I just got my seeds in the mail...


Well-Known Member
I have wrapped them in wet toilet paper and placed them inside an open plastic bag.

Is there anything else I can do to further the chances of germination? These things were expensive so I want to give myself the best chance possible.


Active Member
Put em in a dark place so no light/heat evaporates excess moisture. Check on em once a day. Make sure the bag is airtight. Possibly put a blanket on em for insulation if needed.


Well-Known Member
Put em in a dark place so no light/heat evaporates excess moisture. Check on em once a day. Make sure the bag is airtight. Possibly put a blanket on em for insulation if needed.
But other people here said to leave the bag open and don't seal it :confused:

where did you order from? whatd ya get
I ordered from high grade seeds.
I got:

13 AK47
13 HGS Mix ("With the HGS Super Mix you get a sweet deal with some of the best marijuana you'll ever smoke! You get 10 super seeds containing a mixture of Black Pearl, Super Bud, Monster Bud, Cluster Bomb, Brainwreck, Avalanche & Purple Cindy! Not individually marked.")

I hope one of those purple cindy seeds germs and ends up being a female, I always wanted to see a purple weed plant =D

Marijuana Seeds - Highest Quality Marijuana Seeds Online


Well-Known Member
Being a 'noobie' my first germination I didn't know any better and just put them under a wet paper towel in a tupperware dish under a light (didn't know they 'needed' dark) even under a fluorescent they germinated in 2-3 days. so if the more experienced say dark is the ONLY way, I must disagree. I have 20 arguments flowering right now who all germinated under a light. But I guess dark can't hurt, right?


Well-Known Member
There are many ways to do it...some say cool dark area, that works great tried it myself....some say put them on your TV or your monitor...that as well works great...just germ'd all my seeds on my monitor. so it' really up to you what to do...either way works great...but with them out all i do is find a dark cup, place them in paper towel and put them in the cup with a plate over top.


Well-Known Member
There are many ways to do it...some say cool dark area, that works great tried it myself....some say put them on your TV or your monitor...that as well works great...just germ'd all my seeds on my monitor. so it' really up to you what to do...either way works great...but with them out all i do is find a dark cup, place them in paper towel and put them in the cup with a plate over top.

The monitor idea sounds good except all my monitors are LCD, same with the TV's

I could do the cable box but that's pretty hot so I dunno


Well-Known Member
definatly do it where a little air can get at them, heat and moistue = rot. now im not saying the other way dont work, cuz ive never done it,but i used moist PTon a plate with a cup over top with a little opening for air circulation and in 12-24 hrs mine sprouted a tap root and that was just a bag seed


Well-Known Member
definatly do it where a little air can get at them, heat and moistue = rot.
As long as you open it a few times a day to let and dont have the monitor on at all times it's fine...like i said i've tried a few methods, and i have had success with all...i just think that...if there gonna germ...they'll germ no matter what.


Well-Known Member
As long as you open it a few times a day to let and dont have the monitor on at all times it's fine...like i said i've tried a few methods, and i have had success with all...i just think that...if there gonna germ...they'll germ no matter what.

Yea that's what I had been reading, I'm going to just take them off the DVD player and put them someplace dark with the bags open. I seem to have good luck when I germ bag seed and don't give it a second thought, these shouldn't be any different. "dont fix it if it aint broken"


Active Member
I put mine in peat pellets in the little plastic greenhouse they come in and put it on top of the hot water heater and all my seeds have germinated. Just a suggestion it works for me.


Well-Known Member
I put mine in peat pellets in the little plastic greenhouse they come in and put it on top of the hot water heater and all my seeds have germinated. Just a suggestion it works for me.
I was thinking about buying some peat pellets but I'm kinda broke ATM so fuck it


Well-Known Member
Awhile back i remember a guy tried to germ a seed in his mouth...he had it in there for about 4 days before he finally lost it...or swallowed it...lol, if i remember correctly...he said it did crack open...but i'm not positive.