i got a marijuana plant problem help plz?


Well-Known Member
I am trying to figure out how to estimate harvest time.

indica 6-8weeks. cool great

+time takes to mature
+stunted from underwatering once while i was on vaca
+stunted bytobacco poisoning
+stunted by high n and low micro

how to determine if plant is completely done and not going to grow anymore.


Well-Known Member
im thinking microscope...

usually people harvest for their pick of high with cloudy and amber.. but if im waiting for it to start growing again when 100% clear how do i know if i killed it?


Well-Known Member
been about 7 weeks... since june 17 went 12/12 and it looks like it needs an other 6weeks on one pheno.

idk what to do.. so lost...
damnit bagseed run


Well-Known Member
im probably just gonna chop this shit...

idk yet though... would it stunt itself for 1-2weeks then start growing again or do they stop growing completely?


Well-Known Member
Harvest time is best determined by watching trichomes for color change.

Take harvest wet weight x 0.25 to guesstimate dry weight.

Not growing, probably too late to salvage much yield.


Well-Known Member
yeah it looks like only 2 or 3 out of the 5 are growing. The one with the yellow shoot still hasnt even gotten frosty because its taken so long to grow...

even flowered em super small...
