I freaked out yesterday!

I went up to check on my girls yesterday and my best looking one was tipped over! This same exact thing happened to me earlier this season to a couple other plants. Well, this girl is starting to flower and she has some very small nuggets starting to form. This is my first grow and I'm very excited to see this grow through to the end. Unlike the others that got dug up early in the season this 1 was only partly dug up. The 5 gal bucket was tipped over and a animal had dug some of the soil out of the pot down to the root ball. I filled the soil back up in the bucket as soon as I found it. The roots still looked intact. Im freaked out about this being my first grow I really don't know what to do. Should I keep her out of direct sun light for a few days? Will this effect my yeild?


Active Member
this happened to me alot earlier in the season.... but i found myne under like an inch of soil next to the hole and i just replanted them and they were fine untill they became breakfast...... so i started using lots of chicken wire

ae86 grower

Well-Known Member
careful with the hair tho, it might get on your buds.. remember they`ll be sticky until you dry your yeild...
Do you think this mishap will effect my girl big time, or do u think she will be okay? Should I keep her in the shade for a few days?

ae86 grower

Well-Known Member
I would not have tripped so bad if it wasn't in flower. Do you think it will effect the yeild?

not really affect the yeild, they can recover fast from stress, could cause hermie or other issues these plants are funny like that, or might not affect them at all....

i`d say your safe tho, if the root ball looked intact and you covered it up when you seen it..

ae86 grower

Well-Known Member
Do you think this mishap will effect my girl big time, or do u think she will be okay? Should I keep her in the shade for a few days?

nah just give her a good drink of water and see in the next couple of days how shes reacting, the plant will tell you whats needed or not, if in doubt throw up a pic and you`ll get answers quick enough
deer used to do this to my grandads roses, he found human hair worked the best, easiest way is get a load from barber/hairdressers and some old tights, make tennis ball size deterents by stuffing hair a couple of good handfuls to the end of the tights then tie a knot, tie another knot 1" from the first knot and stuff hair in again, then knot, knot again etc etc, makes nice little size balls that you can hang around or pop in your pots and stops it from blowing around your plants.


Well-Known Member
I do the same thing.. I even will take a 12 pack of beer while I am working and a lawn chair.. I pee all around my site.. I also have a friend that cuts hair. And she gives me bags of human hair and I spread all around my area.. I know it's nasty but I live in a deer infested area.. I deer laying beds right next my grow just feet away.. But the plants were never harmed.. One thing I do now a days.. Is take spent kitty litter with me and spread that around.. I think animals have a natural sense to stay the fuck away from felines

you should urinate close too them, sounds mad but it might deter the animal...


Active Member
In my experience, animals don't mess much with adult plants...unless you are using organic fertilizers. The smell of fish emulsion, bat/bird guano, blood/bone meal, and just about any fresh organics trigger food investigative instincts that almost always result in digging. Digging animals are not deterred by hair, soap, urine, etc. Plus, the closer the plants are to a water source (pond/creek/lake), the higher the odds of animal related damage.

Agreed that plants can recover quickly. Maybe switch to something fairly odor neutral like worm castings or dry hydro nutrients.


Active Member
you should urinate close too them, sounds mad but it might deter the animal...
if u just piss around em the rain will wash that out, get old towels and piss on em so it hold that smell. also go 2 the barber and as for a sack of hair. dont hang fishing line cuz the deer get antler stuck in it and they bug out and stomp around. u can buy animal repellent from real good gardening centers

ae86 grower

Well-Known Member
whoa.... fishing line...thats harsh i would never recommend anything that could actually hurt an animal, i know you not implying that either buddy just that someone would actually do that....

when really if it matters so much to you that you WOULD do it, just go big or go home and get some wire around them.....


Active Member
It works, I had wire aroun half my plant after I had animal attack and they state away for a while but last night it came back and ate some leaves and the tops off my ones that weren't surrounded by cicero wire ..... It may be expensive but it's reusable and worth it.... Trust me, I'm a doctor.... Not really lol


Well-Known Member
cut four 2 inch holes in the bootom of your buckt the roots will grow threw into the ground and hold up the plant or bury them a few inchs and place rocks around them