I have 600 dollars, need advice

i need to know what to get, im talking about every stage... i need the most bang for my buck. from soil to lights, nutes and so forth... i know the info is on the forums but its all overwhelming.. i just need advice from seasoned growers. size isnt an issue heat kind of is. smell isnt an issue either looking to get about 15 or so going...with the best yeild i can get with the money i have... let me know:peace:


Well-Known Member
Just search around a lot of it is chosen from your own opinion. Plus i saw at least 3 thread such as this one in the last couple days. Type in a question or 2 into the search option you'll get pages upon pages of results.

a mongo frog

Well-Known Member
you need one of those 400 watt tent combo deals. they might have a filter fan set up with that too. might cost 250 bucks. which leaves u with plenty of cash to get nutes and what ever u decide to grow in.

Jack Harer

Well-Known Member
For your soil, I'd go down to one of your local nurseries and get a bag of their "house mix" potting soil, and add about 25% worm castings to that. Don't get the overpriced soil, cuz shipping alone will kill ya. Ask if they carry the Espoma line of organic nutrients. The Espoma BioTone Plus is a great veg nute and can be amended with either Kelp or bone meal for flower. That will save you a ton of cash, and give you great results.


Active Member
do you plan on adding more money into the grow or just 600 from start to finsih?

magnetic ballasts/setups are cheaper,but create more heat,digital are more money,but less heat off their ballasts.

nutes add up quick to lol

i got quoted around 275-300$ for a magnetic 1000watt system with ballast/bulb/hood.
and more for a digital setup...

T5 8bulb 4ft fixtures are around 225-250..cheaper on CL prolly 100-150$
or see if the 4bulb ones work..prolly still be 100$ though used...

clones are 8-20 bucks each

20-30$ for A+B basic nutes,and add more for all those other nutes u will want later
either get a vegging A+B or get the one that can be A+B in veg and flower but with different amounts of feeding..i think floraDuo is that way.and is 15$ for A and 15$ for B

fox farm ocean forest is about 13-16$ a bag from what ive seen..
and u will want some perlite to
20$ for a PH test kit with ph up/down solutions. 25cents for those drop tubes.

might want some hydroton or grow rocks to put at the bottom of the pot for drainage.

either smart pots 3gal or 3gal gro bags.

and when you put your soil in dont pack it down...

best advice is,call every hydro shop near you and let them know you want your first setup and let them know how much you have to spend,but keep in mind the stuff u need to buy that isnt at the hydro store...clones..stuff u need to build your room for light leaks and what not...chains for ur lights..hooks etc..


Active Member
and see which shop will give u the better discount.

before u buy plants,you want to have the temperature/humidity dialed in,...intake/exhaust and oscillating fan.humidifier etc
thanks alot guys, i wanna do it right for my first real grow i have one going now but its ghetto...so when i do the next one i want it done right.


Active Member
oh and when buying good nutes on a budget,look at the back of the nutes that you think are the best,then look at the cheaper ones. and u will see they have the same nutrients just different brand names..

people walk into the hydro shop with CAL*MAG in their mind and wont buy the other product that has cal/mag because it isnt the one everyone says they use or wasnt the one in the hightimes magazine lmao.
the nearest store is like 2 hrs away, i was looking on htgsupply but i didnt know what half the stuff is i have no idea about ballasts and what not im using cfls right now so i dont have to really worry about heat. but i want the better yeild with hps or mh


Well-Known Member
Id Say Save another 400 bucks and you will be ready to start.....What ever amount you think you will need add 300 bucks and thats what you will really need.....
ok checked out htgsupply, they have a complete grow kit that is 1000watt switchable ballast comes with just about everything i think from tent to soil n nutes and grow bags. its like 610 bucks?? has any one else seen this kit??? if so is it a good deal or should i construct my own setup??


Well-Known Member
ya if it a 1000w you better hold out for the air cooled hood.......and set up a proper exhaust system too