I have to leave for 2 days, what is the best thing to do?

I am leaving town for two days. I have 14 plants on an 18/6 light cycle. I have to leave town tomorrrow about the time the "sun" goes down. Should I just leave the lights on the entire time I am gone? Thanks in advance!:-P


Well-Known Member
Honestly? The best thing to do... is try and make sure you don't have to leave the plants by themselves for that long to begin with.

I understand thing happen in life.. where we have no choice but to go attend to them. However, if that's not the case here.. then you should have thought about this way before you started your grow. ;)

I don't know what to tell ya. IMO, I think they'll be fine.. if its just two days. If your coming back in just two days.. just make sure the plants have been watered.. and double check your light timers and make sure they're in good working order.. and correctly set.. and you and your plants will be just fine.



I just retuirned from Cali from a 5 day trip. My shrubs are on a 12/12 light cycle. They were a little droopy when I got back but perked up after I watered them.


Active Member
I could get away with leaving mine for around four days. It's all about watering for me since I grow in soil. Everything else is automatic.
I meant to mention in my original post that I don't have a timer..I am just going to leave them under the lights and hope for the best.Thanks everyone!