I have a couple questions.


New Member
What would be optimal humidity and temperature for drying? Im really thinking about drying in my grow room because I will have good air exchange, low humidity, and temps Im gonna guess around 65-75 degrees. Anyone think this is a bad idea? Oh, and I'll cover the buds from getting light while drying in there somehow(cause i heard light is not good for drying). So again whats the best humidity and temp range for drying? Thanks!


Active Member
just dry in the grow room it will be fine sorry dont know exact numbers but search around a bit and u can find it on here ;)


Active Member
You got it right buddy. Personally I keep it at around 60%. But I've seen people here do t as low as 40-45%. Keep on, keepin on my friend :joint:


Well-Known Member
Ya, don't let the humidity get down too much, you'll end up with them drying TOO fast.
If memory serves me correct, somewhere around 40-50% should be OK.