I Guess I Never Knew What A Bad Trip Was Until Now :/


Well-Known Member
A few times I tripped before I would get scared and just feel uncomfortable or just cry and forget about it after about 30 seconds(about 99% of the time I was with people, only by myself a couple times at really low doses) but last night, I took 1100mg of dxm, and I have NEVER had a bad trip until then. I was alone in my living room watching tv on my couch when I drank the syrup it was delsym. And it took about an hour and a half, but after awhile, my friend left(He didn't take any and he just wanted to sleep so I told him I would be fine tripping alone and he can go because he was feeling sick). So he leaves, and I'm sitting there and listening to this fever ray cd I just bought(Its kickass by the way :D) and as the music kept getting more intense, my body would too and I started getting scared, it was worse than normal, and Im sure you guys know the feeling of your trip replicating off of a movie or some weird scenario, like thinking your life is like a western movie, and then all your hallucinations would be western.. But that happened to me, but it was like the movie signs :0 And everything was just grey and horror movie like and it felt like something bad was about to happen the WHOLE time, and then I started getting scared of my mind, and I just wanted to get out of it.. Lol, I can't even describe it, but basically, I never went out of body because I was trying to so god damn hard.. it felt like.. I had to get out so I could stop thinking of those bad things is what I thought, and I was scared of myself and I couldn't escape. it blew. then I slept it off. Fml.
dang.. when i do dex its like i get this weird feeling afterwards, days and even weeks later for some reason. i know it is the dex giving me that feeling. almost like a craving or reminder i donno but i dont like it and i havent done dex in a while. ive never had an intense trip like some people have had but ive only done half a bottle at most of delsym. i like the feeling from that. relaxing, sleepy and enhanced weed effects. i feel like if i took more i would just fall asleep. should i try a larger dose?


Well-Known Member
YES. You really should try a higher dose, at really high dosages dxm is the most fun hallucinogen out there sometimes imo.. you don't really feel sick, you more feel like you can't walk at all, but mostly the hallucinations are landscapes in your room, flushing colors, and I guess seeing weird animals.. I would recommend 800mg if you have done it before and can handle psychs.. I mean its normally not TOO much, I normally do around that and I'm fine. It REALLy helps to smoke with it too by the way, also what I have talked to people about and tried a few times, drinking a red bull at your peak will be very awesome. Lol, it just makes about a 30 minutes chunk, the most spoofy exciting stuff ever happen! I saw raddishes popping out of my ground and the roots lcimbing up my walls! Be careful though, like I said I have never freaked out that bad before it was really weird


Well-Known Member
i could have told u it was gonna be bad before u took it. tripping on dex is just stupid. i hope that happens to everyone that takes it so people stop already. if ur gonna trip, take a hallucinogen.


Well-Known Member
One of my worst chemical experiences was from DXM. It is not fun feeling retarded and being unable to move, then getting the spins and sick.I'm not sure whether to blame myself or DXM for my bad experience. I feel it is unfair for me to blame DXM because I have never experienced it in its purest form from a vendor or extraction. There are too many unwanted materials in otc cough medicine that it is stupid to consume in that form. If you are looking for a more positive experience, try cleaner chemicals.

i could have told u it was gonna be bad before u took it. tripping on dex is just stupid. i hope that happens to everyone that takes it so people stop already. if ur gonna trip, take a hallucinogen.
DXM is a hallucinogen, since it offers hallucinations. But just being hallucinogenic doesn't make it psychedelic or an entheogen.


Well-Known Member
yeah, its stupid if you MAKE it stupid.. Really, its just a substance just like any other drug you have taken. What makes dxm so bad anyways? Its really fun, and once you get out of shock which only happens liek the first time I noticed you can walk and are more energetic and its fun. Shit I just downed 300mg about 30minutes ago just because its all I had left, now I gotta wait a month :(

But really, it is fun. Sure acid and shit is better, but dxm is still up there imo


Well-Known Member
i guess its just me. if im gonna drink cough syrup, then it better have codeine in it cause i could eat sum mushrooms and drink sum of that and feel fantastic. ive just come to far into psychedlics to turn back to something like that. but whatever works for u dude.


Active Member
Why don't you try some pills? For instance....Mucinex DM, which has 30mg DxmHbr per pill, and its only cut with guanifenesin which is not toxic. I've heard delsym is not a recommended way of tripping on Dxm. Delsym isnt really dxm anyway, but it provides the same effects ;)


Well-Known Member
Why don't you try some pills? For instance....Mucinex DM, which has 30mg DxmHbr per pill, and its only cut with guanifenesin which is not toxic. I've heard delsym is not a recommended way of tripping on Dxm. Delsym isnt really dxm anyway, but it provides the same effects
No, delsym is dxm polstirex, which is extended release dxm thats the only difference lol But I did mucinex once! I shit my pants that night.. Lmao, I guess guafinessin is a lexative too? But god, I bought one of those zicam cough things a few minutes ago, because I changed my mind, I wanna trip tonight again, but whoa it is different than delsym, its only been about 20 minutes but I sure feel something and its weird! I'm only on 650mg though

Feel kinda like a dumbass for tripping two days in a row on fuckign cough syrup though... Oh well, I've split it into two days the last few months too.. But I really can't type anymore Ill tell you guys how this goes tomorrow :d


Well-Known Member
Delsym is DXM, it just has time release agents added so the trip will not be as intense but will last longer than pure DXM. Also all the binders and other inactive ingredients are what turn me off from it.
DXM should be viewed and respected just as any other drug, and not be belittled because of the image created from the media. It is dissoactive (like ketamine, nitrious, and pcp)with different levels of platueas to explore that can get very intense at high doses.


Well-Known Member
Delsym is DXM, it just has time release agents added so the trip will not be as intense but will last longer than pure DXM. Also all the binders and other inactive ingredients are what turn me off from it.
DXM should be viewed and respected just as any other drug, and not be belittled because of the image created from the media. It is dissoactive (like ketamine, nitrious, and pcp)with different levels of platueas to explore that can get very intense at high doses.
Are the time release agents unhealthy? I thought the polistirex part just meant the coating around each bead of powder, like when you open up the new extended release aderalls or focalines, there is beads, not powder. I think those have polistirex too right? But I have never done pure dxm, just delsym. I really NEED to try pure dxm. I think Im about to drive my ass up to home depot..

But yeah dxm gets REALLY intense at higher plateaus

The Cryptkeeper

Well-Known Member
I love DXM. :D Get yourself a whole bunch of Robitussin, 5FD if you have to, and extract. Binders and other additives are far from good friends. DXM is a lovely drug. Poor mans Ketamine.


Well-Known Member
I love DXM. Get yourself a whole bunch of Robitussin, 5FD if you have to, and extract. Binders and other additives are far from good friends. DXM is a lovely drug. Poor mans Ketamine.
Special D. Lol but delsym is easier to extract because the cold water extractions are MEGA easy, and you'll get the pure dxm polistirex, then you can have extended release pure dxm beads, open a pill, put the beads in there, and trip your balls off for a longer period.. I've been kind of abusing it the past few days, which is pretty bad, but after tonight I think I'm done for awhile, tonight is the special night where I do 1500mg :D me and a friend bought the delsym earlier, I'm gonna try to write shit down through it but if I end up not doing it, its whatever.. Im definitely gonna write a report though and post it on here

But glad someone else loves dxm just as much as I do :D I just love the happiness and weightlessness feeling without being sick feeling :D Like you can actually function throughout the day on low dosages like an opiate or something, feels a lot like opiates too imo


Well-Known Member
I love DXM. :D Get yourself a whole bunch of Robitussin, 5FD if you have to, and extract. Binders and other additives are far from good friends. DXM is a lovely drug. Poor mans Ketamine.
I'd rather be sober.....

although funny little stroy, I had the most visual trip ever on combination of soma's, norco's, alcohol and DXM takin in that order over two hour period. few hours later I vomited and as I fell to the ground into a fetal position(maintianed for remainder of night) the grass shot up hundreds of feet tall gnomes came out of the grass forest surrounded me and the ground broke apart like tiles with lava in between, they took me some were magnificent water falls next to flowing lava, trees and grass as tall as buildings, it was just the most intense thing i've ever experinced and it was incredibly enjoyable, an entirely differnt reality that was incredible.... but in the real world my freinds thought i was dying, i threw up untill there was nothing left in me an continued to dry heave most of the night... when they finally got me up and I attempted to walk, they took me to my truck asked if i was ok I could only mutter "baby steps" as I robo'd off into the sunrise..

thats the only time i ever enjoyed a dxm trip


Well-Known Member
where did the booze come from then hahaha, I was broke that night, all things were supplied for me.... cant belive you remember it, sooo long ago and you didn't go to another diminsion haha thats only reason I remember..

The Cryptkeeper

Well-Known Member
Gnome references. LOL. I prefer it to hit heavier. No Polistrex coating on my lovely molecules...

Dissociatives aren't for most, but they have their psychonautical uses for sure.