in all honestly if there is aliens visting us they aren't very friendly either. We only try to find other inhabitable planets out of necessity and if they could come here our technology would be no match for them.


Are you an alien?

If not, please don't speak for them... if so, tell me more!

Just because most think Earthlings find planets out of desperateness does not mean that other universal creatures do.

I'd like to think they finally received the message we sent out back in the 70's.

But like the Southpark episode oh so many moons ago, I'd wager that the government, if visitors came, would ruin any chance of peaceful meeting. Probably by trying to steal their space craft. :wall:

Pipe Dream

Well-Known Member
sorry i meant to add probably didnt think I had to edit it
yeah and the south park episode...exactly we would probably kill it


Well-Known Member
Sad but true... our government is full of greedy bastards and that new PXR-2100U Interstellar Hyperdrive Unit sure is a fancy piece of craftsmanship that any human would love to get their hands on ;)

Don't ask how I know about the PXR-2100U... bongsmilie


Well-Known Member

Im guessing this is what it looked like? This is footage from above toronto.

I also have a link to a person who had reported the same UFO sighting that I had described.(not sure if this was the date, It was years ago, how many? dunno 2-3 so its highly possible.) Its amazing what you can find on the internet..

After looking over alot of the reports and seeing some videos from niagara and other places near. Im convinced the governments got some wild program going on or we are being visited. I know half of these reports on these sites can be someone who saw something that didnt exist, they made up, or were mistaken. But alot of them are consistent with eachother. Keep your eyes peeled. I try to keep my camera with me everywhere.

If you ever encounter them again, snap a pic. From your description if you had one, would have made for some interesting pictures.


Active Member
Ya I'd have to agree it's either government or other worldly, or even both haha. But tonight since it's a nice clear calm night out and since I'm doing nothing tonight I decided to go out and snap some pictures. My sisters gotta nice canon camera I can borrow. I highly doubt anything will be out there but this is the second time I have seen something in that same area so I'm thinking of giving it a go. I just feel so stupid that I did nothing when it stopped.
And a big thanks to everyone for the input and stories. I'm lovin it.