I found afids and a spider on my plants help!


I found one afid yesterday and killed it and I found two today, as well as a beige grey round looking spider a bit bigger than a flee. It's leaving webs on the plants and I don't know if it's a spider mite or not. I have found some holes in the leaves, they look like tears or rips not like usual ones I have seen. Does any one know what these rips are, what the spider might be, and how to get rid of it and the afids. Any help would be greatly appriciated thanks
Well the spider was feeding and I asure you it was not on your plant so you can leave him... Even wont hurt to collect a few more and add them to the garden. Now as for the Aphids those guys are just trying to get high like the next man BUT to bad they also are plant killers. Get miracle grow bug killer and lightly spray every now and then. Or you can soak 3 or 4 cigarette buts (after smoked) and soak them in a bottle with warm water for a day then spray your plants with the nicotine water...(take out the buts before spraying) should help out a little..


Active Member
Spiders and lady bugs eat afids. I myself would rather have lady bugs around because spiders kind of give me the willies.

Like the dude above me said, there are alot of chemical ways to get rid of them, but I'd prefer not to take that risk.
I use a regular Neem Oil program. Works great, and I grow in a relative jungle with some serious buggins out to get my babies.
Mix 3 tsp Neem Oil with 1 tsp dish soap and 1 gal of water. The soap is there as an emulsifier.
Spray liberally over all the leaves top and bottom (very important to hit the undersides).
Be careful not to apply in sunlight or other strong lights as the oil droplets act like little magnifying glasses. Make sure you have plenty of dry time before next light. I apply when the lights go off for the night.
Repeat every 2 weeks.
Do some reading about Neem Oil... it's interesting stuff.
There are many good ways to get ride of them and I to don't like chemicals on my babies so if you still need more natural ways let me know... That Neem oil works like a charm or sticky tape around the base of the plant close to the stock not on the plant. Stir the dirt a little every now and then.


ok thanks i think im gonna try the sticky tape cause im pretty sure i have some somewhere. thanks for the advice