I have a question about roots...


Well-Known Member
Yeah if the leaf is damaged I will take it off, but the ones that looked like someone sucked all the green out I let fall off on their own...they gradually yellow as the plant reabsorbs everything from that leaf and then they fall off on their own...I figure if it wants to eat a leaf every now and then I don't wanna take it...lol. So for that we can easily agree to disagree...I do try to remove any leaves that are blocking buds, but also to just not have very many lower buds at all...I try to stretch all the little under branches parallel to the ground over and over just throughout the day or whatever so they grow out to be part of the canopy..and I usually top and what not as it is vegging along to branch it out a little I mean the plant has 6 colas but like 2 of them are small and then 4 are of a nice size...I am pretty happy with it, just seems like I have a ton of roots for the amount of plant I have...I mean this thing is roots to the very top of the pot...solid...crazy, I think I will get a pretty good yield for time and effort spent...It already has more on it then any other plant I have harvested at one time, and it is only a little over halfway there...
I know I just feel like I am getting a lot of stuff wrong, and this just seems like another thing...Ya know what though. I kind of already had the proof...I have other plants in there without crazy roots, because I am taking leaves and what not off a good bit of the time. Wow...Facepalm! Thanks alot. You are my favorite brainstormer so far Mr. Hollywood.
Yeah if the leaf is damaged I will take it off, but the ones that looked like someone sucked all the green out I let fall off on their own...they gradually yellow as the plant reabsorbs everything from that leaf and then they fall off on their own...I figure if it wants to eat a leaf every now and then I don't wanna take it...lol. So for that we can easily agree to disagree...I do try to remove any leaves that are blocking buds, but also to just not have very many lower buds at all...I try to stretch all the little under branches parallel to the ground over and over just throughout the day or whatever so they grow out to be part of the canopy..and I usually top and what not as it is vegging along to branch it out a little I mean the plant has 6 colas but like 2 of them are small and then 4 are of a nice size...I am pretty happy with it, just seems like I have a ton of roots for the amount of plant I have...I mean this thing is roots to the very top of the pot...solid...crazy, I think I will get a pretty good yield for time and effort spent...It already has more on it then any other plant I have harvested at one time, and it is only a little over halfway there...
I know I just feel like I am getting a lot of stuff wrong, and this just seems like another thing...Ya know what though. I kind of already had the proof...I have other plants in there without crazy roots, because I am taking leaves and what not off a good bit of the time. Wow...Facepalm! Thanks alot. You are my favorite brainstormer so far Mr. Hollywood.
Glad I could help!! To be honest I never thought about the idea that the plant would reabsorb nutrients in a dying leaf and then let it die, I always assumed given it's instinct for survival and it's reactions to heavy pruning that it would be constantly trying to revive the dying leaf. Very interesting idea though, perhaps someone here has some scientific facts proving one or the other? Although of course I'm biased towards my own idea lol, I am extremely interested in finding out and would definitely like to know for sure!


Well-Known Member
Um I think the best example is the Cotyledons or seed leaves...at first the seed leaves are all think and green and then as the plant gets more roots and leaves the cotyledons begin to shrivel until they are all dried out and fall off...it is the plant moving the nutrients stored in the seed leaves to the roots and leaves so it can grow enough to make it's own food...when plants yellow during flower it is because the plant is moving all the nurtients from the lower leaves to feed the buds...So if it is yellowing gradually I let it go ahead and suck the life out of the leaf, but if it is torn, damaged, or burnt I go ahead and take it off. But what you said is totally true. I really should have pruned more all along...then I would have more beneficial plant and less roots as well...I didn't even think about it. I am always taking leaves off of the other strain because I am forever damaging something and it just grows different. This girl just stayed compact and always looked awesome...

Anyway the best way to see what I mean with the Cotyledons and reusing the leaves is to plant a bean...any bean, because the bean part of it of course becomes the cotyledons and you can just watch over days as the bean plant grows it literally looks like the plant is sucking the seed leaves away...and in essence it is. That is what cotyledons are for...they supply the plant with the energy it needs to grow roots and leaves so it can then make and store it's own energy... Anyway thank you very much!