i just dont know.......

marie adorno

New Member
hi all im growing bag suprise and tho i dont think ill be growing cannabis cup winners, i dont wanna just kill them. its my first grow and am a little confused about the condition of the leaves. they are about a mth old, under 500w hid mh lamp. soil is 50 % potting soil, 30 % perlite and 10 pumice 10 % peet moss. good drainage. after i placed them in the large pots i fed them 13-6-10 fertilizer...watered it in good pH at 6.8.. this was 3 days ago, and now they have slightly burn tips of the 3 or 4 set. nothing else seen upon inspection. i looked around and kinda got confused in wether its nitrogen, or something else in the soil. should i flush with some clean water? or just let mother nature take over....shes al;ways a good choice......lol. thank you for the advice.


Roger A. Shrubber

Well-Known Member
your soil is probably slightly hot. not the best pics, but from what i can see those don't look too bad.
i'd give them ph'ed water the next time you water, no nutes, then go back to feeding at half strength, working up slowly till your plants seem happy with what they're getting


Well-Known Member
agree with Roger, you should use ph'd water, most Fert's are N-P-K so what your using is 13N-6P-10K, in my opinion a little strong for seedlings but to each their own,

marie adorno

New Member
your soil is probably slightly hot. not the best pics, but from what i can see those don't look too bad.
i'd give them ph'ed water the next time you water, no nutes, then go back to feeding at half strength, working up slowly till your plants seem happy with what they're getting
hot meaning acidic? what is a easier way to pH the water. im starting off with 7.8 and adding 2 cap full distilled vinegar which brings me to around 6.8. then trying to get it to 6.5 or a smidge lower is when things go south reallllly fast.....lol. i wind up with water with shit load vinegar n sodium bicarb........a fizzing mess.thanks again Roger i appreciate the time. peace

marie adorno

New Member
agree with Roger, you should use ph'd water, most Fert's are N-P-K so what your using is 13N-6P-10K, in my opinion a little strong for seedlings but to each their own,
ok see i assumed they were into veg.......xyz seed co said wait round 3 weeks, its been a little more, i figured to just start slow....thank you ScoobyDoo90. appreciate all the time. love the name btw.....peace

Roger A. Shrubber

Well-Known Member
hot meaning too many nutes.
vinegar is not a good choice to ph with. vinegar used to be wine, and it still has living organisms in it. as a matter of fact, they make more vinegar with "mother of vinegar"...which is a bioslime that vinegar will make if you give it a good environment and sufficient food...like in a pot thats being fed nutrients regularly....
just get a bottle of ph up and down. it works, and if you aren't using it at a crazy rate, it'll never hurt your plants


Well-Known Member
If the 50% potting soil has fertilizer/nutrients in it, I probably wouldn't even feed a plant that small unless its a light 'tea'. Convex lower leaves and yellow tips are typical signs of overfeeding nitrogen but your plant being so light have at the same time , makes me think you may be underwatering also?

marie adorno

New Member
If the 50% potting soil has fertilizer/nutrients in it, I probably wouldn't even feed a plant that small unless its a light 'tea'. Convex lower leaves and yellow tips are typical signs of overfeeding nitrogen but your plant being so light have at the same time , makes me think you may be underwatering also?
yea....i dont understand y the seed comp would say to start them in nute free soil....and im not saying im feeding them wine b4 their time.....lol. but i did that n they just didnt seem too bad... then xplanted into that soil.....im cheap but these are bag select seeds so i assume 50%are male ) 0:. and you might be correct in the fact im over watering....i must tell you i have been known to kill spider plants and cactuses (ok cati) lol so i tried to go by if the soil.....but im not realy sure then if im doing that correct also. she is in a 3gal pot n i give her about 12 cups + a shot q 3 days or if the soil seems realy dry from the fans ill give a little on the second eve. i can tell you that not much runs off......probably not enough water. thank you thank you. i appreiate your opinion.

marie adorno

New Member
hot meaning too many nutes.
vinegar is not a good choice to ph with. vinegar used to be wine, and it still has living organisms in it. as a matter of fact, they make more vinegar with "mother of vinegar"...which is a bioslime that vinegar will make if you give it a good environment and sufficient food...like in a pot thats being fed nutrients regularly....
just get a bottle of ph up and down. it works, and if you aren't using it at a crazy rate, it'll never hurt your plants
ok.....understood on both......but and not to be an ass i just aint too sure ....1 you rarely have defiencies, but mostly dependin g on presentation theirs too much.(gen. speaking) and 2 could it be too little water?um they are 4.5 ish weeks old....3-4 in tall i thought that a half solution of a weaker percentage would be ok. when watering they get 12 cups they are in 3 gal pots q 3 days. this is my first grow....when grew tomatoes i threw in time relies fert. water n light thats it.....lol BIG difference

Roger A. Shrubber

Well-Known Member
let a plant get to where its getting ready to wilt...then feel how very light that pot is. you want your pots to get almost that light before you water. you don't want them to actually start wilting, but you want them to be close. water slowly, allowing the soil time to absorb the water, don't just try to force it in or it'll just run through. i'd let them sit in the run off for about 30 minutes, to absorb what they need, then dump the run off and let them start drying out again.
the first two leaves that grow on a plant are called cotyledon leaves. since there are two of them, pot is a dicot. those leaves are basically the "yolk" of the egg/seed, they contain concentrated food for the plants first few days. until those leaves start to yellow and fall off, you don't really need to feed them at all. then i would start them at no more than 150 ppm, and work up from there

marie adorno

New Member
thank you very much Roger A. Shrubber! you left nothing out. i appreciate your time as said b4. i will listen to my plants. i guess this is the reason the seed comp says no nutes till after 3 weeks. i have learned soooo much here