I can't sleep!Sleeping on your stomache?Comment PLZ!


Well-Known Member
Its 6:22 am here at the moment,I've been up since about 12:30 pm yesterday.I should be sleeping.I just can't.I've been broke lately and usually I would just smoke a big chop and that would actually do the trick,but right now I can't afford it.Seems like everything is uncomfortable and when I do finally fall asleep i sleep on my stomache.None of the 5 friends i asked said they've ever slept on their stomache? This cycle has been goin on for a while with some occasioal crashes where i sleep somewhat well, but I foresee me being up today until about 8-9am,getting up at like 1pm.


New Member
Try sleeping pills... Sleep MD or unisom works for me most of the time. Also you could try sleeping on the floor.... One night when I couldn't get comfortabe I just got fed up and went on the hard wood floor with a sleeping bag and a few blankets.. and I slept the best I've slept in a while..... Maybe even warm milk will help.


Well-Known Member
I sleep on my stomach, man, some people do, some people don't. Some sleep on their side. I sleep on my back sometimes, though, too, don't think it means much. Could always get drunk or see the doc about ambien. Ambien does the trick pretty well but you wake up hella tired the next day. And if you take it too often you'll start needing it to fall asleep but thats true of almost any sleeping meds. good luck dude, insomnia sucks.


Well-Known Member
everyone sleeps in different positions, i sleep on my stomach 80% of the time, the other 20% is side/back


Well-Known Member
Okay good to hear some poeple that do that as well.I always wonder what i'm doing to my spine though :s not that I'll care for another 20 years so ahh well...


New Member
I think everyone sleeps on their stomach whether they realize it or not... I don't see why you would think there is something wrong with it lol


Well-Known Member
Okay good to hear some poeple that do that as well.I always wonder what i'm doing to my spine though :s not that I'll care for another 20 years so ahh well...
my back kills me, but that's from a football injury in highschool. worst decision of my life was to play highschool football.

String Bean

Active Member
I posted this on another thread and I thought I'd include it here for relaxation and sleeping.
This isn't new but I've found it very helpful.
Get yourself an audio CD of meditation music and sounds (specifically alpha wave oriented).
You could get this over the net or at your local 'crystals and tarot card' type store. My favorite is one I downloaded from Limewire called ocean waves.
When you're feeling a craving to have a drink, toke, hit, snort or generally crabby and uncomfortable, just put your headphones on, turn the volume up and relax in a comfortable piece of furniture.
While you're listening to the music and sounds imagine in your mind, the image of space, the universe, a black hole in the center.
After 20 or 30 minutes of this you will awaken very relaxed like you've just had 8 hours of restful sleep.
Your mind is clear and quite relaxed, ready to go on with the rest of the day.
It's also good to do when you go to bed (even better after a toke) to put you in the right mindset for sleeping.

It's probably the best thing I've found to do if you've had a conflict with spouse/partner/relative/co-worker etc. to completely relieve the emotional upset and it's all natural.
Do it as often as you want.

Warning - there are plenty of self-help companies out there on the net trying to promote this simple thing as a long (and expensive) drawn out program that is the entire cure for everything that ails ya, from heart disease to penile warts !
The reality is, you don't need any program, just the more often you put yourself in an 'Alpha Wave' state of mind, the less stress on your body and mind.

I hope you find this helpful, it has helped me and given me a good degree of control over emotions and cravings...:peace:..Hey Zen Monks swear by it.


Well-Known Member
Maybe you should do what Cal said in the "40 year Old Virgin".

Take 3 Excedrin PM's and see if you can whack off before you fall asleep. :-P


Well-Known Member
I go through severe insomnia. It tends to be in spurts, like 3 months on 3 months off. It sucks, plays a bad roll on my body and mental well being. I can only sleep on my stomach, I don't know why. My doc prescribed Ativan for me, I have been taking it for 15 yrs during my spells. It works...Sleep is so important, you don't realize it until your not doing it...


Well-Known Member
I've been having trouble sleeping lately too. I sleep on my side mostly, sometimes my stomach. I can't sleep on my back, it gives me awful nightmares.

For the last six months, it's been a real problem for me. I used to be able to masturbate a couple times and just nod off. Doesn't work anymore. Then I tried getting high before bed, that worked for a while too. When that stopped working I tried exercise, which didn't work at all. Now I just take three ibprophen PM's before bed, and I'm asleep in an hour. But the back of the bottle says not to take these for more than ten days, and I'm going on for my third week of this, so...
Now what?

String Bean

Active Member
The act of sleeping is your brain shutting down for the night.
Prescription drugs will do a half assed job temporarily, what you need is to find a way to relax your mind to prepare for sleep.
Whether you find this thru meditation, prayer, some kind of chanting ritual,or whatever, once you find what works, it will always work for you.
You wont develop a tolerance to it because it's a mental state of mind.
I have found from listening to meditation/relaxation CD's I can put myself to sleep anytime day or night it's just ZONK straight to sleep.


Active Member
can the meditation involve herbs to... um... "enlighten the mind" bongsmilie:peace:

i actually have had this problem for years and its gotten steadily worse the last few months, and ive even tried meditating (i am pretty spiritual, i meditate fairly often anyway, mostly in the shower) but idk what to do either, no pills for me thank you, usually if i smoke an indica it can help, but i usually stay up though anyway, it sucks.

I think Fight Club got it right "insomnia is like never really being awake or asleep all the time watching late night infomercials about things you dont need" :joint:


Well-Known Member
i always sleep on my stomach. i honestly cant remember the last time i fell aleep and then woke up laying on my back or side.is that weird? i would suggest meditation or reading. really focus on what your doing so that your brain gets a good work out.


Well-Known Member
a LOT of people sleep on their stomachs including me. when i was younger i had severe insomnia and depression the doctor prescribed me rohypnol at the age of 16. bad idea. man i used to take 6 of them a night just for fun. just try to stay healthy, exercise, and maybe try some green tea. exercise is very important. helped me.


Well-Known Member
Yeah make sure you either hit the gym or go for a walk, any exercise. But don't do it before bed, it pumps up your metabolism and you'll never get to sleepZZZZZZZZzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.


Well-Known Member
I got slashed a week or so ago, I usually sleep on my stomach and i can't cus it cause so much pain (thats where the cut is)

Means i'm not getting good nights sleep lately. It's horrible, sleep deprivation is the worst thing in life.

Get yourself some sleeping tablets. :D


New Member
I'm tell you .. Start sleeping on the floor... I've been sleeping on the floor for the past few days and I don't even remember the last time I've felt this rested...It doesn't take me like hours to fall asleep like it did before... I'm about to get rid of my bed and sleep on a mat or somethin ! Or maybe I'll just sleep on the floor actually ... My back is finally feeling better too...